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should be so unfortunate as to be thought otherwise, yet we must insist, that that point which the queen's counsel insist on, to wit, that the fact attempted to be proved on the prisoner is lerying a war, is not yet so settled a point, but may deserve a further and deliberate consideration. I am sensible there is one case of the London Apprentices, which was in king Charles the second's time; there was a resolution, that that fact was levying of war, and so high treason; but I cannot but observe one thing that my lord chief baron Hale, who can never be spoke of but with the greatest esteem that may be, in the very case mentioned, that he differs with the other judges, and that he was of opinion that that fact was not levying war, and he grounded his opinion upon that which we think was great reason, and that is the statute primo Mariæ 1, cap. 12. It is not printed at large in Keble, but it is in Rastall; and on view of that act, his opinion is well justified, for that act of parliament shews, that all the several facts for which the Apprentices, in king Charles the 2nd's time, were indicted, as reported in Keyling's Reports, all the several circumstances, that are in that case, were not looked upon then to be high-treason. But even in that queen's time, who had just reason to be very apprehensive of tumults and wars, is this statute made, to make the actors in such tumults guilty of felony and if such tumults did amount to levying war, and was high-treason, it is strange, that the parliament should make so unnecessary a statute as this, primo Mariæ. And before queen Elizabeth's time, no one can give an instance, that a tumult of this nature was looked upon, or adjudged as levying of war. That it was not so before the statute of 13 Eliz. is plain, because that statute seems to be made on purpose to shew it was not a capital offence, and that such tumults had not been adjudged levying war, and so not treason, before that statate of the 13th of queen Elizabeth; and for that very purpose, and to prevent such riots and tumults, was that very statute made: and the provision made by this statute of queen Elizabeth, which was a temporary law, was the reason of the resolution in the earl of Essex's case, and that statute made his insurrection be adjudged levying war and high-treason, and shews that it was necessary to have another act besides the 25 Edw. 3, to make such tumults and riots treason.

The case in Keyling's Reports, of Messenger and the others, supposing it to be law, will not warrant the adjudging this case to be treason, in regard there appears to be many circumstances in those cases in Keyling's Reports, which are not proved in this case now before your lordship. But I must needs say, the prisoner at the bar has had so little care taken of him, that I had no notice of this till 8 o'clock last night, and have not had time to look into the cases, and to be able to discharge my duty to my client as I ought; but I am sure, the gentlemen that appear for the queen have so much candour, that they will not de

sire any thing in this man's case, but what shall be a precedent in all future cases; therefore I shall state the cases relied upon for the authority of the resolution in Keyling's Reports, as well as I can, upon this short notice. The first case is in 2 Anderson, fol. 5, it was the case of the Apprentices of London and Southwark: they assemble together upon a formed design, concerted and contrived amongst them before, to break open the prisons, to kill the lord mayor, to burn his house, and to seize some arms in houses near the Tower of London. They had a trumpet before them, and a flag displayed with them, and that was adjudged to be levying war, within the 13 Eliz. I must observe, that this was an opinion not given in court, nor upon a special verdict, but given privately, and not otherwise; so that we think the authority in that case will not weigh very much, though all the subsequent cases in Popham's Reports, and Keyling's Reports, are built on the autho rity of this case, and yet the judges in this case, in Anderson's Reports, rely for that opinion on the statute of 13 Eliz. and that statute was on very great reason made to prevent the ill de-. signs then on foot by the Roman Catholics. There were many Roman Catholics then began openly to shew their aversion to the Reformation in general, and it was then, for the preservation of that good queen and her government, thought necessary to enlarge the 25th of Edw. 3, and also to make the design to levy war high treason during her life only, so that that case in 2 Anderson, was not resolved on the 25th of Edw. 3, but on the 13th of Elizabeth.

There is another case, which was the earl of Essex's, and that was relied on as an authority in Messenger's case in Keyling's Reports; but that differs from this: there was a design of the earl to have assistance from the city, and by force to remove his enemies from the queen, and with armed force to go to the queen's palace, and to her person, and an actual rising and appearing in arms accordingly. This was conspiring the death of the queen, and levying war in the most notorious manner; and this was one of the cases relied on in Messenger's case: but here, in the case now before your lordship, there is no one circumstance resembling the earl of Essex's case. There is one resolution in that case applicable to ours, and that is the resolution of the judges in the earl of Essex's case, that where people by accident came among, and were in company with the earl of Essex and his adherents, and afterwards departed upon proclamation made, they should not be guilty of the treason. In the case before your lordship, it appears, the prisoner came there by accident; and we have shewn by witnesses, he quickly left these disorderly people.

