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No. II.

AT the meeting of the Geographical Society, Feb. 10, 1845, the secretary read an account of an exploratory journey along the south-east sea-board of South Australia, performed by governor Grey, accompanied by Mr. Bonney, the commissioner of public lands, Mr. Burr, the deputy surveyor-general, Mr. G. F. Angas, &c.

The south-east portion of South Australia was little known, it having been only traversed in one direction by overland parties, who passed through a country for the most part of a very unpromising character; which induced the belief that the south-east portion of the province afforded little inducement to settlers, and that there was little probability of any continuous line of settlements being established between South Australia and New South Wales. It was in order, therefore, to effect a more minute examination of the country that the governor undertook to explore it himself, accompanied by such perVOL. XVIII.

sons as should make the examination as effective as possible. The results of this journey were of the most satisfactory nature; and it was ascertained that, by keeping near the sea coast instead of pursuing the line usually adopted, there is an almost uninterrupted tract of good country between the rivers Murray and Glenelg. In some places this line of fine country thins off to a narrow belt: in other portions of the route it widens out to a very considerable extent; and, on approaching the boundaries of New South Wales, it forms one of the most extensive and continuous tracts of good country which is known to exist within the limits of South Australia. The south-east extremity seems to have been the scene of recent volcanic action: some of the craters are filled with good fresh water, and are very deep. A great advantage of this fine tract of country is its proximity to the sea. Along its coasts are three bays, one of which has been found to afford good anchorage for small vessels, even in the winter season; and there is reason to believe that the others will also be found good for small vessels, particularly Lacepede Bay; thus affording


great facility for a coasting trade, when the tract shall have been settled. The transports by land with drays and carts will be carried on without the slightest difficulty; so that there is little doubt but that, ere long, there will be a line of settlements between Adelaide and Port Philip. Rivoli Bay was regularly surveyed, and its soundings laid down.

The act for constituting the portion of New Holland, called South Australia, into a British province was passed in August, 1834, and, according to the commissioners' reports, printed. "The colonization of southern Australia will be an advent of mercy to the native tribes. They are now exposed to every species of outrage, and treated like cattle of the field: they will, in future, be placed under the protection of British laws, and invested with the right of British subjects. They are now standing on the verge of famine: they will obtain a constant and an ample supply of subsistence. They are not attached to the soil as cultivators: they do not occupy the natural pastures, even as wandering shepherds they are without the implements of the chase, which belong to hunting tribes; and, with respect to industry and the possession of property, they do not appear to manifest the instinctive apprehensions of some of the inferior animals. They will now be lifted up from this degradation: they will be gradually reconciled to labour, for the sake of certain reward: they will be instructed in the several branches of useful industry; and they will possess, in their reserves, property increasing in value as the colony expands. Colonization, thus extended to South Australia, though it should do nothing for the colonists and nothing for the mother country, would yet deserve, in its influence upon the aborigines, lord Bacon's character of a blessed work."

The first vessel which sailed for it, then without a single colonist, left London in Feb., 1836, and before the 1st of May was succeeded by two or three others, which conveyed the staff for surveying the coast and selecting a site for the principal settlement, besides persons to make preparations for the convenient reception of emigrants. The site of the first town was chosen on the eastern side of the gulf of St. Vincent; which is described as without an island, rock, reef, or sand bank, and affording at all seasons good and safe anchorage. Here the city of Adelaide, the capital, situated on the river Torrens, has arisen with amazing rapidity. In less than five years the ental of the houses in Adelaide amounted to 20,000l.


Its earlier progress is thus described :-" There are sprinkled up and down the place a few substantial buildings; one belonging to the company on an enormous scale, another good brick house to Mr. Hack, another to the enterprising Mr. Giles, one to Mr. Thomas, and a couple of new taverns. The rest of the dwellings are made of very slight materials; and the number of canvass tents and marquees give some parts of the settlement the appearance of a camp. Most of the new comers settle down on what is called the park lands, where they are handy to the little rivulet; and they run up a Robinson Crusoe sort of hut, with twigs and branches from the adjoining

forest; and, the climate being fine and dry, they answer well enough as temporary residences*."

