Leaders in Discussion:-L. C. MORRIS, M. D., I. L. WATKINS, 3. Cystitis-WILLIAM D. GAINES, M. D., LAFAYETTE. Leaders in Discussion:-HUGH BOYD, M. D., F. D. NABERS, 4 O'CLOCK P. M.-SPECIAL ORDER. Symposium on Tuberculosis (This subject being one of such wide-spread importance to the physician and layman alike, it was deemed advisable to make this a Special Order of Business, and to invite the general public.) 4. The Purpose and Plans of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis-CHARLES L. MINOR, M. D., Ashville, N. C. 5. 6. A Layman's Views on the Practical Side of Tuberculosis-ELI Some Essentials to the Successful Treatment of Tuberculosis- Leaders in Discussion:-R. M. CUNNINGHAM, M. D., W. W. EVENING SESSION. This session will be held in the Auditorium on North Perry Street, and the public is cordially invited to attend. 1. Call to order at 8 P. M. 2. Monitor's Address-Wм. GLASSELL SOMERVILLE, M. D., Tuscaloosa. 3. Annual Oration-SEALE HARRIS, M. D., Union Springs. Reception at the Beauvoir Club, corner of South Perry and Scott Streets. THIRD DAY-THURSDAY, APRIL 20. MORNING SESSION. 1. 2. 3. Call to order at 8:30 A. M. Unfinished Business. The Choice of Methods in Removing Uterine Fibro-Myomata- Leaders in Discussion:—J. A. GOGGANS, M. D., I. L. WAT- 4. The Present Status of Gall-Bladder Surgery-ROBERT NEWTON PITTS, M. D., Montgomery. 5. Gastro-Enterostomy-CUNNINGHAM WILSON, M. D., Birming ham. Leaders in discussion of the last two papers:-M. W. 1. VOLUNTEER PAPERS. Some Observations as to the Causes and Treatment of Puerperal 2. Gangrene of the Lower Extremity, Caused by Arterial Thrombosis-RHETT GOODE, M. D., Mobile. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Heart Treatment-JOSEPH D. HEACOCK, M. D., Birmingham. Syphilis-ALBERT GALLATIN DOUGLAS, M. D., Birmingham. The Contract Doctor-GEORGE A. HOGAN, M. D., Bessemer. Tubercular Peritonitis-NATHANIEL G. CLARK, M. D., Ensley. 8. Puerperal Eclampsia-EDGAR G. GIVHAN, M. D., Montevallo. Adjournment. Followed by Barbecue Dinner at Jackson's Lake. EVENING SESSION. 1. 2. 3. 5. Call to order at 8 P. M. Alcohol as a Medicine-EDWARD H. SHOLL, M. D., Birmingham. 4. Spinal Cocainization-GEO. H. SEARCY, M. D., Mt. Vernon. 6. The Surgery of the Brain-A Study from my Personal Experience-WM. H. HUDSON, M. D., Montgomery. 7. 8. 9. Immunity-THADEUS A. CASEY, M. D., N. Birmingham. The Public Health System and Laws of Alabama WM. H. Osteomyelitis-T. JOSEPH DEAN, M. D., Union Springs. 10. Ludwig's Angina-ALLEN A. GREENE, M. D., Anniston. 11. Urticaria, with Report of a Case-Z. B. CHAMBLEE, M. D., N. Birmingham. 12. Hemophilia-FRANK P. PETTEY, M. D., New Decatur. Adjournment. (a) Revision of the Roll of County Societies. (b) Revision of the Roll of Counsellors. THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA. THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 1905. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST DAY. MONTGOMERY, Tuesday, April 19, 1905. The Association was called to order at 12 M., in the Hall of the House of Representatives in the State Capitol, by the President, Dr. C. C. Jones, of East Lake. Rev. Dr. J. A. Rice, pastor of the Court Street Methodist Church, Montgomery, offered the following prayer: O Lord, our Heavenly Father, we are profoundly grateful to Thee for all we have learned in the world; for the rich discoveries that have been made in the field of human knowledge; for all the treasure lore that comes down through the literature of the ages; for all the social, economic and institutional truth crystallized and brought down to us from the fathers. We are grateful for all we have learned in the moral, intellectual and spiritual world; for all we have learned in the heights above, the deeps below, the infinite reaches about us. We are grateful also, O Lord, for all that we have learned curselves; for opening up to us an infinite path out of which we have come; for revealing to us, who stand on the confines of human knowledge in closets of lone desire, in solitude and silence, the voice that comes out of the path. We thank Thee for the past with all its struggles and stages of progress; we thank Thee that we know this morning something of all before us, behind us, and above us. We thank Thee, our Father, that Thou hast brought forth into service men who are giving their lives standing between our bodies, the truths, the forces by which we are encompassed standing between life and death, between disease and death, between the known and unknown, be tween the spirit and the material. We thank Thee, Our Father, for these men who come to us in our times of distress; who come to us to ease the frail body and bring health once more to our bodies. We thank Thes for the new phases of preventive medicine, that Icoks not only upon the disease but the training in the laws of health. We thank Thee for the advances made in all sciences, for the advancement in physics, in chemistry, and in every field of human research. We fall down and magnify Thee for the riches open-⚫ ing up in the realm of the unseen. Help us this morning to ap preciate more and more these agents of Thine that go out in the daylight and in the dark, in the calm anu in the storm, over rough ways as well as smooth ways in the midst of their own distress and griefs, that go out as messengers of God in distress. We thank Thee that Thou hast ordained them to stay by us in our disease, in our physical distress to ease our physical pain. We bless Thee for the sweet hope that they have brought us in times of despair; we bless Thee that they have come to us as veritable messengers from Thee to lift us up at midnight when all that was dear to us seemed to be in peril and in the balance. We thank Thee for these blessed hours passed, when we have stood alone with the physician, with Thee, with God. We thank Thee that out of these dark hours of bitter experience we have come realizing more than ever the guidance of the Infinite Father and His infinite grace. Let Thy blessings be upon these men when they come together for the purpcse of furthering their great science; and, Lord, breathe into them the breath of the Spirit of God, help them to be not only the typical gentlemen and true philanthrophists, the friend in time of need, the messenger of God to the body, but, O wilt Thou give them also a message for the spirit; wilt Thou, to this end, reveal Thyself graciously to each one of them, as to thine child, that each one of them may be at home in that region where the soul's pain is eased and where the weary can find rest. Wilt Thou give to each one of them the wisdom of the wisest of men, that with coolness and clear headedness he may serve mankind in the moral as well as physical; give him the insight of the prophet that he may interpret the science of the times; above all give him the spirit of the priest that with earnestness, with infinite love, with infinite compassion for the saving of the lost and building up of moral waste places, he may go in and out, meet with those that die and point them through the darkness to that region of eternal life. Help every man in this company to know that in the soul's darkness he can carry Thee to those who are passing over the silent river, and grant that when his last word has been said he may yet |