Another case relied on in Keyling's Reports, is, that in Croke Car. the case of the people that beset Lambeth-house; that was a most unjustifiable act, done in despite and in the utmost contempt of the crown and regal dignity,

and with an armed force with drums, and an armed multitude; and the resolution in that case, will be no warrant for the adjudging this case of the prisoner treason, supposing we should not be so happy as to have our witnesses believed, that we were brought in by force; for, in our case, here are no drums, nothing resembling war, but only a tumultuous rabble. The case of Bradshaw and Burton, in Popham's Reports, 122, is wholly built upon, and absolutely depends on the authority of the case in 2 Anderson; and yet in the case of Bradshaw and Burton, there was a previous agreement, to go from house to house, and to pull down all inclosures. It is true, that the putting this agreement in execution accordingly, is resolved to be high treason. We think, that that agreement and rising according to it, is more than appears in this case of the prisoner at the bar; and besides, it is a resolution in the 39th year of queen Elizabeth, when the statute of the 13 Eliz. was in force, and depends on the authority of the case I have mentioned in 2 Anderson's Reports; and in our case there is no proof that we knew any thing of this tumultuous meeting, but that by accident we fell among them. We hope, that if the jury shall think there is any colour to believe, that we have not answered by our witnesses (whose credit is not questioned) the evidence produced against the prisoner, that this point may be reserved to us; for we apprehend, that it is not settled that this case of Messenger, and the others in Keyling's Reports, is law: but supposing it should be law, yet we hope it will not affect us; for it goes upon a previous agreement, and all there were partakers of it, and willing, and outrageous actors in it, and knew of the design before executed: and there was this circumstance, that when the captain of the guards came to appease them, they asked if it was the duke of York; and when they apprehended it was the duke of York, they called out, That they cared not for the guards, and that they would come and pull down Whitehall: so that, by these declarations, it is plain, the king and his authority were aimed at. But in this case of ours, there is nothing of resisting authority charged on this man, but that he came by accident, and acted only by constraint and force, when unhappily amongst a disorderly multitude: therefore, my lord, on the whole matter, in regard we do, with submission, think, that the law is not settled by the resolutions in Keyling's Reports, but that a review thereof may be admitted, and in regard we think our case is far different, and a much better than any of the former cases, which have been looked upon or esteemed as levying war, we hope, that in case the jury should think we are guilty of any criminal act, that whether such acts be levying of war, or no, shall receive a further, and more deliberate détermination. I shall therefore take up no more of your lordship's time.

Mr. Darnell. My lord, the first time I heard from the prisoner relating to this cause, was


last night late; and must own my opinion to be, that a longer time is necessary to encounter the authority of the Report of my lord Keyling. But, my lord, without disputing the authority of that book, we must say, this case comes far short of that resolution; for there was a plain hostility, a captain with a sword drawn, colours, two meetings to consult, and a resolution taken, a resisting and wounding the constable, and striking the officer of the guards, and their intention to pull down bawdy houses, which might be any house they thought fit to call so. As for the case of Oxfordshire, it is plain there was an arming themselves, they had put on armour to act offensively, as well as defensively; they proposed to come to London, and to have others join with them, and that case was adjudged high treason. For the general intention to pull down inclosures: where there is any resolution, that these great tu mults amount to high treason; it is on this foundation, that the design is general, and is an exercising of a regal authority, which nobody but her majesty ought to make use of. It is said in Messenger's case, that the intent must be such, and that such intent must appear by such proof as will satisfy the jury. Now, how do they offer to prove the intent of this man? If there is any thing to prove it, it is subsequent to the pulling down the first meeting-house, for it is plain he was not there till the design was so far executed, and the fire had been made an hour before he came now if he comes there, and hallooes and rejoices at it, that cannot make him guilty. I agree, that if any number of persons are going to commit high treason, and a man meets them, and joins with them in the execution of that fact, he is guilty; but if he be ignorant of their design, and hallooes and rejoices with the crowd, that will not make him guilty: and in this case, it appears, that every body that passed by the crowd that night were constrained so to do; but where such person who is got into such a tumultuous assembly, doth get off as fast as he can, this cannot be high treason, or any crime whatsoever. If the prisoner had gone to Drury-lane, and they had shewn that he did any thing there, we should have had a harder case than we hope we have; but we think there is no proof of the intention of this man to commit those facts of pulling down the meeting-houses in general, and of assisting in the execution of that intention. My lord, if our witnesses (whose credit stands unimpeached) be believed, it is impossible that he could be concerned in this design, or the execution of it, or know any thing of it, till it was executed; for it does not appear, that on any of the days, when the mob were together, that he was among them, or that he acted any thing till after the meeting-house was pulled down, and the fire made. We have shewn where he was all that day, and that it was near eleven when be came to the fire. I think we have shewn by the waterman that carried him home, that there was not room for him to bear any share

in this outrage; for between the time of his coming to the fire, and going home by water, there is no room for him to do any thing more, than to go between those places. There is no proof that he did any thing but what the mob in a manner forced him to do; and perhaps it might have cost him his life in so tumultuous an assembly, or, at least, some bodily harm, if he had done less.


