Answers already given him, both at home and abroad. As it has been thought unfit, this Posthumous Book should go unattended with a respectful Memorial of the Author, it is hoped, the Reader will candidly accept the following Minutes of his Life and Character. Mr. EDWARDS was the only Son of the late Reverend Mr. TIMOTHY EDWARDS, long a faithful Paftor of a Church in Winfor, in Connecticut; who (together with his Wife, our Author's pious Mother) was living, in a very advanced Age, till a little before the Death of this his excellent Son, who had for many Years been his Parents Joy and Crown. He had his Education in YALE-COLLEGE.At the Age of about Eighteen, commenced Batchelor of Arts, Anno 1720.- Afterwards resided at College for fome Time, pursuing his Studies with a laudable Diligence.-Took the Degree of Master, at the usual Time: and for a while served the College in the Station of a Tutor. He foon entered into the Ministry, and was settled at Northampton, in Massachusetts, as Colleague with his aged Grandfather, the Reverend and famous Mr. SOLOMON STODDARD; with whom, indeed, as a Son with the Father, he served in the Gospel, till Death divided them. There he continued his Labours for many Years, in high Esteem at home, as well as abroad; till uncomfortable Debates arifing about a Right to Sacraments, and after his best Attempts finding no rational Profpect of any fafe and speedy Issue of them, he at length amica bly bly resigned his Pastoral Relation, and had an honourable Quietus, Anno 1750. Soon after this, there being a Vacancy in the Mission at Stockbridge, by the Death of the Reverend and learned Mr. JOHN SERGEANT, the Board of Commissioners at Boston, who act under the Society in London, for propagating the Gofpel among the Indians in and about New-England, turned their Eyes to Mr. EDWARDS, for a Supply of that Mission. And upon their unanimous Invitation, in Concurrence with the Call of the Church (confifting of Indians and English) at Stockbridge, he removed thither, and was regularly re-inftated in the Paftoral Office. He continued his Ministry there, until on Oc casion of the Death of his worthy Son-in-law, the Reverend and Learned Mr. AARON BURR, Who had fucceeded the Reverend and Learned Mr. JONATHAN DICKINSON, in the Station of Prefident of the College of NEW-JERSEY, he was by the Honourable and Reverend TRUSTEES of that Society chofen to be his Succeffor. The Commiffioners at Boston having received a Motion from them for his Tranflation, did in Deference to the Judgment of so respectable a Body, as well as from an Esteem for Mr. EDWARDS, and a View to his more extensive Ufefulness, generously consent to his Removal: and the venerable Council, to whom he finally referred himself for Advice on this important Occafion, giving their unanimous Opinion for the Clearness of his Call to the Prefident's Place, he at Length (though with much Reluctance and Self-diffidence) relinquished his Paftoral Charge and Ministerial Mission at Stockbridge, and re moved to Prince-Town in New-Jersey, where NASSAU-HALL stands, lately erected. But that fatal Distemper, the Small-pox, which has in former Days been so much the Scourge and Terror of AMERICA, breaking out, in or near the College, about that Time, and Inoculation being favoured with great Success, Mr. EDWARDS, upon mature Thought and Confultation, judged it advisable to go into this Method. Accordingly he was inoculated on the 23d of February 1758. And though his Disease was comparatively light, the Pock of a milder Sort, and few, yet fuch a Number happened to be seated in his Throat and Mouth, as prevented his receiving the necessary cooling and diluting Draughts; and fo, upon the Turn of the Pock, a secondary Fever came on, which prevailed to the putting an END (on March 22d) to the important Life of this good and great Man. As he lived chearfully refigned in all Things to the Will of Heaven, so he died, or rather, as the Scripture emphatically expresses it, in relation to the Saint in Chrift Jesus, he fell asleep, without the leaft Appearance of Pain, and with great Calm of Mind. Indeed, when he first perceived the Symptoms upon him to be mortal, he is faid to have been a little perplexed for a while, about the Meaning of this mysterious Conduct of Providence, in calling him out from his beloved Privacy, to a publick Scene of Action and Influence; and then fo fuddenly, just upon his Entrance into it, translating him from thence, in fuch a Way, by Mortality! However, he quickly got believing and compofing Views of the Wisdom and Goodness of God in this furprising Event: and readily yielded to the fovereign Difpofal of Heaven, with the most placid Submiffion. Amidst the Joy of Faith, he departed departed this World, to go and see JESUS, whom his Soul loved; to be with him, to behold his Glory, and rejoyce in his Kingdom above. Though, by the preceding Account of Mr. EDWARDS, the Reader may form a general Idea of his Character; yet doubtless a more particular Description will be expected. In Person, he was tall of Stature, and of a slender Make. There was something extremely delicate in his Constitution; which always obliged him to the exacteft Observation of the Rules of Temperance, and every Method of cautious and prudent living. He experienced very fignally the Benefit hereof, as by such Means he was helped to go through inceffant Labours, and to bear up under much Study, which, Solomon observes, is a Weariness to the Fleth.-Perhaps, never was a Man more constantly retired from the World; giving himself to Reading, and Contemplation. And a Wonder it was, that his feeble Frame could fubfift under fuch Fatigues, daily repeated and fo long continued. Yet upon Occasion of foine Remark upon it by a Friend, which was only a few Months before his Death, he told him, "He did not find but he was then as well able to bear the closest Study, as he was 30 Years before; and could go through the Exercises of the Pulpit with as little Weariness or Difficulty." In his Youth, he appeared healthy, and with a good Degree of Vivacity; but was never robust, In middle Life, he appeared very much emaciated (I had almost said, mortified) by fevere Studies, and intense Applications of Thought. Hence his Voice was a little languid, and too low for a large Affembly; though much relieved and advantaged by a proper Emphafis, just Cadence, a 4 well well-placed Pauses, and great Distinctness in Pronunciation. He had a piercing Eye, the truest Index of the Mind. His Aspect and Mein had a Mixture of Severity and Pleasancy. He had a natural Turn for Gravity and Sedateness; ever contemplative; and in Conversation usually reserved, but always obfervant of a genuine Decorum, in his Deportment; free from fullen, fupercilious and contemptuous Airs, and without any Appearance of Oftentation, Levity, or Vanity. As to Imagination, he had enough of it for a great and good Man: but the Gaieties of a luxuriant Fancy, fo captivating to many, were what he neither affected himself, nor was much delighted with in others. He had a natural Steadiness of Temper, and Fortitude of Mind; which, being sanctified by the Spirit of God, was ever of vast Advantage to him, to carry him through difficult Services, and support him under trying Afflictions, in the Course of his Life. Personal Injuries he bore with a becoming Meekness and Patience, and a Disposition to Forgiveness. The Humility, Modesty, and Serenity of his Behaviour, much endeared him to his Acquaintance, and made him appear amiable in the Eyes of fuch as had the Privilege of converfing with him. He was a true and faithful Friend; and thewed much of a disinterested Benevolence to his Neighbour. The several Relations sustained by him, he adorned with an exemplary Conduct; and was folicitous to fill every Station with its proper Duty. He, kept up an extensive Correspondence, with Minifters and others, in various Parts; and his Letters always contained some significant and valuable Communications. In his private Walk, as a Chriftian, he appeared an Example of truly rational, confitent, uniform Religion and Virtue: a thining Inftance of the Power and Efficacy of |