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The gallant appearance 1) of the Rajas and Mogul lords, distinguished by those insignia 2) of the emperor's favour [5], the feathers of the egret 3) of Cashmere in their turbans, and the small silver-rimmed kettledrums 4) at the bows of their saddles; the c costly armour 5) of their cavaliers, who vied 6), on this occasion, with the guards of the great Keder Khan [6], in the brightness of their silver battle-axes 7), and the massiness 8) of their maces 9) of gold; the glittering of the gilt pine-apples 10) [7] on the tops of the palankeens; the embroidered trappings 11) of the elephants, bearing on their backs small turrets 12), in the shape of little antique temples, within which the ladies of Lalla Rookh lay, as it were, enshrined 13); the rose-coloured veils of the Princess's own sumptuous litter [8], at the front of which a fair young female slave sat fanning her 14) [9] through the curtains, with feathers of the Argus pheasant's wing; and the lovely troop of the Tartarian and Cashmerian maids of honour, whom the young king had sent to accompany his bride, and who rode on each side of the litter, upon small Arabian horses; all was brilliant, tasteful, and magnificent, and pleased even the critical and fastidious 15) Fadladeen, great Nazir or Chamberlain of the Haram, who was borne in his palankeen immediately after the Princess, and considered himself not the least important personage of the pageant 16).

Fadladeen was a judge of every thing 17); from the penciling of a Circassian's eye-lids to the deepest questions of science and literature; from the mixture of a conserve of rose-leaves 18) to the composition of

1) das stattliche Aussehen. 2) Zeichen. 3) weisse Reiher. 4) silbergeränderte Pauken. 5) kostbare Rüstung. 6) wetteiferten. 7) Streitäxte. 8) die Schwere; das Gewicht; die

Stärke. 9) Keulen. 10) vergoldete Pinienäpfel. 11) gestickte Decken (Geschirre). 12) Thürmchen. 13) eingehegt; begraben. 14) ihr Kühlung zufächelte. 15) tadelsüchtig und eigensinnig. 16 Prachtzug 1) richtete über (beurtheilte) Alles. 18) ein Compot von Rosenblättern.

an epic poem: and such influence had his opinion upon the various tastes of the day 1), that all the cooks and poets of Delhi stood in awe of him 2). His political conduct and opinions were founded upon that line of Sadi,,, Should the prince at noon-day say, 'It is night,' declare that you behold the moon and stars." - And his zeal for religion, of which Aurungzebe was a munificent protector [10], was about as disinterested as that of the goldsmith who fell in love with the diamond eyes of the idol [11] of Jaghernaut.

During the first days of their journey, Lalla Rookh, who had passed all her life within the shadow of the royal gardens of Delhi [12], found enough in the beauty of the scenery 3) through which they passed to interest her mind and delight her imagination; and when, at evening or in the heat of the day, they turned off from the high road to those retired and romantic places which had been selected for her encampments 4), sometimes on the banks of a small rivulet, as clear as the waters of the Lake of Pearl [13]; sometimes under the sacred shade of a Banyan-tree, from which the view opened upon a glade 5 covered with antelopes; and often in those hidden, embowered spots 6), described by one from the Isles of the West [14], as places of melancholy, delight, and safety, where all the company around was wild peacocks and turtle-doves;" she felt a charm in these scenes, so lovely and so new to her, which, for a time, made her indifferent to every other amusement. But Lalla Rookh was young, and the young love variety 7), nor could the conversation of her ladies and the great chamberlain 8), Fadladeen (the only persons, of course 9), admitted to her pavilion), sufficiently enliven 10 those many vacant hours 11), which were de

1) auf den wechselnden (veränderlichen) Geschmack des Tages. Ehrfurcht vor ihm empfanden. 3) Gegend; Naturscenen. 4) Lagerstätte; Ruhestatt. 5) lichte Waldstelle. 6) umlaubte (laubige) Stellen. 7) Abwechslung. 8) Oberkammerherr. natürlich. 10) beleben; ausfüllen. 11) müssige Stunden; Mussestunden.

voted neither to the pillow 1) nor the palankeen. There was a little Persian slave who sung sweetly to the Vina, and who, now and then, lulled the Princess to sleep with the ancient ditties 2 of her country, about the loves of Wamak and Ezra [15], the fair-haired 3) Zal and his mistress Rodahver [16]; not forgetting the combat of Rustam with the terrible White Demon [17]. At other times she was amused by those graceful dancing-girls of Delhi, who had been permitted by the Bramins of the Great Pagoda to attend her, much to the horror 4) of the good Mussulman Fadladeen, who could see nothing graceful or agreeable in idolaters, and to whom the very tinkling of their golden anklets [18] was an abomination (5). vd d

