WOLSEY in his passage fixes his eye on BUCKINGHAM, and BUCKINGHAM on him, both full of disdain. Wol. The duke of Buckingham's surveyor? ha? Where's his examination? Crom. Here, so please you. Wol. Well, we shall then know more :-and Buck ingham Shall lessen this big look. [Exeunt WOLSEY, and his train. Buck. This butcher's cur is venom-mouth'd, and I Have not the power to muzzle him.— I read in his looks Matter against me; and his eye revil'd Me, as his abject object: at this instant He bores me with some trick: He's gone to the king; I'll follow, and out-stare him. Nor. Stay, my lord. And let your reason with your What 't is you go about. choler question Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot That it do singe yourself:-Nay, be advis'd. I am thankful to you; and I'll go along By your prescription:-but this top-proud fellow, And proofs as clear as founts in July, when Nor. Say not, treasonous. Buck. To the king I'll say 't; and make as strong As shore of rock. Attend. This holy fox, my Only to show his pomp as well in France. vouch To this last costly treaty, the interview, Nor. 'Faith, and so it did. Buck. 'Pray, give me favour, sir. This cunning cardinal The articles o' the combination drew, As himself pleas'd; and they were ratify'd, Nor. I am sorry To hear this of him; and could wish, he were Buck. No, not a syllable; I do pronounce him in that very shape, Enter Sergeant at Arms, BRANDON, and Guards. My lord the duke of Buckingham, and earl Of Hereford, Stafford, and Northampton, I The net has fallen upon me; I shall perish Bran. I am sorry To see you ta'en from liberty; "Tis his highness' pleasure, You shall to the Tower. Buck. It will help me nothing, To plead mine innocence; for that dye is on me, Which makes my whitest part black. The will of heaven Be done in this and all things!-I obey. Bran. Here is a warrant from The king, to attach lord Montacute; and the bodies. Of the duke's chaplain, nam'd John de la Court, One Gilbert Peck, his chancellor,— Buck. So, so; These are the limbs of the plot: No more, I hope. Bran. A monk o'the Chartreux. Buck. O, Nicholas Hopkins? Bran. He. Buck. My surveyor is false; the o'er-great cardinal Whose figure even this instant cloud puts on, SCENE II. The Council-chamber. Flourish of Trumpets. Enter the Lord Chamberlain, King HENRY, leaning on WOLSEY'S shoulder; NORFOLK, the Duke of SUFFOLK, Sir THOMAS LOVEL, and CROMWELL.-The Cardinal places himself at the King's feet, on his right side. King. My life itself, and the best heart of it, Thanks you for this great care: I stood i' the level Of a full-charg'd confederacy; and give thanks that chok'd it. [The King and WOLSEY sit.] Let be call'd before us That gentleman of Buckingham's: in person And point by point the treasons of his master [Sir HENRY GUILDFORD without.] Guil. Room for the queen. Enter the Queen, ushered by GUILDFORD, who places a cushion on which she kneels:-The King rises, takes her up, and places her by him. King. Rise. Queen. Nay, we must longer kneel; I am a suitor. King. Arise, and take your place by us :-Half your suit Never name to us; you have half our power: The other moiety, ere you ask, is given; Repeat your will, and take it. Queen. Thank your majesty. That you would love yourself; and, in that love, Not unconsider'd leave your honour, nor The dignity of your office, is the point Of my petition. King. Lady mine, proceed. Queen. I am solicited, not by a few, 5 And those of true condition, that your subjects My good lord cardinal, they vent reproaches Of these exactions, yet the king our master, Language unmannerly, yea, such which breaks Nor. Not almost appears, It doth appear: for, upon these taxations, Compell'd by hunger, And lack of other means, are all in uproar, And Danger serves among them. King. Taxation! Wherein? and what taxation?-My lord cardinal You that are blam'd for it alike with us, Know you of this taxation? Wol. Please you, sir, I know but of a single part, in aught Pertains to the state; and front but in that file Where others tell steps with me. Queen. No, my lord, You know no more than others: but you frame Things, that are known alike; which are not whole some To those which would not know them, and yet must King. Still exaction! The nature of it? In what kind, let's know, |