editors--European and American-specialists in their several departments. P. W. Williams, M. D., Secretary of Staff. E. B. Treat, Publisher, 5 Cooper Union, New York. The eleventh yearly issue of this valuable one-volume reference work of over 620 pages lies upon our table and it richly deserves and perpetuates the enviable reputation which its predecessors have made, for selection of material, accuracy of statement and general usefulness. The corps of department editors is representative in every respect. Numerous illustrations-many of which are in colors-make the "Annual" more than ever welcome to the profession, as providing, at a reasonable outlay, the handiest and best resumé of medical progress yet offered. Part I., comprises the new remedies, together with an extended Review of the therapeutic progress of the year. Part II., comprising the major portion of the book, is given to the consideration of new treatment; and is a retrospect of the year's work, with several original articles by eminent authorities. The third-consists of miscellaneous articles, such as Recent Advances in Sanitary Science; Improvements in Pharmacy; New Inventions in Instruments and Appliances; Books of the Year, etc. The arrangement of the work is alphabetical, and with its complete Index, makes it a reference book of rare worth. In short, the "Annual" is what it claims to be-a recapitula · tion of the year's progress in medicine, serving to keep the practitioner abreast of the times with reference to the medical literature of the world, Price, neatly bound-$2.75. "Appendicitis." Clinical lecture at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School, February 11, 1893, by R. T. Morris, A. M., M. D., New York. Reprint from the New England Medical Monthly. Nineteenth annual report of the superintendent of the Cincinnati Sanitarium for the year ending November 30, 1892. "Asexualization as a Penalty for Crime and Reformation of Criminals," a paper read before the Cincinnati Academy of Medicine, February 27, 1888, and republished in 1893, by Orpheus Everts, M. D., superintendent Cincinnati Sanitarium, College Hill, Ohio. "Modern Gynecology," a treatise on diseases of women, com prising the results of the latest investigations and treatment im this branch of medical science, by Charles H. Bushong, M. D., assistant gynecologist to the Demilt Dispensary, New York, formerly attending physician to the Northern Dispensary, and assistant to the Vanderbilt Clinic College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. One large 8vo Vol., cloth, 400 pp. Fully illustrated, $2.75. E. B. Treat, publisher, 5 Cooper Union, N. Y. It is seldom that the book editor receives a volume that he gets so interested in that he must read it from one end to the other. This is a work of that character. Written for the family physician or general practitioner, this book contains just the information he needs in a small compass and yet nothing seems to be omitted. Busy men who have no time for the ponderous tomes written especially for the specialist can here find boiled down and clearly expressed the symptoms of the numerous diseases of the female sexual organs. The necessary manipulations are described as well as the instruments and appliances. The major operations are not given in detail, though the symptoms indicating the services of a specialist are fully described. There are nineteen chapters, headed as follows: Examinations, Menstruation, Amenorrhoea, Scanty Menstruation, Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia, Diseases of the Vulva, Urethra and Urinary Meatus, Diseases of the Vagina, the Cervix, Metritis, Uterine Displacements, Salpingitis and Peri-Salpingitis, Ovaries, Fibroma, Carcinoma, Hematocele, Sterility. The volume is well illustrated, every attention having been paid to the details which are so necessary for a proper understanding of the subject. Quite a number of the cuts were made from photographs taken specially for this work. As usual the publisher's part has been well done and the book is a credit to the house. 66 Epilepsy, with Special Reference to its Treatment with Solanum Carolinense," by Dr. A. G. Selman, Indianapolis, Ind. Reprint from Medical Brief of March, 1893. 66 وو Epilepsy-Its Curability Established. With Author's Compliments. By A. G. Selman, M. D., Indianapolis, Ind. Reprint the Medical Brief. 66 Homœopathic League Tract No. 45, Two Decades in Medicine," by Dr. T. H. Hudson, of Kansas City. A New York daily paper, taking up the idea conveyed in Flammarion's exciting novel, "Omega: The Last Days of the World," has interviewed a number of the leading men in all professions as to what they would do if science were to predict tomorrow that the end of the world would arrive within the next thirty days. The answers are various and curious, and heighten the interest which is felt in the second part of Flammarion's great novel, which appears in the May Cosmopolitan. It is a question which everyone will find interesting to ask of himself: What would you do if within six weeks the end of the world were certain? Probably no novel which has ever appeared in an American magazine has been more elaborately illustrated by more distinguished artists. Laurene, Saunier, Vogel, Meaulle, Rochegrosse, Geradin and Chovin all contribute to the explanation of the text. Transactions of the twenty-eighth annual session of the Homœopathic Medical Society of the State of Wisconsin, held at Milwaukee, June 7, 8 and 9, 1892. Edited by the secretary, Dr. A. R. F. Grob. Wisconsin has surpassed herself this year in this volume of There are 36 papers in all, besides the usual reports, 270 pages. addresses, etc. SECTION OF GENERAL MEDICINE OF THE PANAMERICAN MEDICAL CONGRESS. This unique assemblage promises to be one of the most important events that has occurred in the history of medicine in the Americas. Its success is assured by the large number of valuable papers already