Att. Gen. My lord, I beg leave to say few words in answer to what has been insisted on by the prisoner. They have insisted on these three things; First, that notwithstanding our witnesses have given that account which you have heard, yet they are mistaken in the fact, for he was not the man that they say was there bringing the brass candlestick; that it was another man, a little man in his own hair, and not like the prisoner, and therefore he is not guilty of the fact charged on him. In the next place, they tell you, that admitting he was there, and that our witnesses have told you truth, yet he was there unvoluntarily, and what he has done was under a force, and therefore he cannot be looked upon to be guilty of the treason, because, intentionally, he did not go along with them in that design. The third is, that admitting you should believe all that the witnesses say, that he was there, that he did know of this design, and acted in it, in concert with the rest, yet this charge does not amount to high-treason, and therefore he ought to be acquitted,

Now, though this is the last thing mentioned, yet it is of the most consequence, and ought to be taken notice of first; because if he is guilty of the fact, yet if it does not amount to treason, he must be acquitted. They tell you it is a notorious riot, such a tumult as is not to be endured; that a punishment ought to be inflicted on those people that were concerned in it: But they insist on it, that this is not high treason, as charged in the indictment. Now I think it is a plain proposition laid down, that whenever there is force used against the government; whenever there is a general intention to work a reformation; whenever there is an oppression complained of, and the people use force in order to remedy it, and there is an assembly of a multitude for that purpose, it is levying war; for it is an opposition to the government, and the civil magistrate.

My lord Coke in his comment on the statute of treason, takes notice of this, and says, that if any go about by force to reform any thing they complain of, it is levying war; because they take upon them royal authority, which is against the king. The case they mention of Bradshaw, where a great number assembled, in order to settle the rate of wages, they thought there was not enough given them for their labour: They did appear in public in order to redress that grievance; and that appearance in public was looked upon to be high-treason. It is not proper here, to enter into all the cases that may be cited; the last book they

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take notice of is my lord chief justice Keyling's, which was printed with the approbation of all the judges of the Queen's-bench; and every body knows that he was as great a judge, particularly in the crown-law, as any that went before him. And it is the opinion of all the judges, excepting one, that that case is treason; and you see on what his opinion was founded, that it was not high-treason, because there is a particular act of parliament which says, that in case proclamation shall be made for them to depart, those persons that do not depart on that proclamation shall be guilty of felony. That act relates only to the meeting and assembly on a private, particular account; for if a lord enclose a waste, and the tenants rise in opposition to that act, in order to redress that inconvenience, nobody will pretend to say, it extends to high-treason; because it is a private inconvenience that goes no farther than that manor. But at the same time that they made use of this distinction, it is taken notice of, that if there be a public law, that is looked on to be the grievance, and they came to redress the grievance arising from that law, that is opposing the public, and is high-treason.

Now, to compare these cases: There was a design on Tuesday night declared among the mob, that on the next day they would destroy all the meeting-houses thereabouts: Sure none will say (let their opinions be what they will), that destroying a meeting-house is more service to the public, than destroying a bawdyhouse? And yet their meeting to pull down the bawdy-houses was adjudged to be treason. And shall they be hanged for pulling down bawdy-houses, and have nothing but a fine for pulling down meeting-houses? Every body knows they are allowed by law. The act of parliament that gives indulgence to the Dissenters allows them to meet in those places: It were to be wished, that there were no such persons that did dissent from the Church; but these places being allowed by law, it is lawful for them to meet there. Now for people to find fault with this law, and to say, we will redress this inconvenience: though the public will not throw these people into gaols for meeting there, we will pull down their houses about their ears; this is an insolence not to be suffered. This is assuming an authority that does not lie in the people; every body that lives under a government has courts of justice to apply to, and when any thing is acted contrary to law, the courts of justice are open; and I may defy any one to shew that there has been a denial of justice upon due application.

Now for people to meet together to do right to themselves, and to be judges and execu tioners at the same time, is never to be borne, but deserves the most severe prosecution; and it is a sense of this that brings this cause here.

