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6. semina, i.e. as the fire is struck with flint and steel, the elements of fire seem to be in the flint.

8. rapit, scour for fuel or game. - inventa, etc., find and shrw (§ 292, R.; G. 667, R.; H. 549, 5).

9. arces, i.e. the temple of Apollo is on a hill, its secret shrine (adytum) being the cave of the Sibyl.

10. horrendae, an object of awe as inspired by Apollo. — procul, at a distance, not very far, but merely out of the way. - Sibyllae, see note, Ecl. iv. 4.

12. Delius: Apollo is often so called from his favorite abode at Delos.

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13. Triviae, an epithet of Diana in her three-fold form (iv. 609).

14. Daedalus: of his escape by flight, see Ovid, Met. viii. 183-259. - Minoia regna: not merely Crete, but all the Grecian waters of which Minos had sovereign rule, says Thucydides. Tradition connected the wanderings of Dedalus with Sicily and Sardinia.

17. Chalcidica: Cume was founded from Chalcis in Euboea; compare v. 2.

19. remigium, machinery.

20. Androgei; Androgeos, son of Minos, on account of the envy of the Athenians, was sent by Ægeus to encounter the Marathonian bull, by which he was slain. His death was avenged, and the Athenians were compelled to send yearly seven boys and seven girls to be devoured by the Minotaur. The first two scenes described are at Athens: first the death of Androgeos, then the drawing of lots to determine the victims to be sent, then Pasiphaë, and finally the Labyrinth, with Theseus and Ariadne; all sculptured on the temple. (See Fig. 115.)

21. Cecropidae: Cecrops was the fabulous founder of Athens. 22. ductis (ablative absolute).

23. contra, i.e. on the other door. — mari (abl. of separation).

24. crudelis amor, see Ecl. vi. 46, note: the madness of Pasiphaë was inflicted on her by Venus, as a punishment for revealing her intrigue with Mars.

55. biformis, half man and half bull.

27. labor ille, the Labyrinth, which it was Dædalus's "task" to build as a place of confinement for the monster. - error, wanderings, in its original sense.

28. magnum reginae amorem, the great love of the princess, i.e. that of Ariadne for Theseus.

29. ipse resolvit: the builder of the labyrinth taught the princess how to unravel its mystery by the guiding clue of thread. dolos ambages

que (hendiadys), deceitful windings.

30. caeca, dark, i.e. uncertain.

31. sineret dolor, would grief permit (hort. subj., § 310, b; cf. G. 594, 4; H. 484).

32. casus effingere, i.e. to represent Icarus' flight and falling into the Icarian sea, to which he gave his name. (See Fig. 116.)

33. omnia (two syllables).

34. perlegerent, would have continued to peruse (§ 308, a; G. 599, R.; H. 510, N.).

35. sacerdos: the Sibyl is priestess of Apollo, god of augury, and of Trivia or Hecate, goddess of the shades.

38. intacto, untouched by the yoke.

39. praestiterit (§ 311, a; G. 250; H. 485, Ν.1).

40. morantur, delay [to execute] the required rites.

42. antrum: there is now shown at Cumæ, as the cave of the Sibyl, a series of passages cut in the rock (aditus centum). The real cave was destroyed by the Goths (A.D. 553) after a desperate defence against Narses. 43. aditus centum, apparently a hundred passages from the hall of the outer temple to the cave.

45. virgo: the Sibyl is already in the cavern.- - poscere, etc., it is time to seek the oracles from Apollo (§ 270, 6; G. 429, к.3; Н. 538).

47. unus, the same.

48. comptae, well ordered, though probably loose and flowing. mansere, remained unchanged.

49. videri, an infin. used for specification: a Greek construction, developed from the meaning of purpose (§ 273, d; G. 424, R.; H. 533, ii. N.).

50. mortale (cognate accusative). — quando (causal), for she is now inspired by the will of the deity. -iam propiore, nearer and nearer.

[merged small][graphic]

51. cessas, do you hesitate? Supply ire.

52. neque enim ante, etc., for not before will the doors of the inspired abode fly open, i.e. not without vows and prayers.

53. fata (participle).

58. Aeacidae: Achilles was slain by the arrow of Paris, directed by Apollo. - obeuntia, washing, governing terras.

60. Massylum, African (iv. 483). - praetenta = which line: the fields are spread along the shore of the Syrtes.

61. prendimus, we have our grasp on the flecting shores.

