1. Call to order at 12 M. by the President-CAPERS CAPEHART JONES, M. D., of East Lake. 2. 3. 4. Prayer-REV. DR. J. A. RICE, Montgomery. Address of Welcome-ISAAC L. WATKINS, M. D., President Montgomery County Medical Scciety. Address of Welcome-THE MAYOR OF MONTGOMERY. 5. Annual Message of the President-CAPERS CAPEHART JONES, M. D., East Lake. 6. Report of the Senior Vice-President-JOHN ROBERT GRAVES HOWELL, M. D., Dothan. 7. Report of the Junior Vice-President-WALTER HOWARD BELL, M. D., Hargrove. 8. Report of the Secretary-LEWIS COLEMAN MORRIS, M. D., Birmingham. 9. Report of the Treasurer-HENRY GAITHER PERRY, M. D., Greens borg. 171259 Followed by Reception at the "Beer Garden" of the Montgomery Brewery. EVENING SESSION. 1. Call to order at 8 P. M. REGULAR REPORTS. 2. 3. The Responsibilities of the Physician in Obstetrical Work, and Iritis-LEWIS GREEN WOODSON, M. D., Birmingham. Leaders in Discussion:-S. KIRKPATRICK, M. D.; A. A. 4. Surgery of the Kidney, and Its Application to the Cure of Disease-HARRY TUTWILER INGE, M. D., Mobile. 5. The 6. 7. 8. 9. Leaders in Discussion:-J. D. S. DAVIS, M. D.; L. L. HILL, Medical Treatment of Some Diseases of the Kidney- The Treatment of Nephritis-JAMES SOMERVILLE MCLESTER, M. Leaders in discussion of the last two papers: -P. G. TRENT, The Rational Treatment of Pneumonia-CHARLES LEE GUICE, Leaders in discussion of the last two papers:-J. B. LETCH- Electric and Radiant Energy as Therapeutic Agents-ERASMUS Leaders in Discussion:-E. D. BONDURANT, M. D.; S. C. CAR- 3. The Non-Operative Treatment of Uterine Displacements-WELLINGTON PRUDE MCADORY, M. D., Birmingham. Leaders in Discussion:—J. B. KILLEBREW, M. D.; A. L. HAR- 4. Surgery of the Vascular System-Remarks on Its Present Tendencies and Latest Developments-RUDOLPH MATAS, M. D., New Orleans, La. Leaders in Discussion:-W. R. JACKSON, M. D.; F. G. Du BOSE, M. D., B. B. SIMS, M. D. 5. Varicose Veins and Their Surgical BERT GAY, M. D., Selma. Leaders in Discussion:-L. WILDER, M. D. Treatment-SAMUEL GIL W. JOHNSON, M. D., W. H. 6. Modern Therapeutics-HENRY ALTAMONT MOODY, M. D., Flor ence. 7. Therapeutics-HENRY NOLLNER ROSSER, M. D., Birmingham. Leaders in discussion of last two papers:-J. U. RAY, M. D., W. B. ARBERRY, M. D., E. L. MARECHAL, M. D. 110'CLOCK A. M.-SPECIAL ORDOR. 8. Jerome Cochran Lecture "The Problem of Surgery"-ROBERT ABBE, M. D., New York, N. Y. 9. Recent Developments in the Study of Diarrhoeal Diseases of Infancy and Childhood-SAMUEL WALLACE WELCH, M. D., Talladega. Leaders in Discussion:-W. W. HARPER, M. D., T. D. PARKE, Adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION. 1. Call to order at 2:30 P. M. CONTINUATION OF REGULAR REPORTS. 2. Cystoscopy and Ureteral Catheterization in Gynaecology-HENRY DAWSON FURNISS, M. D.. New York. |