note, v. 535). - geminos Triones, the great and little Bear, called Triones, the plough-oxen; whence Septemtriones, the north. 746. mora noctibus, i.e. in winter. - tardis, opposed to properent. Night has its heavenly course as well as day. 747. ingeminant plausu, redouble (with) their applause, i.e. receive the song with continued applause. 748. nec non et, so also, as another part of the entertainment. 749. longum amorem, long draughts of love. 750. multa: the particularity of her inquiries shows that her object is to prolong the interview. Priamo (§ 260, c). 751. quibus armis, as coming from a different region from the rest of the forces (Ethiopia), his arms seem to have been described as famous in the Epic Cycle; cf. v. 489. - Aurorae filius: in Isaiah, xiv. 12, the monarch of the East is called "son of the morning." 752. quantus, how tall, or how mighty. 753. immo, nay rather (always with a negative force). Here it in. troduces the request for a complete narration from the beginning (a prima), as contrasted with the preceding separate details. 755. nam, introducing the reason for her asking an account of his wanderings. BOOK II. By the narrative of Æneas, Books ii. and iii., Virgil brings the story down to the point at which the opening of the poem begins. For a repre. sentation of the sack of Troy see Fig. 64, p. 116. 1. conticuere (momentary act), were hushed; tenebant (imperf. of continued action), listening they held their peace. 2. toro, the couch on which he reclined at table. 3. infandum dolorem, a grief that may not be spoken, "too big for utterance." - iubes, bid, used alike of commands and requests. 4. ut eruerint (indir. quest. depending on the verb to tell implied in dolorem renovare), how the Greeks utterly destroyed the wealth of Troy, and the realm we must weep for. 5. miserrima, emphatic, from its position in the relative clause (§ 200, d; G. 618; H. 453, 5). 6. fando, in speaking; compare tuendo, i. 713. 7. Myrmidonum Dolopumve, the soldiers of Achilles, who was the fiercest, as Ulysses (Ulixes) was the wiliest of the Greeks. Being of the same class, they are connected with each other by -ve, and with the others by the disjunctive aut. 8. temperet a lacrimis, could control his tears (§ 268; G. 251; H. 486, ii.): the verb is more commonly followed in this sense by the ablative alone or the dative. - umida, more common in the Mss. than humida. - caelo, from the sky. 9. praecipitat, sc. se: Night is regarded as running its course through the heaven in the same way as the day or the Sun. - cadentia sidera, i.e. the approach of morning. - suadent, counsel. 10. cognoscere = cognoscendi, the phrase amor est being equivalent to a verb of wishing. 11. supremum laborem, the last agony: labor implies suffering as well as struggle. 12. meminisse horret, shudders to recall. Verbs of fearing regularly take the infinitive in this sense, though usually only vereor is in fact so used (§ 271; G. 552, R.; H. 498, iii. x.3). - luctu refūgit, shrinks back from the grief. The perfect is used because the shrinking itself is complete, though the effect which is meant to be expressed still remains. 14. labentibus (abl. abs.), i.e. having passed and still continuing to glide away; compare note, i. 48. 15. instar (indecl. noun in appos. with equum), the image, i.e. something set up (sto). — Palladis: Minerva was the patroness of all kinds of handicraft. (See Fig. 91.) 16. aedificant, build, indicating the size by the very use of a word which is used of houses. - intexunt, line, i.e. with strips running across the ribs. - ābiětě, trisyllable (§ 347, d, R.; G. 717; H. 608, iii. N."). 18. hue includunt, shut up in it (literally into it, on account of the motion implied). - delecta corpora, implying the selection of individuals; only the bravest chiefs were to dare the perilous ambuscade. 19. lateri, dat., in a sort of apposition with hue, but governed by includunt (§ 228; G. 346; Н. 386). — penitus, deep within, hinting at the immense size. 21. est, there is (§ 343, b). 22. opum (§ 218, c; G. 373; H. 399, iii. 1). — manebant, for tense see § 276, e, N.; G. 571. 23. tantum sinus, a mere bay. — male fida, ill-faithful, i.e. treachWith words of evil meaning, male intensifies their force; with words of good, it contradicts it. erous. 25. abiisse rati (§ 336, a; G. 527, R.; H. 523, i.), supposed they had gone. - Mycenas, a very ancient city near Argos, and the home of Agamemnon. Its remains, in a very archaic style of art, are among the most interesting in Greece. Here used for Greece generally. 