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Act to provide for the administration of
the royal authority, &c. II, 237
Acts, public, list of, passed in the 51st of
George III. II, 305

Agricultural reports, II, 28, 43, 66, 89, 112,
129, 142, 155, 173, 188, 200, 232
Albuhera, battle of, I, 279
Alburquerque, Duke of, his melancholy
death, I, 298

Alcobaço, convent of, destroyed, I, 255
America, congress papers, a supplementary
non-intercourse act, I, 188. National
bank abolished, ib. Infamous conduct
of Commodore Rodgers in the affair of
the Little Belt, I, 184. Supplies the
French privateers with stores, ammuni-
tion, &c. 187. Conduct of Madison,
188, 190

Amethyst, loss of, II, 40

Anholt, Isle of, Danish attempt upon, I,
242. Gazette account of, 458
Armitage, Richard, removed to Newgate
and examined, II, 85. Executed, 138


Badajoz surrendered to the French, I,
250. Siege of by Lord Wellington,


Baltic fleet, distressing accounts of, II,


Ballad, II, xci

[blocks in formation]

Blake, General, proceeds to Valencia, I,
314 Defeated by Suchet, 325
Blair, Lord President, death of, II, 107.
Funeral of, 115

Bowles, John, tried for the murder of his
wife, II, 9

Boxing matches, Silverthorne and Dogher-
ty, II, 7. Rimmer and Molineux, 100,
and Molineux and Crib, 170

Bridge, the Regent's, foundation stone laid,
II, 96, 97

Bridge, Strand, foundation laid, II, 178
Brougham, Mr, speech on abuses in the
navy, I, 85
Budget, I, 89

Buenos Ayres, account of, I, 395

Ballasteros, his activity in Andalusia, I, Bullion and paper currency bill, debates


Balloon, Sadler's ascension, II, 176
Bank of England notes, amount of those
in circulation, II, 138

on, I, 106

Buonaparte, address of the French Senate
to, I, 211. Speech to the Council of
Commerce, 212. His system of educa-

[blocks in formation]


Cochrane, Lord, imprisonment at Malta,
I, 77. Speech on abuses in the courts
of Admiralty, 79

Commercial credit, proceedings of the
committee of, I, 94. Debates on, 97
Commercial credit, report by the commit-
tee of, II, 277

Committee, report of, relative to appeals
with the House of Lords, II, 284
Congress, American, message of the pre-
sident to, II, 249

Cooke, (the actor), account of his appear-
ance in America, II, 10
Correspondence betwixt the Lords of the
Treasury and Auditor of Exchequer, II,


Correspondence betwixt the Regent and
Mr Perceval, II, 252

Cadiz, expedition from, under La Pena, I, Cortes, conduct of the, I, 365


Cahill, trial of, for a duel, II, 3
Campo Mayor, taken by the French, I,
271. Retaken, 272
Cambridge university, chancellorship va-
cant by the death of the Duke of Graf-
ton, II, 55. Application for the succes
sion by the Dukes of Rutland and Glo-
cester, ib. Election of the chancellor,
63. Installation, 127
Canning, Mr, observations on the Regency
bill, I, 5, 9. Eloquent speech on the
peninsular war, 54

Canterbury bank, robbery of, II, 107
Caraccas, declaration of rights of the pro-
vinces, II, 333

Carlton-house, grand ball at, II, 191.
Accidents attending it, 126, &c
Cardoza, a Portugueze, and two women,
tried for the murder of Thomas Davis,
II, 9. Executed, 68
Catholic committee, proceedings of, on
the appointment of the Regent, I, 115
Catholic bishops in America, their letter
to the bishops of Ireland, II, 345
Chancery suits, Mr M. A. Taylor's mo-
tion respecting, I, 147

Child stealing, trial respecting, II, 200,

[blocks in formation]

Cortes, proclamation of, II, 314
Council, Queen's, appointed under the
Regency bill, I, 6

Crim. con., trial for, II, 204, &c.
Cumberland, Richard, funeral of, II, 99.

