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here supposed to be given to Venus, as if she too, as the mother of Æneas, were to be made a tutelar deity of Carthage.

105. enim, giving the reason for her answering deceitfully, i.e. she matches craft with craft. simulata mente, with deceitful purpose.

106. averteret (§ 317, b; G. 545, 2; H. 497, ii.), turn aside. The name of the place from which is not expressed.

107. quis...abnuat, who so foolish as to refuse? (§ 268; G. 251; II. 486, ii.).

109. si...sequatur: the conclusion is contained in quis talia, etc., which is equivalent to a statement that Venus would assent in case, etc. quod memoras, which you suggest; for mood see § 340, head-note; G. 631, R.; H. 529, ii. N.', 2).

110. sed... feror, but I am led by the fates, uncertain whether, i.e. I have no will of my own, and it may be that this course is not fated. si... velit (§ 334, f; G. 462, 2; H. 529, ii. 1).

III. Tyriis, etc., see i. 732.

114. excepit, lit, took her up, i.e. answered.

116. confieri (conficio), be established (§ 142, c, end; H. 297, iii. 2). 117. venatum (§ 302; G. 436; H. 546).

119. Titan: the name of the old nature-divinities displaced by the gods of Olympus, applied very appropriately afterwards, to the sun-god especially. - retexerit, shall disclose; compare reclusis, v. 63.

120. his, dat. after infundam, I will pour on them. - grandine (abl. abs.).

121. dum trepidant alae, while the bands [of huntsmen] hurry hither and thither the alae are properly the outriders or "beaters" who drive the game towards the grand battue, as cavalry (the usual meaning of the word) serve as skirmishers in battle. - indagine, closing-up, the process by which the game are hemmed in at the skirts of the wood (from indu, old form of in, and ago).

123. tegentur, will be wrapped or hidden. 125. si mihi certa, i.e. if I can rely on it.

126. This line is supposed to be wrongly inserted here from i. 73.

127. hic hymenaeus erit, here shall be their marriage-rite. Conington gives Hymenaeus, the god of wedlock; the presence of Juno, Venus, and Hymen being supposed needful to make the marriage perfect. - non adversata, not objecting.

128. dolis...repertis (abl. abs.), smiled at her transparent.craft. 130. portis (abl. of separation). - iubare exorto (abl. abs.), when

the sunbeams rose.

131. rara, i.e. with large meshes. (See Figs. 11 and 12, p. 24.)

132. Massyli, i.e. her African attendants. - odora canum_vis = the keen-scented pack of hounds.

133. thalamo cunctantem, delaying in her chamber. — limina, the palace door. The picture is that of a distinguished Roman whose clients and friends await him at the door to escort him to the forum.

135. sonipes = the prancing steed.

137. chlamydem (Gr. acc.): the chlamys was a round cape, fastened by a clasp over the shoulder. (See Fig. 48, p. 89.) - circumdata, with a Tyrian cloak surrounded by an embroidered border.

138. nodantur in aurum = are gathered into a knot with gold.

139. fibula: apparently a gold buckle to her girdle, though no such appears in works of art.

142. agmina iungit, brings the bands together, i.e. his own with the other.

Fig. 92.

143. qualis... Apollo, like Apollo, when he quits the wintry Lycia, etc. Many tales spoke of the journeyings of Apollo, which may have reference to the abode of the summer and winter sun, though the description is purely fanciful and pictorial. One of his abiding-places was among the Hyperboreans of the distant north.

144. maternam, see iii. 75, and note. 145. instaurat, repeats after interruption. 146. fremunt, make a confused noise.

picti, stained with paint,

like the ancient Britons. The Agathyrsi are an Hyperborean people. 147. molli. fingens, shaping his loose locks, he confines them with

the soft garland. - fluentem: the god is represented with long hair. 149. segnior, less briskly.

150. tantum decus, an equal glory (with Apollo). 152. deiectae, driven down.

154. transmittunt ( campos (§ 239, b; G. 330, R.1; H. 376), course the open fields.