62. hac ...tenus: often thus found separate, a relic of the usage before they grew together. fuerit secuta (hortatory subj., § 266; G. 256, 3; H. 483, 2), thus far (and no farther) may the fortune of Troy have pursued us.

64. quibus obstitit = who were jealous of or offended by (strictly, "to whom it was a stumbling block").

66. venturi (§ 293, b; G. 671; H. 549, 4). — da considere, grant that the Trojans settle. - non indebita fatis, due to my destinies: but fatis may be rendered either as dative or ablative.

69. templum: a temple of Apollo was built by Augustus on the Palatine, containing the statue of that god between those of Latona and Diana. 70. festos dies, the ludi Apollinares, established B.C. 212.

71. penetralia, shrine, referring to the reverence paid to the Sibylline books, kept in the care of an illustrious body of priests (lectos viros), the Quindecimviri sacris faciundis, and consulted in times of public emergency.

74. foliis ne manda, see iii. 445-452.

75. ventis (dative of reference).

77. Phoebi nondum patiens, not yet mastered by Phabus; the figure is that of an impatient horse trying to throw his rider. - immanis, wildly. 78. bacchatur, ranges wildly. — si possit, to see if she can.

79. excussisse, for the tense see § 288, d, R.; G. 275; H. 537, N. 2). – fatigat, worries.

80. fingit premendo, trains her by control.

83. defuncte, escaped (having got through with). - periclis, see § 249; G. 405; H. 421, i.

84. terrae graviora, more dreadful perils of the land. -- Lavini, of Lavinium, their future kingdom.


86. non et venisse volent, they shall not be glad to have come, as

88. Simoïs, Xanthus: the former is held to stand for the Tiber, and the latter for the Numicius, where Æneas perished. - non defuerint, shall not be wanting (§ 281, R.; G. 236, R.; Н. 473, 1).

89. alius Achilles, i.e. Turnus, the young king of the Rutuli, whose heroic struggle against Æneas makes the subject of the remaining books. -partus, sprung up (ready) in Latium.

90. et ipse, he too, as well as the other. - addita, assigned= devoted as an enemy.

91. supplex: Æneas is made to go in search of aid to Evander, whose

kingdom is on the Palatine, where was afterwards the site of Rome. 92. oraveris (exclamatory question).

93. coniunx: Lavinia, daughter of king Latinus, Æneas's Italian bride. - iterum, as was the case with Helen.

94. thalami, marriage.

95. ito: the future or second form of the imperative here denotes continuance (§ 269, d; G. 262; II. 487, 2).

96. qua, by whatever way.

97. Graia: Evander, the faithful ally of Æneas, is from Arcadia. ab, from.

100. ea frena, etc., thus Apollo shakes the reins as she raves, and plies the spurs beneath her side (ea = sic, like the common use of adj. for adv.). 105. praecepi, I have learned beforehand (compare anticipo).

107. dicitur, is called. - Acheronte refuso (abl. abs.), where Acheron disgorges : it was the overflow of the river that formed the palus Acherusia.

108. ire, subject of contingat, be it my lot to go. 114. sortem, common lot.

115. quin, nay, more.

117. omnia (cognate acc.): posse constantly takes a neuter accusative. 118. lucis Avernis, the groves of Avernus(v. 131). This is a lake near Cumæ, of volcanic origin. In all this region there remain to this day the sulphurous exhalations and other signs of volcanic action, with which the ancients connected the entrance to the lower world.

119. Manes: the spirits of the dead, conceived as dwelling beneath the earth. For the story of Orpheus, see Georg. iv. 454-527; Ovid. Met. xi. 1-84.-si, i.e. if they could do this, why not I who am also of divine


120. fidibus: notice the quantity of the first i.

121. Pollux, the immortal one of the twin-brothers of Helen. He shared with Castor, in turn, his gift of immortality.

122. viam (cognate accusative).

127. Ditis: Dis or Dis Pater was the king of the under-world, corresponding to the Greek Hades, called also Pluto. His kingdom included the good as well as the bad, so that it does not answer to the modern phrase "Infernal regions."

128. revocare gradum: not that the return is difficult in itself, but that it depends on conditions which not all can attain.

129. hic, học: for gender, see § 195, d; H. 445, 4, a principle often before cited, but this case is a convenient example of it, because the two

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