[blocks in formation]

Eagles, French, deposited in Whitehall
chapel, II, 98

East Indies, account of a conspiracy there,

II, 93. Trial of Stirling for inhuman
conduct to his wife, Bombay, 154
Easter Monday, account of the sports of,
at Richmond, II, 63

Edinburgh castle, escape of French prison-
ers from, II, 87. Foundation stone of
the new church Charlotte Square laid,
II, 102
Epping stag-hunt, II, 63
Extraordinary case of insensibility to pain,
II, 159


Fashions, account of, II, 28, 43, 66, 90,
112, 130, 143, 156, 175, 188, 200, 232

Faulder, v. Sith, as executor of J. C. Jer
vois, Esq. II, 211
Figueras, account of, I, 300. Recovered
by the Spaniards, 302. Gallant defence
of, 306. Retaken by the French, 307
"Finance, Mr Horner's resolutions, II, 287.
Mr Vansittart's, 288. Earl Stanhope's,


Finnerty, P., tried for libel, II, 29
Fire in the Exchequer, Edinburgh, II, 194
Fire at Greenwich hospital, II, 173
Fitzroy, Lord William, dismissed the na-
val service for tyranny, II, 85
Forgery, account of a singular mode of, II,


Foster, our minister in America, demands a
disavowal of Rodgers' aggression in the
affair of the Little Belt, I, 189
Frankland, Mr, admirable speech on Sir S.
Romilly's proposed alteration in the
criminal law, I, 151

French armies, cruelties in their retreat
through Portugal, I, 255. Their con-
duct at Madrid, 362

French empire, exposition of the state of,
I, 216

Frere, Mr, his epitaph on the Duke of Al-
burquerque, 1, 299

Fuentes d'Onoro, battle of, I, 274


Germany, affairs of, I, 238

Glasgow Bank, robbery of, II, 137
Godinot, a French general, commits sui-
cide, I, 387

Gooday, Rev. W., punished for brawling
in church, II, 35

Gough, Colonel, gallant conduct at Tarifa,
I, 341

Gould, John, hanged for the murder of his
wife, II, 68

Graham, Sir Thomas, gallant conduct at
Barrosa, I, 293, &c. Gazette account
of the action, 450

Grey, Earl, speech on the Regency bill, I,

13, 18

[blocks in formation]

Hill, General, surprises and defeats Girard
at Arroyo Molinos, I, 334
Hoax, a fatal oue, II, 195
Hodge, Hon. Arthur, planter in Tortola,
hanged for cruelty to negro slaves, I,
199, II, 140

Holland, Lord, motion for list of ex officio
informations, I, 140

Hoste, Captain, his account of a gallant
action at sea with a squadron of the ene
my, I, 462

Huggins, a planter of St Nevis. His de-
testable cruelty. Is tried and escapes,
I, 196

Hutchinson, Mr, speech on the address to
the Regent, I, 44


Imports of wheat, flour, &c., II, 97
Ireland, the appointment of the Regent
warmly welcomed there, I, 115. Pro-
ceedings consequent on, 119. State of
the country, 135, &c.
Isle of France captured, I, 442.

The re
turn of killed, &c., in the attack on, 449
Jesuits, account of, I, 360

Jews, whimsical punishment of two, II, 27
Jockey Club, meeting of, for the purpose

of discovering persons poisoning race
horses, II, 97

Johnson, Lieut.-Col., trial of, II, 117.
Sentence, 129

Junot, General, wounded in reconnoiter-
ing, I, 253

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Leyden, Dr John, memoirs of, II, xli. Opera-house, robberies at, II, 108
Verses to the memory of, xci
Liniers, General, history of, I, 397. Death,


Literary fund, anniversary of, II, 90
Liverpool, Lord, speech on the conduct of
the magistrates of Nevis in witnessing
Huggins's cruelty, I, 197
Lyall's, trial of, II, 4


M'Arra, James, tried for the murder of
his brother, II, 22

Maplestrom, account of its increase, II, 79
Martinique, disturbances there, I, 193
Marmont disperses his army after having
raised the siege of Badajoz, I, 285
Marriages, &c. ÏI, xciv

Massena, his retreat from Portugal, I, 254.
Recommences offensive operations a-
gainst the allies, 273

M'Cues tried for murder, II, 69
M'Carthy, Felix, Esq., death of, II, 98
Melville, Lord, death of, II, 114
Mermaid, account of one, II, 189
Militias, interchange of, debates on, I, 64
Milton, Lord, speech against the re-ap-
pointment of the Duke of York, I, 65
Mina, Espoz y, the Guerilla chief, transac-
tions, I, 345. His danger and escape, 353
Minotaur, loss of, II, 1. Particulars re-
specting, 67

Mock parson, account of, II, 145 167
Murder, an atrocious, II, 199. Horrid
murder of the Marr family, 206, &c.
Of the Williamsons, 219, &c. Account
of one in France, II, 17;

Myers, Sir William, gallant death of, at Al-
buhera, I, 282


Navy, British, state of, II, 80

Nelson, Lord, account of the statue erect-
ed in Guildhall to his memory, II, 88
New publications, II, ciii
Nottingham, disturbances at, II, 49. Dis-
contents there, II, 195