For, as to the man, I never saw him before ; nobody bears him any ill will; but it is known

that there have been these riots and rebellions

committed; and it is agreed that he was among them. This brings me to take notice whether

our witnesses are mistaken in saying he was there: They knew the man; they spoke with him; and they are positive to him; and they give a particular account of what he and they said, and what they saw him do; and now they say, our witnesses are mistaken. As to the hours, little is to be depended on, because people are so uncertain in their computations: It is plain they were all suppressed by twelve o'clock, so that he might stay as long as any, and yet be in bed by twelve o'clock, for by that time the guards came and suppressed them. They give an account of him till ten o'clock; I find there was no business that detained him till that time; he had nothing to do in the alehouse; he was got drunk, and he staid in this disorderly place till the time was proper for him to come out, and transact this matter. For it was about ten that one of our witnesses saw him at the meeting-house, and at the fire, and he went along with him towards Drury-lane, and there he left him: And this agrees with what his own two witnesses say; they say, they saw him by the duke of Newcastle's corner, coming from Queen's-street, and going towards the fire: It was after this, that he had hallooed them away to Drury-lane, and was again returning; it is plain by the evidence of both sides, that he was there. All that they insist on, is, that he was forced into the crowd: but how agreeable is that to the story of the witnesses that saw him bring the sconce, and carry it in procession round the fire, and throw it in? He calls Wood, who tells you he was his friend; that he had been with him all day. He tells you, that they received news that there was a fire in the Strand; that the prisoner was concerned for a gentlewoman that lived there, and that they went away immediately to assist her. Wood says, he went with him as far as Temple-bar, and there the crowd was so great, that they were forced by the torrent of people up Sheer-lane, and through Lincoln's-innsquare, and they could not get away till they were crowded through the little gate, and there they took hold of and forced him to do all that he did: We must leave that to your consideration; but we think it very extraordinary. But the other witnesses do contradict it: Ward and Giles say, that he stood and talked with her, and she told him first of this riot, and that he was then alone and nobody with him. I will not repeat the particular circumstances that have been proved; that he was there they have proved; and we have proved, that there was a general design of pulling down these meeting-houses. We cannot prove the design of any man but by his actions. If a man meet with people that have before laid a design, and he acts with them, the law says, the intention of every man there is to do what was the design of that meeting. The design was to pull down these houses, and they did execute it; and it being done by force, we think it does maintain the indictment, and that he is guilty of the fact charged on him, and we submit it to your lordship and the jury.

Sol. Gen. My lord, there are two points to be considered in this case: First, whether this tumult be a levying war, and high-treason? And in the next place, how far the prisoner may be concerned in it, whether what he has done, has made him equally guilty with the others, supposing the general design and the execution of it to be high-treason?

We take it that this design, to pull down these meeting-houses, was a general design; and being a general design, and done upon pretence of reformation, and in defiance of the law, that this is high treason, and levying war; and facts of this kind in all ages have been adjudged so. The general design is proved by what followed, by the action, by pulling them down; for we have proved that four were pulled down, and that there was an intention, or declaration that they would pull down meeting-houses. What is this design against? It is against the queen: It is levying war within the realm, which I take to be a material word in the 25th of Edw. 3. It is levying war against her sovereignty, her power and authority, in matters which she, either as concerned in the legislature, or in the executive power of the government, may reform and correct. The taking arms in defiance of any law, or to correct any abuse, or to deprive the subject of the benefit of any particular act of parliament, is levying war and bigh treason, and so adjudged by the statute of queen Elizabeth. The case of the

was long before that time; the case of inclosures was a private interest, yet the getting a number of people together, in order to throw down all inclosures, is adjudged to be high-treason; and that resolution has always been affirmed. That is the interest of private persons, and therefore will shew, that what they insist on of the other side against the queen, is of no consequence; for if it was levied against her authority, with submission that is high-treason: the taking up arms against it, though there was no immediate intention against her person, or to destroy her. Indeed it has been common to lay a design to compass and imagine the death of the queen, and the overt-act of the treason has been the proof of that design; there the compassing is the treason, and the overt-act is only the proof, and therefore a design must be laid in that case. But in cases of this nature, the levying war is the treason, and therefore the proving the levying war is sufficient, without laying any design to compass or imagine her death. Now that this is against the queen, and her sovereignty, is most plain, because it is certain these meeting-houses are tolerated by law: The Dissenters are indulged in the exercise of the wor ship of God in their own way, by the act of parliament: That act of parliament can be taken away by nothing but an equal power: in which the queen must give her assent, and it must have her concurrence. The queen has the administration of justice under her care, therefore taking up arms to destroy meetinghouses in this manner, is levying war against

the queen, and levying war within the realm; to invade that right which by the laws of the kingdom these people are intitled to: For the law has given this right. Now to take up arms to violate that right is high-treason, and is a stronger case than any that have been mentioned and agreed to be law. The case of an inclosure is a private interest; the taking arms to enlarge a highway is so; to destroy bawdyhouses is so; to take up arms to remove a public nuisance, which ought to be the particular care of the government, that is levying