Another traveller thus describes Adelaide :"The first view, or in fact any view, you obtain, reminds one of the miserable huts that we see in an extensive brick yard in England, it being built after that fashion. I had read, a few days ago, of the various names of the streets; such high-sounding namesthis square and that square, such a terrace and such a street-that I could not but fancy my sight was suddenly failing me, when I strained my eyes in vain to see either square, terrace, street, house, or even any thing to lead to the conclusion of there ever having been any. Two or three people were jogging along together, talking calmly of bullocks, when one would have expected to behold them at a public thanksgiving for their own preservation from the mighty earthquake which had doubtless suddenly swallowed up the once noble city of Adelaidet."

It is obvious that the last of these statements, however true, is not wholly devoid of satire. Great improvements have taken place since the period referred to; and there is no reason why, in course of time, Adelaide should not become a populous and wellbuilt city. There are several places of worship connected with the church, as well as others. It is to be hoped, however, that, in due season, a regular establishment will be formed, under episcopal superintendence, and that the bishop of Australia will be relieved from a portion of his diocese, far too large.

The following remarks forcibly illustrate the above statements with reference to the stability of missionary exertion:

"In every society intended for permanence there must be regimen and order. The Christian system can no more prosper or continue without them, than the frame of this visible world without the controlling care of its great Maker.

"In providing for the success and stability of our missions, under God, we are bound to adopt the rule which his warning word supplies, sanctioned as it was by the practice of its first teachers, and by the church catholic, without exception, for many hundred years afterwards. Episcopacy is that rule; and all experience proves that it cannot be departed from without risk and imminent peril. Steps have been at length taken in the right direction, because in the line of scriptural practice and example. And, bearing in mind the divine blessing hitherto seemingly vouchsafed, we should rejoice with lively and thankful joy at the addition made to our colonial bishoprics, and at the provision thus secured for the discipline as well as for the worship of the church. Henceforth that church will stand forth in her perfect character, and in all her completeness and integrity, exhibiting the beauty, and, as we trust, the blessed influence and effect, of apostolic order combined with apostolic doctrine; thus affording the best safeguard and assurance for the transmission and perpetuation of both t." The site of Adelaide is well chosen as to the healthi* James's "Six Months in South Australia."

+ Leigh's "Travels and Adventures in South Australia." Sermon preached by the bishop of Hereford, at St. Paul's cathedral, at the 143rd anniversary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.


ness of the situation, but it labours under the disadvantage of being six miles from the harbour, betwixt which and the town the carriage of goods is very expensive. The harbour is perfectly safe for shipping; but the bar at the entrance prevents very large ships from entering. The great objection to the site of the town is the want of good water, which can only be obtained by boring to the depth of about forty feet, or taking it from the Torrens, which resembles stagnant pools in the dry season.

Spencer's Gulf is very much larger than Gulf St. Vincent. It runs nearly 300 miles into the interior. It abounds with flat fish. Near the top of it stands Port Lincoln, which was overlooked at the first survey; bat the site soon began to excite attention, as peculiarly well suited for agriculture.

"Abundance of the purest water was found at depths varying from two to eight feet, and, in some instances, flowing in a stream over the beach. The district is watered by two rivers, the Tod and the Hindmarsh. Besides the above advantages, there were discovered beds of excellent oolite or freestone, not inferior to that found at Bath, which is expected to become an article of export to other parts of Australia. Lime was very easily obtained; and the red gum tree, which is well adapted for building purposes, grew in abundance in the vicinity. With the exception of iron, materials of the best quality for building were all found on the spot; and the houses at Port Lincoln are the best and most substantial in South Australia.

"In May, 1841, upwards of thirty houses had been erected; and in March, 1840, there were nearly sixty inhabited houses, besides others that were not completed. Generally speaking, the settler in a new country is glad at first to obtain the shelter of a loghouse. The population of Port Lincoln, in May, 1840, was about 270; but it has no doubt since increased in an equal proportion with the increase of houses, and probably at the present time may contain five hundred inhabitants. A church has been built, an infant school established, and a newspaper is published weekly. Agricultural and pastoral pursuits are carried on in the bush,' that is, in the unsettled parts of the district, where there is a tract of fertile soil of considerable extent, quite sufficient to support a large town at Port Lincoln; and there are besides some excellent sheep-walks and rich and beautiful tracts adapted for pastoral pursuits. Besides these resources, the town of Port Lincoln will derive the means of prosperity and wealth from the whale fishery, as it is well adapted for becoming an outfitting port for this species of enterprise; and there are good nautical reasons for its claims as the best shipping-port for oil to Europe for the whole of the western coasts of South Australia, which abound in stations favourable for carrying on the fishery*."

