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CHAP. I.-The Port au Prince sails from GravesendArrives in the River of Plate-Touches at the Falkland Islands-Doubles Cape Horn-Falls in with the Earl St. Vincent, South whaler-Attempts to cut two whalers (that had been taken by the Spaniards) out of the Bay of Conception-Accident to Thomas Turner-Arrives in Coquimbo Roads-Desertion of eleven men- -Captures three Spanish brigs-Attacks the town of Arica-Captures the town of Hilo and burns it to the ground-Loss of the Begonio brig by fire-Captures a small Spanish brigPicks up a boat with six hands on board, belonging to the Minerva, South whaler, whose crew had mutinied -Falls in with the Lucy privateer-In company with the Lucy, engages the Spanish frigate Astræa-Makes Chatham Island, and parts company with the Lucy-Arrives on the whaling ground-Makes the Isle of Plate-Captures three Spanish vessels-Anchors in Tacames Roads -Sails and anchors in Tola Roads-Friendly reception from the governor of Tola-Anecdote of the governor's daughter. Page 1 CHAP. II. The ship departs from Tola-Anchors in Chatham Bay-Captures a Spanish brig-Catches four whales, making up the number of fifteen-Cuts a brig out of St. Blas-Question concerning the propriety of looking out

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after certain richly laden vessels-Remarks-Arrives at Ce-

ros Island-Illness of Captain Duck-Information respect-

ing a Spanish sloop of war, laden with tribute money—

Death of Captain Duck-The command of the vessel falls

to Mr. Brown-Funeral of Captain Duck-Ship sails from

Ceros-Takes a fresh departure from Guadaloupe-Ar-

rives at the Island of Owyhee-Sails again, and arrives in

Anahooroo Bay, at Woahoo-The chief refuses permis-

sion to enter the close harbour-Sails for Otaheite-Gets

too much to the westward, and makes for the Friendly

Islands-Anchors for the last time at the Island of Le-

fooga-Mutiny and desertion of four men-Farther deser-

tion of fifteen others-Suspicious appearance of the na-

tives-Their first plan to take the vessel unsuccessful-

Natives assemble on deck in great numbers-Signal of

attack-Mr. Mariner runs into the gun-room, and, meet-

ing with the cooper, they determine to blow up the vessel

-Their intention accidentally prevented-In the mean

time general massacre upon deck-Mr. Mariner and the

cooper brought before the chief-Mr. Mariner is sent on

shore-The state of his mind at this period-Finds Mr.

Brown on the beach murdered-He expects to be killed

and eaten-Is brought before the king-The ship is run

aground by the king's orders.
Page 28

CHAP. III.-The ship plundered by Finow's orders—Acci-

dents on board-The ship burned-Guns hauled on shore

Visit to the Island of Whiha-Surprise of the natives

at the sight of a watch-Mr. Mariner deprived of his

books and papers, as being considered instruments of

witchcraft-Anecdote of the missionaries-Remarks on

the present state of the islands, compared with that when

Captain Cook visited them-Political history of the islands

during the foregoing twelve or fifteen years, viz. Expedi

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tion to the Fiji Islands-Insurrection at Tonga-Assassina-

tion of the King-Civil war-Return of the expedition to

the Fiji Islands, which joins the insurgents-Finow conquers

the Hapai Islands-His cruelty towards his prisoners—An-

nual invasion of the Island of Tonga-Mr. Mariner and his

companions receive orders to join an expedition against

Tonga, and to employ the guns-Anecdote of an insane

-Finow's fleet sails for Namooca-The fleet ar-

rives off a consecrated place at Tonga-Description of a

ceremony called Toogi-Preparations for battle-Descrip-

tion of the fortification of Nioocalofa.
Page 58

CHAP. IV. Disembarkation of the forces-Siege of Nioo-

calofa-Destruction of the fortress-Cruelty of the con-

querors-Description of the effect of the artillery-Em-

barkation for Pangaimotoo-Ceremony of invoking a god

-Inspiration of a priest-Return to Tonga-The fortress

rebuilt Cannibalism-Garrison of Bea enters into alliance

with Finow-Finow embarks again for Pangaimotoo,

leaving the fortress in the care of the chief of Bea-

Treachery of this chief-Return of the fleet to the Hapai

Islands Astonishment of Finow at the mode of commu-

nicating sentiments by writing, with the circumstanee

that gave rise to it A Tonga chief and his family join

Finow Arrival at Lefooga-Ceremony of Fuccalahi-

Ceremony of marriage between Tooitonga and Finow's



CHAP. V.-Political intrigues of Toobo Toa against Toobo

Neuha-Toobo Toa's vow-Finow's character contrasted

with that of Toobo Neuha-Sentiments of Toobo. Toa-

-Assassination of Toobo Neuha-Speech of Latoo Ila over

the dead body-Specious conduct of Finow-The body

laid in state-Dismal lamentations of Toobo Neuha's

women-Some account of the nature of the taboo-Bu-

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rial of Toobo Neuha-Heroic challenge of Chioolooa-

