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Extract from the Report of the A. Peace Society. 235

much more happy theme for thanks to God, than the triumphs of the sword. That this could have been done in the present state of public opinion, we do not pretend to say. Christians must cease to kill and destroy each other, before they can expect to make great progress in converting pagans to the religion of the Prince of Peace

Bat the Dey of Algiers is not the only sovereign who has experienced the reverse of fortune. The king, who was the instrument in the hand of God, for his chastisement, has himself been chastised. The rod of God's anger has been broken and cast upon the ground, and Charles X in retirement, may sympathise with the dethroned Dey: they may teach each other how to bear the reverse of fortune, and support each other under their trials.

The fire lighted up in France, has not been confined to her limits, but has spread over Europe. All the foundations are out of place. Ancient systems are fast breaking up. The foundations

The wa

of the great deep are opening. A mighty flood is about to deluge the world, and whether salutary or deadly is yet in the womb of futurity, and we know not what may be brought forth. ters may subside in due time, the earth may be fertilized, and bear abundant harvests of peace, liberty and happiness, or its surface may be swept with the besom of destruction. Some master

spirit from the bottomless pit, may be permitted to ride in the tempest, and direct the storm, and the earth be doomed to be covered with barbarianism, ignorance and slavery-the sediments of war and cursed with a long duration of sterility and wretched


But the signs of the times incline us to happy anticipations.-There is an evident reluctance in the powers of Europe to diaw the sword. The same events which have recently taken place there, had public opinion on the subject of war been the same that it was twenty years ago, would long since have wasted Europe with fire and sword-would have covered it with blood and ashes, and have watered it with tears. There is a constraining power, which keeps back the nations: and, though the young men may sigh for military glory and distinction, the older men who remember the horrors of the last war in Europe, will neutralize that spirit, with their sober wisdom and experience--the heavy burdens still pressing on the neeks of the population, will disincline them to add to their weight, and men have become too wise, willingly to be made counters, for kings to play with for provinces.



State of Orthodoxy at the South.--The following Extract of a Letter lately received from an intelligent correspondent, shows that the state of things amongst the Presbyterians of the South, is similar to that of the Orthodox Congregationalists in NewEngland, except as to justification, on which point, there is, as yet, generally here, an adherance to "Old-fashioned Hopkinsianism.'

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* "I think the way is rapidly preparing for the Introduction of the 'new measures,' so called, at the South. Four days-meetings have now become very general; perhaps universal; and the "anxious seat" is becoming more and more popular.On the other side of the Blue Ridge, the Presbyterians have already had a Camp-meeting.

For a time I was ready to indulge the hope that our Southern clergy were making progress in the knowledge of the truth. It is doubtless so in individual instances; but I have serious apprehensions that it is not generally the case. The distinction between natural and moral ability, is much more generally admitted now than formerly; but it is not the natural ability of Hopkinsianism, nor the moral ability of Hopkinsianism, which is here contended for

The natural ability is, I expect, not many degrees from the self-determining power of Arminianism. Moral ability to do one's duty, generally appears to be something which nothing can communicate save moral suasion, unregenerate doings, and the AWAKENING and CONVINCING influences of the Holy Spirit. Although sinners cannot change their hearts themselves, yet they can easily get the Holy Spirit to do it for them. And therefore they are directed to go to Christ for a new heart. I believe also, that all the clergy in this region, are justified by imputed righteousness.”

The Leaven of Error beginning to work.A correspondent of the New-England (Methodist) Christian Herald, from Newbury, Mass. not long since, gave an account of the preaching of Drs. Beecher and Wisner, at certain four days meetings, and expressed bis approbation of the manner in which they exhibited, or rather concealed, certain unpalatable doctrines.

Upon these communications of a Methodist, the editor of the Vermont Chronicle, remarked (and his remarks was copied with approbation by the editor of the Boston Recorder)—“ The truth appears to be, as nearly as we can judge from reading these articles, that Drs. Beecher and Wisner have found some way of expressing their old doctrines so that this writer, or these writers, cannot misunderstand them.”

A writer in the Boston Telegraph of the 8th inst, over the signature of B. D. R. in the course of remarking upon the above editorial article, asks the following pertinent questions:

"1. When the editors of the Chronicle and Recorder say, that "Drs. Beecher and Wisner have found some way of expressing their old doctrines so that" the Methodists "cannot misunderstand them," do they mean to insinuate that the "old doctrines," of Calvinism, have heretofore been preached by the ministers of this denomination, and even by Drs. B. and W. themselves, so that nobody could "misunderstand them?"

2. Do they (the editors) intend to assert, that the Methodists have intellects obtuse, above all other men-that there is some peculiar structure to their mind, so that doctrines, to come within their comprehension, must be expressed in some peculiar way?And have Drs. B & W. made the important discovery how to bring truth to harmonize with a Methodist mind?

