THE Great Christian Doctrine OF ORIGINAL SIN DEFENDED; EVIDENCES of its TRUTH produced, AND ARGUMENTS to the contrary answered. Containing, in particular, A REPLY to the Objections and Arguings of By the late Reverend and Learned JONATHAN EDWARDS, A. M. 102 Prefident of the College of New-Fersey. MATTH. ix. 12. They that be whole, need not a Physician, but -Et hæc non tantum ad Peccatores referenda est; quia in R. SAL. JARCHI. Propter Concupifcentiam, innatam Cordi humano, dicitur, Damnatos, fixa & mutari nescia.- -Ad Mores Natura recurrit -Dociles imitandis Turpibus & pravis omnes fumus.- ABEN-EZRA Juv. BOSTON Printed, LONDON Re-printed, and G. KEITH, in Gracechurch-Street. M. DCC.LXVI. A brief ACCOUNT of the Book and its AUTHOR. T HE Reverend Author of the following Publication. But, ere his Deceafe, the Copy was finished and brought to the Press, and a Number of Sheets passed his own Review. They that were acquainted with the Author, or know his just Character, and have any Tafte for the ferious Theme, will want Nothing to be faid in Recommendation of the enfuing Tract, but only that Mr. EDWARDS wrote it. Several valuable Pieces on this Subject have lately been published, upon the fame Side of the Question. But he had no Notice of so much as the very first of them, till he had wholly concluded what he had in View: nor has it been thought, any Thing already printed should supersede this Work of his; being designed on a more extenfive Plan; comprising a Variety of Arguments, and Answers to many Objections, that fell not in the Way of the other worthy Writers; and the Whole done with a Care of familiar Method and Language, as well as clear Reasoning, in general accommodated very much to common Capacities. It must be a sensible Pleasure to every Friend of Truth, that so masterly a Hand undertook a Reply to Dr. TAYLOR; notwithstanding the various Anfwers 22 |