Chiefdom of Vavaoo given to Finow's aunt-Her hostile

intentions-The heroic speech of her sister to the women

of Vavaoo-Tóë Oomoo (Finow's aunt) builds a large

and strong fortress at Vavaoo-Finow's determination to

proceed immediately against it, notwithstanding the dis-

suasion of his priests-Sketch of his religious sentiments

-Bravado of a Vavaoo warrior-Finow's son arrives from

the Navigator's islands-His ceremony of marriage-Ar-

rival of a canoe from Vavaoo-Finow embarks with 4000

men for Haano-By the advice of the gods he proceeds

to Vavaoo with three canoes to offer peace-Is met by

Toe Tangata, who addresses him-Finow makes a speech

to the Vavaoo people-Their rejection of his offers-

Beautiful appearance of the great garrison of Vavaoo-

Return of the expedition to Hapai.

Page 139

CHAP. VI.-Finow embarks again with all his army for Va-

vaoo, and arrives at Neafoo-Alarm in the night-Pre-

sence of mind in one of Finow's men-Plan of attack-

Siege commences-An armistice-Accident to Mr. Mari-

ner, which causes the battle to be renewed-Audacity of

a Vavaoo warrior-Finow forbids the guns to be used-

Sortie of the enemy-Bravery of Chioolooa-Wonderful

escape of Latoo Ila-Conduct of the Hapai women-Fi-

now's army returns to Neafoo, and builds a fortress there

-Alarm in the night-Revolt of a young chief to the

enemy, and the consequences-Slaughter of the enemy

by an ambuscade-Sixty bodies offered to the gods--Can-

nibalism-Supposed treachery of Lioofau-The king re-

turns thanks to his tutelar god-Hints of his priest-

Apprehension and punishment of Mappa Haano-Regu-

lations respecting deserters-Cruelties exercised upon four

of the enemy-Desertion of Toobo Boogoo from the ene-

my-One of Finow's canoes surprised by an attack from

Maccapapa at the island of Taoonga-Finow sends out

an expedition against Maccapapa's canoes, and takes ten

-Attack on the enemy's field of yams-Mr. Mariner

wounded-An attempt to secure the enemy's hogs.

Page 184

CHAP. VII.-Desertion of one of Finow's wives, and the

wife of the prince-Rencontre between one of the fugi-

tives and Mr. Mariner-Attempt to take the enemy's wo-

men while gathering shell-fish-Dispute about the female

prisoners-Return of the Hapai canoes with provisions—

Palavalé's attack upon a party of the enemy, and killing

a man within a sacred fencing-Strangling a child as an

atonement for this sacrilege-Death of Palavalé-Finow,

growing tired of the war, in an artful manner negotiates

a peace-Finow's apology for the conduct of the Vavaoo

people at an entertainment given them-Entertainment

given by the Vavaoo chiefs to Finow and his chiefs-

Sentiments respecting praise, bravery, &c.-New regula-

tions of Finow-Toobo Toa deputed tributary governor

of the Hapai islands-His arrival at the Hapai islands,

accompanied by the prince and Mr. Mariner.


CHAP. VIII.-Arrival of Filimóëátoo at Foa-Description of

the sport called fanna kalai-Treaty of Filimóëátoo with

the chief of Hihifo, respecting the bird kalai, for Finow-

Desertion of several chiefs and warriors to Tonga-Island

of Tofoa, and restrictions respecting cutting down the

Toa tree (Casuarina)-Volcano on this island-Certain

principles among the Fiji islanders alluded to-Grave of

John Norton, of Captain Bligh's boat, with some account

of him-Extract from Bligh's narrative-Remarks upon

the subject-Some account of a ship arriving at the island

of Tonga from Botany Bay-Account given of Botany


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