On the subject of the productiveness of the soil, Mr. James says: "There is more good soil than will be required for many years to come. It is generally composed of a rich loam, averaging about nine inches thick, on a substratum of coarse calcareous rock, and, Penny Mag., Jan. 1.

through the whole exten the plains round the settlement, gives evidence o having been, at no very remote period, covered by the sea; every stone you pick up being a part of the rock, and exhibiting a congeries of little shells. Over the hills the soil and vegetation are still finer; and the author visited a tract of country between the mountains and the mouth of the Murray, that seemed to contain nearly 100,000 acres of excellent rich soil, in many places ready for the plough.

"The only thing that it requires is ready money to begin with, and the strictest attention afterwards to the sheep, with personal superintendence and constant dressing when diseased. With this, and a good lookout after the wild native dogs*, there is a fortune to be made in any part of South Australia by sheepfarming. When deaths are heard of, it is generally, in nine cases out of ten, traceable to some neglect― either allowing the sheep to feed on improper pasture, not shifting the folds, or a general system of bad management. Under such inattention, sheep property is the very worst property a careless settler could possibly dabble in; and they ought not, in that case, to be meddled with.

"If the settler will be satisfied to follow his own sheep, they will give him a good return; and he need have nothing to buy but his stock. There is plenty of grass at present in the interior; and grass costs nothing. With care and attention, and living the life of a hermit for five or six years, following, dressing, and shearing his sheep himself, buying nothing, building nothing, owning not a brick nor an acre of land in any part of the colony, such a young man will do. With a resolution of this kind, and never coming into the miserable town, or mixing in its miserable pursuits, success will be certain, though slow at first." Above all let him beware of Australia's cursedrunkenness.

The great want of the colony is rivers. The largest is the Murray, described by Mr. James as being, for the last two hundred miles of its course, nearly us broad as the Thames at London bridge. On the banks are several fine alluvial flats, at present covered with reeds, but capable of being made to yield abundant crops. These are nearly on a level with the river, and could be irrigated at any season. The Murray delivers its waters into lake Alexandrina, which also receives the waters of the Hindmarsh; and from thence to the sea the river is broad and deep. The next river is the Torrens; on the banks of which stands Adelaide, the capital of the colony.

The accounts of the actual state of the colony are so very contradictory, that it is almost impossible to form any just conclusion on the subject.

This dog is called dingo. It inhabits Australia, though not found in Van Diemen's Land. They are very like to, and are often mistaken for, wolves. They are sometimes domesticated by the natives; but they exist wild in the remoter districts,

hunt in packs, and are sadly ruinous to flocks of sheep. It never barks, but growls loudly, and will not associate with other dogs. It is generally of a sandy red colour.



A SEMINARY of "religious and useful learning," in which the rising generation of the members of the Scottish episcopal communion might receive the advantages of sound education in connexion with the principles and in accordance with the doctrines of that church, had been long an important desideratum. Schools, under the superintendence of eminent teachers, from which have emanated men of no mean account, are indeed not wanting; and that the universities afford opportunities of a first-rate education, the high standing and, in not a few cases, the widely extended fame of the professors, are a sufficient guarantee; an education, too, cheap as well as excellent, and placed within the reach of a class of persons which could scarcely be enabled to obtain it in other countries. Still there lacked one thing, that the education should be in accordance with the doctrine and discipline of the episcopal church. The ground was taken-the only safe one-that no real knowledge can exist apart from religious, that no system of education can be complete which does not comprehend instruction in the word of God.

With these views, and acting on these principles, between three and four years ago several influential members of the Scottish episcopal communion formed themselves into a committee for the furtherance of such an institution; and the design they had in view will best be understood from the prospectus issued:

"It is proposed to found, in a central part of Scotland, north of the Frith of Forth, and removed from the immediate vicinity of any large town, a college, to be called "The College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity,' which may receive and board a large number, say ultimately from 150 to 200, of youths from eight to eighteen years of age; and also afford a sound clerical education to young men destined for holy orders, of whom a considerable number, in addition to those required in Scotland, may be usefully employed in supplying the demands which are now made for clergymen in the British colonies.

