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Bay by a Tonga chief and his wife, who had returned

from there-Finow's ideas respecting the value and cir-

culation of money-General slaughter of the dogs at Va-

*vaoo, on account of their destroying the game-Their

flesh cooked and eaten by several chiefs-Finow's first

essay at the sport of fanna kalai with the bird from

Page 245

CHAP. IX.-Island of Hoonga-Curious cavern there, and

how first discovered-Anecdote of the person who first

discovered the cavern-Description of the sport of shoot-

ing rats-Popular tale of the origin of the Tonga islands

-Finow's return to Vavaoo-General fono, and seizure

of several chiefs-Stratagem used to secure Cacahoo-

Several of the prisoners taken out to sea to be sunk;

their conversation on the way-Conduct of Cacahoo

whilst sinking-Conduct of the widows of the deceased,

particularly of the widow of Now Fahoo-Description of

the plantation of Mahe Boogoo-Popular tale of what

happened at this plantation in former times-Tonga song

-Abundance of a peculiar fish found here-This planta-

tion given up by Mahe Boogoo, and conferred on Mr.

Mariner by Finow-A dead spermaceti whale found off

one of the islands-Their method of making ornaments

with its teeth-Anecdote exemplifying the high estima-

tion in which whale's teeth are held-Still greater value

of them at the Fiji islands-Arrival of Cow Mooala from

the Fiji islands.

CHAP. X.-Cow Mooala's narrative-His early residence at

the Fiji islands-Is drifted to Fotoona on his return to

Tonga-Particular customs of Fotoona-Arrives at Lo-

tooma on his return to Fiji-Character of the people-

Popular tale of two giants-Arrives at Navihi Levoo,

one of the Fiji islands-Character of the people-Their

cannibalism-Observations-Sails for the island of Pau,

the most important of the Fiji islands its traffic-Ac-

count of an European vessel wrecked there-Anecdote of

a gigantic lizard, (probably a crocodile) which did much

mischief at a neighbouring isle: stratagem used to de-

stroy it-Farther account of Pau-Description of several

customs of the Fiji islands-Description of the island of

Chichia, and its strong fortress: some account of its war

with Pau-Description of a cannibal feast-Feast given

by Finow on Cow Mooala's return to Tonga. Page 317

CHAP. XI.-Arrival of a canoe from the island of Tonga,

bringing a chief and two young matabooles, with a peti-

tion from Toobo Malohi: they give an account of the late

transactions there, viz. Teoo Cava, chief of Hihifo, being

joined by the chiefs and men that formerly belonged to

Nioocalofa, makes an attack on the fortress of Noókoo-

Noôkoo, and takes it: the enemy return in the night,

and set fire to it-Teoo Cava, making his escape, is

stopped and killed by a Fiji islander-Conduct of Ata in

the defence of Hihifo, and the bravery of Maccapapa-

Grief of Teoo Cava's widows for his loss-Reference to

an anecdote in the missionary voyage respecting Eliza

Mosey (note)-Petition of Toobo Malohi and his chiefs

to Finow; their reception by him, and ceremony of par-

don-Toobo Malohi's conversation with Finow, and his

ultimate departure for the Hapai islands.

CHAP. XII.-Finow's younger daughter falls sick-Petitions

to the gods-Farther account of the mode of invocation-

Finow's illness-Debate among the gods respecting Finow

-Supposed effect of Finow's illness and recovery on his

daughter-His daughter conveyed to the island of Ofoo

-Her death-Ceremony of her burial-Strange custom

of the people of Hamoa-Finow's illness-Petitions to

d 2

the gods-Strangulation of a child in the way of sacrifice

-Finow's death-Political state of the Tonga islands,

occasioned by this event-Grief of Finow's daughter—

Mr. Mariner rebuked by the prince for his grief at Fi-

now's death-Suspicious conduct of Voona-Consultation

of the god Toobo Toty'-Report of what had been Fi-

now's intentions previous to his death-The prince con-

sults with his uncle on matters of political government

relative to his succession.
Page 362

CHAP. XIII.-Ceremony of Finow's burial-Grief of his

widows-Self inflictions of the mourners-Funeral pro-

cession to Felletoa-The policy of the prince-Descrip-

tion of the grave, and ceremony of interment-Ceremo-

nies after burial-Respect paid by persons passing the

grave-The prince's intimation to Voona that he should

exile himself—The prince receives authority as How at a

cava party-His noble speech on this occasion-Farther

exhortations to his chiefs and matabooles respecting the

cultivation of the country-Half mourning commences-

The ceremony of the twentieth day after burial-Descrip-

tion of the dance called Méë too Buggi-Heroic behaviour

of two boys at the grave-The late How's fishermen ex-

hibit proofs of their affection for the deceased-Moral

and political character of the late How-His personal

character-A brief comparison between the characters of

the late and present How.


CHAP. XIV. The large fortress of Felletoa rebuilt-The

late king appears to Foonagi (a female chief) in a dream

-The charm of Tattao-Tongamana arrives from the

Hapai islands respecting the Inachi-Certain political

views arising from this circumstance-Permission granted

to Toobo Toa to come to Vavaoo to perform the usual

ceremonies at Finow's grave-His conduct on this occa-

sion-His astonishment at the warlike appearance of the
new garrison-Arrival of Lolohea cow Kefoo from Hapai
-Great storm of thunder and lightning; its effects on
the minds of the people-Dreams of a number of women,
predicting the death of Tooitonga-Illness of Tooitonga
-The fingers of several children cut off as sacrifices to
the gods-Several children strangled-Tooitonga's death
-His burial-The king prepares himself to perform the
usual ceremonies at his father's grave-Accident of Mr.
Mariner's sneezing: his quarrel with the king on this
account: his after conduct: their reconciliation.

Page 435



CHAP. XV. The king annihilates the divine chiefdom of
Tooitonga, and the ceremony of inachi-Mr. Mariner's
adopted mother departs for Hapai-The stratagem used
to prevent her female attendants from accompanying her
-Spirited speech of Tálo on this occasion-All commu-
nication with the Hapai islands shut up-The king's ex-
traordinary attention to the cultivation and defence of
the country-Interesting anecdote respecting two chiefs,
Hála A'pi A'pi and Tálo-Attempt from the people of
Hapai-Mr. Mariner discovers an European vessel whilst
on a fishing excursion: his men refusing to take him on
board, he wounds one mortally, and threatens the others,
upon which they paddle towards the ship-Anecdote of
the wounded man-Mr. Mariner's arrival on board, and
reception from the captain-The king visits him in the
ship: his behaviour on board: his earnest wish to go to

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