157. equo (§ 254, 6; G. 407; H. 416). (For two ancient huntingscenes see Figs. 92 and 93.)

158. pecora, domestic flocks (as he calls them).

159. fulvum, a mere ornamental epithet. In French, wild animals

are called by the general name bétes fauves (fulva).

164. tecta, shelter. - amnes, broad rivers, a descriptive exaggeration: the word is properly applied to navigable streams.

166. pronuba, marriage-goddess (a regular epithet of Juno; cf. note v. 59): but the title is also given to a matron who conducts the bride to the bridal chamber, which function Juno performs here. The special function of Tellus is unknown. The imagery is of ambiguous tokens of marriage: lightnings represent the torches, and the sounds of the tempest the shouts, while the gods of earth and air attend the ceremony.

167. dant signum, apparently as auspices nuptiarum. Originally the omens were taken at a wedding, and in later times persons attended as auspices, using probably some set form of words, though no omens

Fig. 93.

were actually taken. Here Tellus and Juno seem to be conceived as auspices, and to give the signal for the marriage to proceed. At the same time the ceremonies which belong to each of them (the phenomena of the air and the effects of the storm on the earth) are added, in chiastic order. - conscius, a witness.

168. conubiis, dative (§ 234; Н. 400). - ulularunt: referring to the festive cries or song which accompanied the marriage procession, but doubtless here implying also an evil omen. - summo vertice, i.e. of the trees. As ignes refers to the lightning, so ulularunt appears to represent the roaring of the wind in the tree-tops. Some ceremonies of a Roman marriage are represented in Fig. 94.

169. primus (§ 191; G. 324, R.6; H. 443, Ν.1).

170. specie, by appearances.

171. nec iam...amorem, she no longer broods over a secret love : meditari is to dwell upon repeatedly in thought.

172. praetexit, throws a veil over.

173. Fama: compare the description of the House of Fame, Ovid, *vii. 39-63.

[merged small][merged small][graphic]

Fig. 94.

176. primo, at first.

177. parva, etc., cf. II. iv. 442; Bry. 559.

178. ira deorum (objective genitive), in wrath at the gods. The Titans who scaled Olympus were sons of Earth; and when they were cast down to Tartarus, Earth in anger produced the new brood of Giants. Cœus was of the former brood, Enceladus of the latter.

182. subter, beneath (adverb): apparently every feather has an eye (like those of Argus, set in the peacock's tail).

185. stridens, whizzing from the swiftness of her flight. The reference is perhaps to the buzz of rumor.

186. luce, in the daylight.- custos, keeping watch. - territat, i.e. by the consciousness that she is watching them.

188. tam, as often. - ficti (§ 218, b; G. 374; H. 399, ii.). pravi, perverted.

190. facta, etc., truth and falsehood.

192. dignetur (ind. disc.). - iungere (§ 271; G. 424; H. 533).

193. hiemem ... quam longa fovere, are making the whole winter long a time of wantonness. To fondle or pamper the winter is a poetic way of saying to pass the winter in pampering. In fact, the winter is interrupted by the divine message (v. 222). - quam longa (sc. tam longam), as long as it lasts.

195. foeda, baleful.

Fig. 95.

196. Iarban, a king of Libya and suitor of Dido; see v. 213. 198. Hammone, "Jupiter Ammon," the great god of Thebes in Egypt. (See Fig. 95.) Iarbas is here represented as having extended his worship into Libya. Garamantide = Libyan, so called from a nation in the vicinity.




200. vigilem ignem: a fire never suffered to go out was kept on the altar of Ammon.

201. excubias (appos. with ignem): the fires are poetically called watchmen of the temple.

202. solum, limina, perhaps nominative, but by some taken in the same construction as ignem. In either case the whole is to indicate

frequent sacrifices (pingue) and festivals (sertis).

203. animi, probably originally a locative: see § 218, c, R.; G. 374, R.8; II. 399, iii. I.

204. inter numina = in the very presence of the gods, i.e. with their visible forms (statues) about him.

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