"It is intended that the institution shall provide exhibitions or bursaries, to be conferred principally on boys likely to become divinity students. "It is anticipated that, by the means proposed, parents would be enabled to secure all the advantages of a liberal and scientific education, at a very moderate rate, varying probably from 50l. to 80%. per annum, according to the age of the scholar. They would also escape the great evil of separating specifically religious from general education, and would feel that, on leaving home, their children would continue to enjoy some of its best blessings.

"Such an institution must of course be placed under a clergyman of very high character and attainments, together with assistants, who will thoroughly comprehend the design, and imbue all the details with a religious spirit. It is also contemplated to provide instruction in classical literature, mathematics, and those branches of mental and natural philosophy usually comprehended in academical courses.

To this proposal, by a synodal letter, dated Edinburgh Sept. 2, 1841, the Scottish bishops

not only gave their consent and approbation to the institution, but also recommended its zealous promotion and support; declaring at the same time, "solemnly and explicitly, that we are moved by no feelings of rivalry towards any religious community, but by a desire to supply the wants of our own communion, and thereby to fulfil a duty implied in the first principles of the Christian church."

The committee also properly and wisely deemed it right to publish a statement, from which the following is an important extract:

"The committee desire to take the present opportunity of saying that their object is perfectly plain and straightforward. They utterly disclaim any peculiar or party views: they have no purpose beyond that which is plainly set forth in the printed statement. They have received the sanction of, and are acting in concert with, their bishops; and they have the utmost gratificaion in stating that, having submitted their proposals to the archbishops of Canterbury and York, they have been favoured with the approbation and encouragement of those prelates. The committee believe that, taken in connexion with the synodal letter of the Scottish bishops, the names of these venerated prelates will afford the best guarantee that the individuals who now come forward earnestly entreating, on behalf of Trinity college,' the support of all who take an interest in the episcopal church of Scotland, have no object in view but that of promoting her best and dearest interests."

Such are the objects in view in the foundation of Trinity college, and such the principles by which the institution is to be governed. No jealousy, therefore, can exist in any quarter; least of all, assuredly, on the part of the presbyterian establishment.

Although upwards of 30,000l. will be required for the erection of the college, still, more than 20,0007. having been raised, it was deemed advisable to commence the building. Accordingly, a site having been granted by the kindness of Mr. George Patton, of Cairnies, in the county of Perth, the committee adopted a design, and entered into contracts for the execution of such a portion of the plan as may be essentially requisite for commencing the operations of the institution, reserving to a future period its completion. The buildings are now in progress*.

The whole mass (as the illustrative engraving shows) will enclose a quadrangle, with cloisters; on the south side, presenting externally a blank and buttressed wall, with a gateway in the centre. On the west extends a range of picturesque building, considerably varied in the details, and mediæval in character; with a main entrance and fine gateway tower. Buildings of similar but subordinate character form the north side of the quadrangle. On the east are the hall and library, the former, as the design seems to indicate, surmounted by a louvre. At the southeastern angle, and almost external to the general arrangement, stands the chapel; a beautiful building, with a fine tower and spire at the northwestern angle, and in a line with the southern range of cloisters, and on the north with the

Subscriptions are received by W. P. Dundas, esq., or W. S.

Walker, esq., treasurers and secretaries; or by Charles G. Reid, ple, London. esq., joint-secretary, Edinburgh, or Edward Badeley, esq, Tem

library. The whole is strikingly beautiful, conceived in good taste, and forming a new object of attraction in a part of the country abounding with much rich and varied scenery, a visit to which rarely fails to excite the admiration of the tourist. The chapel, library, and hall, are early English; but, with excellent judgment, the architect (J. Henderson, esq.) has designed the rest of the building in a later and more domestic style, yet quite collegiate in its whole aspect.

The notice is purposely brief, as further reference will be made as the buildings increase and the institution becomes more fully established. What is here stated is intended merely as descriptive of the accompanying sketch.


No. IV.