promised. The section on general medicine, which is one of the most important that has been created, bids fair to be one of the most successful in the entire Congress; and already many valuable contributions are in process of preparation, and will be read at the meeting in September. It is hoped, with the hearty co-operation of all physicians living not only in North but also in South and Central America, that the work in this section will be memorable; and each physician living on this continent is requested to join this most important section, and to prepare a contribution to be read before that body. It is especially requested that those intending to join this section or to read papers shall at once send their names, with titles of papers, to the secretary, Dr. Judson Daland, No. 319 South Eighteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., so that they may be noted on the calendar and given their appropriate places.—Reprinted from the International Medical Magazine, March, 1893. Dr. Perry has in preparation a work on cosmetic surgery which may appear in the pages of the MEDICAL VISITOR. THE FIELD. COLORADO.-The seventh annual meeting of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Colorado was held Tuesday and Wednesday, May 16 and 17. The first day after the business session the programme was as follows: " Ophthalmology and Otology," Drs. R. J. Brown, C. W. Enos, F. S. Smythe; address by President N. G. Burnham; "Obstetrics," Drs. E. G. Freyermuth, G. W. Lawrence, J. C. Irvine, Eliza J. Wall, C. E. Tennant, A. J. Clark; Gynecology and Pædology," Drs. W. C. Allen, H. H. Dunkife, S. S. Smythe, Stella M. Clarke, C. N. Hart; "Climatology, Sanitary Science and Hygiene," Drs. E. J. Clark, E. F. Storke, W. C. Allen; "Microscopy, Histology and Physiology," Drs. J. B. Kinley, J. P. Willard, P. M. Cooke. 66 Wednesday morning at 9:30: "Materia Medica," Drs. A. F. Storke, C. C. Cowperthwaite, W. A. Burr, B. A. Wheeler, C. C. Brace, S. F. Shannon; "Clinical Medicine," Drs. J. P. Willard, Stella M. Clarke, H. F. Battery, W. C. Allen, L. E. Marsh, E. H. King, S. B. Buckley; "Surgery and Anatomy," Drs. J. Wylie Anderson, Reuel Bartlett, W. F. Burg, E. E. Storke; "Nervous and Mental Diseases," Drs. B. A. Wheeler, R. J. Brown, S. M. Pearman, W. C. Kneeland. INDIANA-The fourth semi-annual meeting of the Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan Homœopathic Medical Association was held April 25th, in Goshen, Ind.; Dr. A. L. Fisher in the chair. After roll call, and prayer by Rev. Dr. Vannuys, the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Dr. H. A. Mumaw, and approved. The names of Dr. Levi E. Keehne, Milford; Geo. A. Whippy, Middlebury, and Drs. W. A. Whippy and M. K. Kreider, Goshen, were presented for membership. The report of the censors was favorable, and the election of the applicants unanimous. Prof. H. C. Allen, Chicago, was elected an honorary member of the association. Dr. H. A. Mumaw was appointed necrologist for the ensuing year. He reported the demise of one of the society's respected members, Dr. Geo. F. Love, Jones, Mich., on whose death proper action was taken. After letters from absent members, allowing several bills, and the disposition of some other preliminary business, the regular work of the association was in order. Dr. W. B. Kreider, chairman of the Bureau of Ophthalmology, reported a case of mechanical injury to the eye, with reference to the advisability of enucleation. A surgical clinical case was next presented. Dr. G. W. Bowen then read two important papers-Bronchial Obstruction by Foreign Bodies, and Prevention of Death by the Cessation of the Heart's Action. Dr. W. E. Newton reported a case of croup in an elaborate and carefully prepared paper. Dr. H. A. Mumaw read a reprint on the Symptom which Indicates the Remedy. All of the papers elicited great interest and were fully discusssed. Dr. Bowen, being of a poetical turn of mind, then read "Love's Flight," one of his own happy productions. A number of important papers were not read for want of time. Chairmen of bureaux were then appointed by the president: Surgery, Dr. I. O. Buchtel; Ophthalmology, Dr. W. B. Kreider; Materia Medica, Dr. W. A. Whippy; Practice, Dr. G. W. Bowen. Election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, Dr. G. W. Bowen; vice president, Dr. W. E. Newton; secretary, Dr. H. A. Mumaw; treasurer, Dr. W. B. Kreider. On invitation of Dr. W. E. Newton, it was decided to hold the next meeting at Ligonier, on the first Tuesday in October, 1893. IOWA. The state associations of doctors of the school of homœopathy met in Des Moines May 3. There were 100 of them in the meeting. At 10 o'clock the morning session was called to order. The officers were in their places and the rooms were filled by visiting physicians. Dr. W. H. Dickinson officiated in welcoming the visitors to the city, and a response was made by Dr. Watson of Iowa City. The report of the secretary and treasurer was of little importance, except as showing that the society has now the magnificent sum of $20 on hand, having spent $350 during the last year in advancing the interests of the homœopathic medical department of the state university. The following report as to hospital work done in the department at Iowa City was made by the university committee of the association: The number of patients admitted during the clerical year was as follows: Surgical cases, 92; eye and ear, 64; medical, 42; obstetrical, 1; total, 199. There were no deaths, nor have there been for four years, notwithstanding the operations made were many of them of the most formidable character. The classes numbered sixty-six, and the promise for the coming year is for a very large attendance. A very earnest plea has been made for increased hospital advantages, and a committee was appointed to consider and report a plan for raising the funds to fill the want, pending the next session of the legislature. |