| John Austin - 1706 - 660 sider
...Left Third Lejfott. IT is better to go to the Houfe of Mourning, than totheHoufeofFeaftingj for ti.at is the End of all Men, and the Living will lay it to Heart. If a Mnn lives many Years, and rejoyces in them all, yet let him remember the Days of Darknefs.... | |
 | Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 sider
...againft the othet. c It is better to go into the Houfe of Mourning, than to go to the Houfe of Feafting ; for that is the end of all Men, and the living will lay it to his Heart. d Oh that Men were wife, that they underflood this, that they would confider their latter End ; and... | |
 | Charles Drelincourt - 1721 - 540 sider
...of theWife-Manj // « better to go to the Hottfe of Mourning^ than-to that of Feafting^ Ecclef. vii. for that is the end of all Men, and the living will lay it to his Heart. Never look upon a deceafed Body ftretch'd upon a Bed, or upon a dead Corpfe in a . Coffin, but remember... | |
 | Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 sider
...of the Wife Man ; // is better to go to the Houfe of Mourning, than to that of Feafting, Eccl. vii. for that is the end of all Men, and the living will lay it to his Heart. Never look upon a deceafed Body ftretched upon a Bed, or upon a dead Corpfe in a Coffin, but remember... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1760 - 226 sider
...than to the houfe of feajling. TH ATI deny — but let us hear the wife man's reafoning upon it — for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart : /orr-ttw is better than laughter — for a crack'dbrain'd order of Carthufian monks, I grant, but... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1766 - 326 sider
...to the houfe of fe aft ing.— THAT I deny—but let us hear the wife man's reafoning upon it—for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart: forrow is hetter than laughter for a crack'd-brain'd order of Carthufian monks, I grant, but not for... | |
 | Thomas Secker - 1766 - 404 sider
...thofe who are deceafed, and to fuch as they have left behind them. I. With refpeft to himfelf. Death is the, End of all Men, and the Living will lay it to bis Heart-^. It is becaufe we do not lay it to our Hearts, that we moft of us go on juft as. if we... | |
 | Nathaniel Spinckes - 1775 - 468 sider
...(d) It is better, fays the preacher, to go to the boufe of mourning, than to the boufe of Jeafting ; for that is the end of all men, and the living -will lay it to heart. What better motive can there be to a true repentance for all our fins, and a ferious and affecting... | |
 | Laurence Sterne - 1780 - 490 sider
...mourning than to the houfe of feafting. I deny — but let us hear the wife man's reafoning upon it — . for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart : forrow is hetter than laughter — for a crack'd. brain'd order of Carthufian monks, I grant, but... | |
 | Thomas Francklin - 1787 - 404 sider
...from them, tha.t \. . , . It is better to go to the houfe of mourning than to the houfe offeqfting -} for that is the end of all men, and the living 'will lay it /<? heart* *' Sorrow, fays he, is better than laughter, for by the fadnefs of the countenance the heart... | |
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