They have insisted upon the statute of the 13th of Elizabeth, which they use as an argument to shew that this was not treason within the statute of Edward the third; but that act was to make a conspiracy to levy war high treason. But then how stood the case of the inclosures at that time? Several people conspired to throw down inclosures, and that was adjudged high treason, because it was a conspiracy to levy war; and how could that be high treason, if taking arms to throw down inclosures were not so? We take it, that the case in Anderson is full in point, and these cases are affirmed by the judges in the case of Messenger: so that it is the greatest authority, and never to be shaken. They say the case in Anderson is a private opinion; it is the opinion of the two chief justices, and the master of the Rolls; the others are the opinion of all the judges: so that it is such an authority as never can be shaken.

This shews the foundation that there is for this necessary prosecution, that people may see that it is not in the power of every man, according to his own fancy, to find fault with the government, and alter the laws, and deprive the subject of any benefit he is entitled to by law, it is an invasion of the royal authority; they may by the same reason fall upon a man's person, as they may pull down his house; and things of this nature must run into endless confusion, and none can be safe, unless people that are thus guilty be brought to punishment.

These authorities then being so strong, we hope, that, as the case stands, on the evidence for the queen, that the prisoner has been proved guilty of the charge in the indictment: for that there was a general design, appears by what was done in the execution of it. The only question is, whether this man was privy to any precedent design? And for this, I rely on the lord Essex's case, in Moor's Reports, which was settled by all the judges in England. I say, that it is not necessary to prove any such previous intention, any more than if a man should be so bold as to murder a judge on the bench, must you prove that there was any design? Does not the blow that was given shew the design? And is it not high treason in case of counterfeiting the coin? Must you prove an intention? No, the trea son is in the fact, and not in the intention: Where it is in the intention, as compassing the death of the queen, there must be an


intention proved; but where it is in fact, where the fact is treason, no previous design is necessary to be proved, in any case whatsoever : the fact itself is the treason, and speaks the design; and, the man that commits treason, must do it with a treasonable intention. And in the lord Essex's case, it was adjudged, that my lord Southampton, who joined with him in that fact, which was adjudged levying war, was guilty of the same treason, though he did not know of the design of the lord Essex, but thought he meant only to remove some particular enemies of his from the queen.

They say, if he was there, he was only there by force: as to his coming there, I think it is as fully proved as can be; but say they, it was not be that threw the sconce into the fire, for he was at another place at that time, for that was thrown in at nine or ten o'clock, and he was then elsewhere. I wonder this should be insisted upon, it being only a small variance in time: and as he was observed to do the fact, it is not material as to the hour: therefore, unless what the women say is an answer to that evidence, it still remains unanswered; and as to what they say, we must submit it, whether it can be believed, whether they deserve that credit; whether a man that stood by, and saw every thing that passed, and followed him up the street, to the fields; whether they can de serve that credit that this man does; for what they saw was only at the fire. They agree a waterman did it, but it was a short man in black hair, and they saw him only by looking under some people's arms; they could not discern so particularly as this man, that saw him come out of the house, and followed him: but whe ther he was concerned in that act or no, is not material. His going from the fields, and ballooing the people to Drury-lane, is a matter they have not answered, they have given no evidence to answer that; and if that were so, it is a sufficient evidence of his levying war; that is enough, his saying, he would lead them, and encouraging them to go with him; that, no doubt, will be a full evidence, joined with his being at the fire, which is proved by five or six witnesses; and this is contradicted by nothing, but saying, he did it by force, and if that were fact, then certainly he would not be guilty: but on what does this depend? On two witnessess; on Wood, whom, I think, nobody can believe, for he contradicts himself, in coming to the place, and going from it again; and how defective he was in every point, I doubt not your lordship and the jury have observed. But when they call their other witness, they make it clear: for if any credit is to be given to their other witness, Wood is not to be believed, for he says, the prisoner left the alehouse to serve a friend in the Strand, and that he went along with him; but this is contradicted by the other witnesses, and it appears that he was not with him in Fleet-street. Cummins says, the prisoner was drunk, and thrust about by the mob, from one to another; but he does not prove he was under any force, 2 Q

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