But these and many other diversions 6) were repeated till they lost all their charm, and the nights and noon-days were beginning to move heavily 7), when, at length, it was recollected that, among the attendants sent by the bridegroom, was a young poet of Cashmere, much celebrated throughout the valley for his manner of reciting the stories of the East, on whom his royal master had conferred the privilege of being admitted to the pavilion of the Princess, that he might help to a of beguile the tediousness of the journey 8) by some his most agreeable recitals. At the mention of a poet, Fadladeen elevated his critical eye-brows, and, having refreshed his faculties with a dose of that delicious opium [19] which is distilled from the black poppy of the Thebais, gave orders for the minstrel to be forthwith introduced into the presence. Presid ped

The Princess, who had once in her life seen a poet from behind the screens of gauze 9) in her father's hall, and had conceived from that specimen 10) no very fa

1) Polster; Ruhekissen. 2) Lieder. 3) schönhaarig; schöngelockt. 4) Argerniss. 5) dem schon das Geklingel ihres goldenen Knöchelschmucks ein Gräuel war. 6) Zerstreuungen. *) begannen träge hinzuschleichen. 8) damit er... die Langeweile der Reise verscheuchen helfe. 9) Gazevorhänge. 10) Exemplar.

vourable ideas of the caste, expected but little in this new exhibition 1) to interest her; she felt inclined however to alter her opinion on the very first appearance of Feramorz. He was a youth about Lalla Rookh's own age, and graceful as that idol of women, Crishna 2) [20], — such as he appears to their young imaginations, heroic, beautiful, breathing music from his very eyes, and exalting the religion of his worshippers into love 3). His dress was simple, yet not without some marks of costliness 4); and the ladies of the Princess were not long in discovering 5) that the cloth, which encircled his high Tartarian cap, , was of the most delicate kind that the shawl-goats 6) of Tibet [21] supply. Here and there, too, over his vest 7), which was confined by a flowered girdle of Kashan 8), hung strings of fine pearl, disposed with an air of studied negligence 9); nor did the exquisite embroidery of his sandals escape the observation of these fair critics; who, however they might give way to Fadladeen upon the unimportant topics of religion and government, had the spirit of martyrs in every thing relating to such momentous matters as jewels and embroidery.

For the purpose of relieving 10) the pauses of recitation by music, the young Cashmerian held in his hand a kitar 11); such as, in old times, the Arab maids of the West used to listen to by moonlight in the gardens of the Alhambra and having premised 12), with much humility, that the story he was about to relate was founded on the adventures of that Veiled Prophet of Khorassan, who, in the year of the Hegira 163, created such alarm throughout the eastern empire, made an obeisance to 13) the Princess and thus began:

1) Vorstellung. 2) Der indische Apollo. " 3) aus den Augen selbst Musik hauchend, und die Verehrung seiner Anbeterinnen bis zur Liebe erhöhend. 4) einige Zeichen von Kostbarkeit. 5) entdeckten gar bald. 6) Shawl-Ziegen. 7) Gewand. 8) das ein geblümter Kaschangürtel umschloss. Anschein erkünstelter Nachlässigkeit geordnet. 12) nachdem er zuvor

11) Zither; Laute.

13) Verbeugung vor

9) mit einem 10) auszufüllen.

bemerkt hatte.


IN that delightful 2) Province of the Sun,
The first of Persian lands he shines upon,
Where, all the loveliest children of his beam,
Flow'rets and fruits blush 3) over every stream [23],
And, fairest of all streams, the Murga roves
Among 4) Merou's 5) bright palaces and groves; thi
There on that throne, to which the blind belief
Of millions raised him, sat the Prophet-Chief,
The Great Mokanna. O'er his features hung on
The Veil, the Silver Veil, which he had flung
In mercy there, to hide from mortal sight

His dazzling brow 6), till man could bear its light.
For, far less luminous, his votaries said, ilmart
Were even the gleams, miraculously shed, depoy!?
O'er Moussa's cheek [24], when down the Mount he trod,
All glowing from the presence of his God 8)! didn't

On either side, with ready hearts and hands9), l His chosen guard of bold Believers stands; DOTE Young fire-eyed 10) disputants, who deem their swords, On points of faith, more eloquent than words; than words;olean"? And such their zeal, there's not a youth with brand 11) Uplifted there, but, at the Chief's command, of soft Would make his own devoted 12) heart its sheath 13), And bless the lips that doom'd 14) so dear a death! In hatred to the Caliph's hue of night 15) [25], Their vesture, helms and all, is snowy white;

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1) Khorassan bedeutet in der alten persischen Sprache Provinz oder Land der Sonne. Sir W. Jones." 2) reizend. 3) glühen; sich röthen. 4) durchstreift. 5) Eine der königlichen Städte von Khorassan. «6) blendend Angesicht. 7) Moses; «< 8) Ganz von seines Gottes Gegenwart erglüht. 9) bereit mit Herz und Hand. 10) Glut im Blick. 11) Schwert. 12) fromm. 13) Scheide. 14) geböten; beföhlen. 15) Farbe der Nacht. » Schwarz war die Farbe, welche die Kaliphen vom Hause Abbas zu Kleidung, Turban und Standarten angenommen hatten. «

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