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England-Mr. Mariner sends on shore for the journal of
the Port au Prince, and procures the escape of one of his
countrymen-He takes a final leave of the king-The
ship sails for the Hapai islands-Five more Englishmen
taken on board—The ship sails for the Fiji islands-Her
departure for China.

Page 1
CHAP. XVI. Preliminary remarks-Anecdote of the late
king-Character of the present king-Parallel between
him and his father-His humanity-His understanding
-Anecdote of him respecting a gun-lock-Respecting
the pulse-His love of astronomical knowledge-His ob-
servations upon European acquirements-His remarks
concerning the antipodes-Anecdote of him respecting
the mariner's compass-His attention to the arts-Cur-
sory view of the character of Finow Fiji-His early war-
like propensities-His peaceable disposition and wisdom
-Cursory character of Hala Api Api-His mischievous
disposition-His generosity, wisdom, heroic bravery, and
occasional moderation-His swiftness of foot-Arrival of
the Favourite at the Hapai islands - Generosity of Robert
Brown-Anecdote of the gunner of the Port au Prince-
Three men of the Port au Prince received on board-
Anecdote of an Hapai warrior-Excuses and apologies of
the Hapai people in regard to the capture of the Port au
Prince-The Favourite departs for the Fiji islands-Re-
marks on the conduct of one of the Englishmen left be-
hind-An account of the intentions of the Hapai people
towards Captain Cook-Anecdote respecting the death of
this great man-Arrival of the Favourite at the island of
Pay-Some account of the natives, and of the white peo-
ple there-Departure of the ship, from the Fiji islands,

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CHAP. XIX.-Farther particulars respecting the divine chiefs
Tooitonga and Veachi: respecting the priests-General
remarks on the moral notions and habits of the people-

The first principles which in them constitute the foundation of virtue-References to Toobo Neuha, Hala A'pi A'pi, and others-Farther habits of practical liberality— The principle of respect and veneration to the gods, chiefs, parents, and aged persons-Defence of hereditary rights, and love of country-Instances of the principle of honour: instances of the contrary: remarks: conclusions -Their liberal opinions of one another, and of European nations, with references-Humanity-General observations on the virtue of chastity-Investigation of the proportion of married women-Conduct of the married women-Conduct of the unmarried women: of the married men of the unmarried men-General view of society, as far as their notions respecting chastity are concerned― Conclusions upon this subject-Remarks. Page 140 CHAP. XX.-Preliminary observations-Cava root: ceremony of preparing the infusion, and order of serving it out, either as a chief, a priest, or a god may presideThe ceremony of Ina'chi; of Fuccala'hi; of Cava fucca e'gi; of Tow-tow; of Nawgia; of Tootooni'ma; of Boo'too and its minor ceremonies, viz. Fala, Too'too, Lafa, Toogi, Foa, Oo'loo; with a quotation from Leviticus; of Langi, and the very singular mode of shewing respect to the remains of Tooito'nga-of Taboo and the ceremonies of mo'ë-molë and fo'ta; of Too'goo cava; of Lo'tooOmens-Charms.



CHAP. XXI.-Introductory observations on the state of the healing art in these islands-Their surgical knowledge borrowed from the Fiji islands—Medical skill of a Sandwich islander-The operation of cawso, with a case described; regimen; precautions against tetanus-Two

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cases of tetanus cured by the operation of tocolosi—Operation of boca, or castration: a man castrates himselfFractures and luxations-Topical blood-letting-Opening abscesses-Burning and blistering-Friction-Scarification of the tunica adnata-Gun-shot wounds-Amputation-Circumcision-Ta tatto'w at the Tonga islands; at the Fiji islands-The diseases called cahi and palla-Gonorrhoea-Observations respecting the existence of syphilis at these islands-Gonorrhoea cured by fright in three individuals-Tona, a disease similar to the yaws-An eruption on the feet called gno'wooa-Fooa, or elephantiasisMomoco, or general wasting of the flesh-Feke-feke, a species of irregular intermittent. Page 240 CHAP. XXII.-General observations on the principal arts and manufactures-Canoe-building-Inlaying with ivory -Preparing graves-Constructing stone vaults-Netmaking-Fishing-House-building-Striking the tattow -Carving the handles of clubs-Shaving with shells— Cooking food-Enumeration of the principal made dishes -Making ropes; bows and arrows; clubs and spearsManufacture of gnatoo, and mode of printing it—Making mats, baskets, combs, thread, &c. 274 CHAP. XXIII.-General habits of chiefs, matabooles, mooas, women, and children-Quotation from Cook's Voyages, affording a very correct view of their public festivals and rejoicings in honour of illustrious visitors, and describing very accurately their boxing and wrestling matches, and sundry dances: the whole including a point of time when Captain Cook and his companions were to have been assassinated by the natives-An account of their different dances and songs-Specimen of their

songs in rhyme-Specimen of their music-An account of their various sports and games-The pastimes of a day


A Grammar of the Tonga Language.

A Vocabulary, Tonga and English.

A Vocabulary, English and Tonga.

Page 296


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