26. luctu, compare note, i. 463, and notice the different construction for the same idea. 27. Dorica, Grecian, see note, i. 30. 29. tendebat, used to spread, i.e. his tents. (Quoted from the remarks of the Trojans.) 30. classibus (§ 235; G. 343; H. 384, 4). - acie (abl. of manner). 31. stupet donum, gazes with amazement on Minerva's baneful gift. As equivalent to a strong mirari, stupere here governs the accusative. 33. duci, sc. equum, see § 331,g; G. 532, R.4; H. 535, iv. 34. sive ...seu, whether . . . or = aut ... aut, either... or. iam, i.e. the time had now come for this destiny. 35. quorum. .. menti, those in whose mind was a better thought (§ 200, c; G. 623; H. 445, 6). 36. pelago, dative (§ 225, 6; G. 344, R.3; H. 385, 4). 38. cavas agrees with latebras, but is put next to terebrare, because it is as hollow places that they are to be bored, but as hiding-places (latebras) that they are to be tried (temptare). 39. studia, factions, lit. party feelings. 40. primus ante omnis, i.e. taking the lead in his eager partisanship. 41. ardens, in haste. - ab arce, where he had been occupied as priest. 42. quae, etc., what madness is this (tanta)? The use of tam, talis, and tantus, in nearly the sense of our simple demonstratives, is very common in Latin. 44. carere dolis, are clear of guile. - sic notus, is it thus you know? etc. 46. fabricata, see § 135, 6; G. 182, R.; Н. 231, 2. 47. inspectura, ventura (future participle of purpose, § 293, b; G. 279; H. 549, 3), to look down on our house, and come from above upon the city. One of the common means of siege was to build high towers overtopping the walls, and move them forward on wheels. The monsterhorse is such an engine of war (machina). - domos (§ 228, a; G. 330; H. 386, 3). - urbi (§ 225, b; G. 344, R.3; H. 385, 4). 48. error, trick. A mistake (error) purposely caused is a deception. - ne credite (§ 269; G. 263; H. 488). 49. et, even. - ferentis, acc. plural. 51. in latus. . . contorsit, hurled against the side and the belly of the monster (feri), rounded with jointed framework (compagibus, abl. of manner or means). 52. illa, the spear: expressed because in Latin the verb agrees with the last subject mentioned, unless the contrary appears; and so here if it were not expressed Laocoön would be the subject. - (recusso abl. abs.), reechoing: properly of the sound, struck back. 54. laeva, see note, Ecl. i. 16. As applied to fata, it means unpropitious; as applied to mens, it means dull, blinded. The first meaning is derived from the language of augury, an appearance on the left being inauspicious (comp. sinister) among the Greeks, though the contrary with the Romans. The second meaning comes from the awkwardness (gaucherie) of the left hand. 55. impulerat (for impulisset): he had actually done his part to detect the plot; the failure was due to other causes expressed in the protasis. The indic. is doubtless here used for metrical reasons; but it is according to the analogy of verbs with paene, prope, and the imperf. denoting the beginning of an action (§ 308, 6; G. 246, R.3; H. 511, 1). Argolicas, of the Greeks. Notice how the Latin uses an adjective of possession wherever it can, and much oftener than we do (§ 190). - foedare, to spoil. 56. stares, the regular construction is here resumed (§ 308; G. 599; H. 510) though the word really stands in the same relation as impulerat. 57. manus (Greek accus. with revinctum, which agrees with iuvenem), a youth with his hands fast bound behind his back the accusative (manus) in this construction is a kind of apposition of the part with the whole, and is different from such cases as sinus in i. 320. See § 240, c; G. 332, R.; H. 378, 1. 59. qui, subject of obtulerat. 60. aperiret explains hoc ipsum: to contrive this very thing, that is, to open, etc. 61. fidens animi, for constr. see § 218, c; G. 374, R.3; H. 399, iii. 1. 62. versare, depends on paratus (§ 273, 6; H. 533, 3), in a kind of apposition with utrumque, to practise wiles if he should succeed, or to die if discovered. 64. certant: the number changes because they vie with each other individually, though they gather (ruit) as a body. 65. accipe, learn. See note, Ecl. i. 19. - crimine, i.e. the (charge) statement of the crime. . 67. turbatus, confused, indicating his want of self-possession. 68. agmina (cf. note to domos, v. 47). 70. iam, any longer. 71. cui neque locus, who have no place among the Greeks, and besides (super) even the Trojans, etc. 72. poscunt, exact the penalty; cf. v. 139. 73. animi, feelings. 74. cretus (same root as creatus), born of what blood. 75. quidve ferat, what news he brings. Ribbeck's conjecture seems |