Oakey, Tryce, reprieved at the gallows, II,


O'Connor, Roger, trial of, for assaulting
Henry Ogle, II, 52


Parliament, session of, opened by commis
sion, 12th February, I, 40
Patents, list of, II, 354
Pedestrian feat, II, 56

Pedrazuela, an actor of Madrid, singular
account of his atrocities, I, 361. Hang-
ed by order of General Castanos, ib.
Perceval, Mr, how esteemed when he
came into power, I, 31. Speech on the
reappointment of the Duke of York, 66.
Letter to the Regent, II, 253
Phenomenon, extraordinary, at Plymouth,
II, 113

Pickpockets, account of, II, 217
Plymouth, court martial there, on the mu
tineers of the Diana and Growler, II,
212. Their execution, 216

Pole's, Mr W., circular letter, debates on,

Pomone frigate, loss of, II, 179
Portugal, situation of, I, 244
Portugueze, money voted in parliament for
their relief, I, 268

Premiums given by the Board of Trustees
for Scottish manufactures, II, 56
Privy council office broken open, II, 178
Prince of Wales packet, loss of, II, 191
Principal appointments and promotions,
II, xcix

Protests on the act to provide for the ad-
ministration of the royal authority, II,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Regency, proceedings in the House of
Čommons concerning, I, 1. In the
Lords' House, 13

Regency bill, debates on, I, 2, &c.
Regent, installation of, I, 27. Qualifica-
tion of, II, 26. Speech of, 294
Reille, a French general, his base conduct,
I, 355

Robbery, extraordinary one, II, 180
Roberts, tried for escaping from the House
of Correction, II, 164
Rogers, Mr, death of by a bull, Il, 59
Rome, King of, (son to Buonaparte) born,
I, 214. Proceedings thereon, 215
Romilly's, Sir S., projected alterations on
the criminal law, I, 151

Rose, Mr, speech on the state of the navy,
I, 74


The atrocious conduct of Suchet's army
there, 306

Tarifa, account of, I, 338. Siege of, 339,
Gallant defence of, 340

Tarleton, General, defends Sir John Moore,
and ascribes his misfortunes to ministry,
I, 51. Accuses Lord Wellington of
sundry errors, 52

Thames, covered with floating masses of
ice, II, 6

Trinidad, motion to introduce the British
laws there, I, 200

Turkish Ambassador, funeral of, II, 67
Tyrannicide, discussions on, in the House
of Commons, I, 225


Valencia, taken by the French, I, 326
Venus, Hottentot, baptized, II, 217

Saldanha frigate, particulars of the loss of, Volcano in the sea, account of, II, 59

II, 206

Satellite, loss of, II, 1
Scotticisms, list of, II, lxix

Sicily, state of, I, 422. Intrigues of the
court, 424. Character of the king and
queen, 425. Discontent of the people,
ib. A conspiracy discovered, 436.
Change in the government effected, 437
Somerville, Lord, account of his show of
cattle at Smithfield, II, 50

Sonnet to the River E * * *, II, lxxxviii
to ***,
II, lxix

to the same,

on the Departure of Autumn, xc
Soult, Marshal, account of his military
character, I, 387

Spain, affairs of, I, 360, &c.

Spanish America, state of, I, 367. Errors
of the mother-country in regard to their
settlements there, 373, &c.
State Papers, British, II, 237, &c. French,
&c. 315, &c.

Stocks, prices of, for each month, I, 494
Strangford, Lord, letter to the junta at
Buenos Ayres, II, 324. Their reply,


Suchet, General, besieges Tarragona, I,
303. Detestable conduct there, 306,
Defeats Blake at Murviedro, 323
Swindlers, gang of, described, II, 198


Tarragona, taken by the French, I, 305.

Volunteering from the militia, II, 92
Useful Inventions, II, 356


Walsh, Mr, guilty of breach of trust, II,
212. His examination, 214
Wardle, Colonel, advocates the cause of
a militia corporal in the House of Com-
mons, I, 59

Wellington, Lord, able conduct in pursuit
of the French in their retreat through
Portugal, I, 258. His representation of
the conduct of the Portugueze, I, 267.
Blockades Ciudad Rodrigo, 329. Ga-
zette account of his movements at Villa
Seca, and Louzao, 454. Victory of
Fuentes de Honor, 464

Wellesley, Hon. Henry, note to Don Eu-
sebio Azara, II, 342. His reply, 343
Whitbread, Mr, speech on the Regency
bill, I. 1

Windham, review of his life and genius,
II, i

Wylde, Mr, murdered by a highwayman,
II. 176


York, Duke of, reappointed commander
in chief, I, 65. Debates on his re-
appointment, 67, &c.


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