3. Do they mean to tell their readers that there is really no essential difference between the doctrines of Calvinism and the doctrines of Methodism? Do they mean to say, that the reason why Methodists have opposed and vilified Calvinistic doctrines, is that they have misunderstood them?--Was it because Wesley did not understand the doctrines of Calvinism, that he has told the world that he looked upon the "God of the Calvinists as worse than the Devil?" And is it because the disciples of Wesley have not understood the Calvinistic and Bible doctrines of decrees, election, reprobation, and total depravity, disinterested benevolence, &c. that they have always opposed these doctrines, with their whole heart and strength?"

But it seems that not Doctors only, but churches also, are beginning to express their Calvinistic doctrines so as to be understood by Methodists. A church, in this vicinity, recently gathered, whose creed, drawn up by a Hopkinsian, was presented by their young pastor to his ordaining council, as his own belief-have been induced by this pastor, to make very material alterations in their confession of faith. much to the grief of some of its members Whether the Methodists will now understand or misunderstand their creed, it is pretty evident, that they will not understand it as comprising many of the distinguishing doctrines of Calvinism, or much that would give offence to themselves, or any Arminian.


Offences in Churches caused by Intemperance.-The Rev. J. R. Barbour, of Byfield, Mass. by Circular Letters to officers of churches in N. E. and in N. Y., N. J., Penn. and Ohio, has collected and published "startling facts," respecting the inroads of intemperance upon the peace and purity of 449 churches, during the last half century; a summary of which is presented in the following

135 Churches, some of whose Returns embrace a period of 50



Whole number of excommunications

For Intemperance



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118 Churches, whose returns are for 40 years and under.

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112 Churches, whose returns are for 30 years and upwards.

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94 Churches, whose returns are for 20 years, and under.

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The Missionaries Imprisoned!!!--A letter from one of the honored sufferers has been received at the Missionary Rooms, stating that Messrs, Worcester and Butler, Missionaries of the Americau Board, were on their way, with other convicts, to the Georgia Penitentiary! The trial terminated on the 19th ult. we believe, in their conviction; and as the law did not allow the Court any discretion in awarding the punishment, they were sentenced to hard labor in the Penitentiary for four years! We understand, however, that the court were magnanimous enough to insult them by a recommendation to the Executive pardon on condition of their removal from the lands claimed by Georgia. Pardon--for what?--for preaching the Gospel?--for translating the Word of God?--for instructing the ignoraut?-for comforting the afflicted?-for honestly claiming the rights of free speech and of citizenship?-for the conscientious discharge of imperative duty?Pardon! Let the violators of law, the "nullifiers" of constitutions and treaties, the forfeiters of their country's honor, the

tramplers on right and justice and pledged faith, the avaricious robbers of the poor, the inhuman oppressors of the weak, the denouncers and imprisoners of honest patriotism and christian purity. the dealers in gratuitous insult and outrage-let them ask pardon! -Recorder.

Conspiracy in Delaware.-We learn from a gentleman, a resident of Dover, Delaware, who is now in this city, that a few days since a conspiracy was discovered to have been formed among the blacks in the county of Sussex, Del. with the object of revolting and rising against the whites. The day of election was fixed upon as that on which the attempt should be made. Fortunately, however, the plot was discovered, and 24 of the prominent participators in it, were arrested, and are now in the prison of Sussex county. Apprehensions were also entertained for the quiet of Kent county, in the vicinity of Dover. Patrols walk the streets nightly to prevent surprise, and many of the inhabitants continue in a state of much excitement and alarm.--Chr. Mirror.

The Montreal Gazette says 5146 emigrants arrived during one week, at that city.


American Institute of Instruction.--The first annual meeting of this Society commenced in Boston, on Thursday, 25th of August, and closed its sessions on the Tuesday evening next following.The report of the Directors represented the institution as in a flourishing condition, and its prospects encouraging. The number of its members is rapidly increasing as well as its popularity and usefulness. Lectures were delivered on Natural History-Phisical Education-English Grammar-Influence of Academies and High Schools upon Common Schools-the best means of stimulating the student to exertion without the aid of Emulation-Mora! Education Study of Arithmetie-usefulness of Lyceums---the Education of five senses--the Education of the Blind--Female Education--the necessity, and the most practical means of raising the qualifications of teachers of common schools. The lecturers belonged to diff rent States.--Education Reporter.

Periodicals in Connecticut.--The Episcopal Watchman says: "There are 39 periodical publications in this State, 25 of which are political, and 8 religious. Of the whole, 12 are published in this city, 8 in New-Haven, 6 in New-London county, 5 in Fairfield county, 2 in Middlesex county, 1 in Litchfield county, 2 in Tolland county, and 1 in Windham county.

"Methodist Book Concern, N Y.--The number of persons employed in this establishment is 73 men, 47 boys, and 39 females-total 150. The number of printing presses in constant operation is 18, and one proof press; together with a Napier Power Press equal to four, for the printing of the Christian Advocate and Jourmal.

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