"Hark! what mean those lamentations,
Rolling sadly through the sky?
"Tis the cry of heathen nations,
'Come, and help us, or we die!'
Hear the heathens' sad complaining:
Christians, hear their dying cry;
And, the love of Christ constraining,

Join to help them ere they die."

CEYLON." Neura Ellia, Nov. 19, 1844.-On the 5th of October I went from hence to Badulla, and preached there on the next day, which was Sunday. I then started with Mr. Fowler for Batticaloa, on the eastern coast of Ceylon, where we arrived on the following Friday. The distance from Badulla to Batticaloa is a hundred miles. We rode on horseback over the most dreadful roads; indeed, they were no roads at all, but rough bullock or elephant tracks, leading over immense rocks, through beds of rivers and thick jungles. At Mandoor, twenty miles from Batticaloa, we came to a lake; on which we sailed in small native canoes, called ' dhonies,' to Batticaloa. Imagine a large sheet of water, extending some thirty or forty miles, surrounded by native villages, with innumerable palm and cocoa nut trees, as well as cotton and cinnamon bushes, and encircled at a distance with the conical mountains of Bintenne and other provinces in the interior. We were seven hours on the water, and at last reached Batticaloa in safety. ** I stayed there till the following morning with a Wesleyan missionary, Mr. Purgster. There are two Wesleyan missionaries at Batticaloa. The people there, as well as in the whole of the eastern and northern provinces, speak Tamil, and are in all respects similar to the natives of the opposite coast of India; and there is one particularly interesting tribe connected with the Batticaloa mission, namely, the 'Veddahs,' in the wilds of Bintenne. Until about twenty years ago, these people were as wild as the rocks and glens among which they dwell: they lived in trees and the clefts of rocks, went perfectly naked, ate insects and raw vegetables, and ran away frightened and alarmed at the sight of an European; but, now, by the blessing of God on the exertions of Mr. Stott (another missionary) and his fellowlabourers, they are civilized and Christianized.' Schools have been established among them: they now live in villages, and have neat houses to dwell in: they are clothed, and in their right mind; and

[blocks in formation]


standing all the recent efforts made in England, a vast amount of spiritual destitution still exists; and in every manufacturing and populous town there are thousands and tens of thousands who are living (amongst ourselves) without God in the world. That a blessing from on high has attended those efforts the following facts will attest. A grant from the "Pastoral Aid Society" secured the residence of a clergyman in a place of 1,400 inhabitants, with scarcely an exception poor miners and colliers, who had no pastor to care for their souls. He now states in his report: "I cannot rightly estimate the blessings that have resulted from your grant. Should

* *



it please God, in his inscrutable wisdom, to allow similar scenes of riot and blasphemy to be acted over again in these parts, I trust your committee will then see the result of their well-deserved aid in the inclination of the people rather to assist the authorities than to join the rebellious, and in the deaf ear which I believe they would turn to all the designing and artful advice of the infidel and the chartist. Without your grant, there could not have been a resident minister; and, consequently, all the children in the schools, who have left or are about leaving to enter service, would not have received the blessing of a sound religious education; nor (humanly speaking) would the good seed have been sown in their hearts, as I trust and believe it has been in some of them; neither would those who have departed this life have had their sick and dying beds cheered, as I trust they have been, by the consoling words of the minister, pointing them to the " Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world." Neither would those who have been sick and recovered have been able to testify, as I think many can, that, through God's blessing on his humble instrument, their sickness has been blessed to their soul's good, and that it has been good indeed for them that they have been afflicted.

A moral influence is being spread throughout this scene of vice and desolation. The people think more of their duty, and look on crime and sin in a different light to what they did. Doubtless, God, in his own time, will give a more direct blessing on his word. I am sowing, I trust, good seed-' Christ and him crucified' another, perhaps, may reap the fruit of my labours."

LAY AGENCY.-The pastor of a flock of 16,000 souls bears the following testimony to the value of lay agency :-" By means of your grant I have been enabled to employ a second lay assistant, by whom I am increasingly acquainted with the state and awful wants of my immense parish. When they return and give me the accounts of the people they have visited, my heart often sinks within me at their reports of the heathenish state of so many within the sound of the church-going bell. Forty only out of a hundred families are living and professing no religion, owning

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