THE 81922 MEDICAL VISITOR BY TEMPLE S. HOYNE, A. M., M. D., CHICAGO, ILL. VOL. IX. DARIUS D. THORP, PRINTER, LANSING, MICH. 1893. A Victim of Science-Dr. J. B. S. King, 143. Biographical Cyclopædia, 131. Bone in the Heart, 385 Books and Pamphlets, 8, 48, 79, 110, 148, Case of Suppressed Menses-Dr. Carrie Case, A Cactus and Sepia-Dr. J. B. S. King, 169. Case, Interesting, of Empyema, 25. Cases from Practice-Dr. J. S. King, 368. Chlorine Poisoning-Dr. E. Z. Bacon, 365. Climate of South Dakota with Reference to Health--Dr. O.N. Hoyt, 218. Climate, Sun Spots and-Dr. A. Miller, 246. Climate, Influence of, upon Diphtheria, Small-Pox, Scarlet Fever and Measles-Dr. W. W. French, 250. Climate, Water and-Dr. C. Bojanus, 269. Climate of Minnesota and Its Adaptation to Persons Suffering From Tubercular Disease of the LungsDr. W. D. Lawrence, 271. Climate, Notes on-Dr. T. C. Duncan, 319. Climate of New Zealand-Dr. John Murray Moore, 333. Clinical Notes-Dr. T. S. Hoyne, 6. Clippings, 386. Club Rates for 1894, 389. Colorado, 55, 119, 132, 178, 257, 326. Congress, World's. 137. Connecticut, 119, 133, 224. Consumption, the Causes and Prevention of--Dr. P. Dierich, 1. Consumption in New England, Dr. B. H. Cheney, 245. Correspondence, 5, 45, 47, 100, 118. Cosmetic Surgery-Dr. R. St. J. Perry, 171, Curantur or Curentur-Dr. T. L. Brad ford, 69. Deaths. Fellows, Isaac, 76. Kellogg, Jno. L., 173. Moore, George W., 8. Nash, S. A., 76. Paine, Henry D., 255. Wilbur, Charles A., 75, 76. Delaware, 134. District of Columbia, 17, 82, 120, 135, 152, 225, 287 326. Dream Within a Dream-Dr. S. W. Andrews, 36. Echoes of the Congress, 211. Evil Effects of Amalgam Filling-Dr. R. W. Starr, 279. Eruptive Diseases and Sulphur-Dr. T, S. Hoyne, 347. Field, The, 16, 55, 82, 119, 152, 178, 224, 257, 287, 326, 353. Florida, 135. Food for Thought, 15. Foreign, 160. Georgia, 136. Gossip, 12, 54, 81, 128, 151, 200, 228, 261, 292, 327, 358, 385. Growth (Our) for the Year-Dr. T. S. Hall, Dr. George A., 136. Homoeopathic (the) Materia Medica Dr. T. S. Hoyne, 311. Homœopathic Banquets and Balls, 15. Homœopathy: What will it Cure-Dr. T. S Hoyne, 7. Idaho, 136. |