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before Tooitonga. After the lapse of a little time a woman entered the circle with her face covered up with white gnatoo; she went into the house of the marly, and proceeded towards the upper end, where there sat another woman in waiting with a large roll of gnatoo, a wooden pillow*, and a basket containing bottles of oil. The woman, whose face was veiled, took the gnatoo from the other, wrapped herself up in it, and laying her head upon the wooden pillow, went, or pretended to go, fast asleep. No sooner was this done than Tooitonga rose up, and taking his bride by her hand, led her into the house, and seated her on his left hand. Twenty baked hogs were now brought into the circle of the marly, and a number of expert cooks came with knives (procured from European ships; formerly they used bamboo) to try their skill in carving with speed and dexterity, which is considered a great recommendation. A considerable part was shared out to the chiefs, each taking his portion and putting it in his bosom†. The remainder of

* A pillow to sleep on in these islands consists merely of a rod of wood about an inch in diameter, and a foot and a half long, and raised about half a foot by two diverging pieces at each end: the nape of the neck rests upon this.

+ It is a peculiarity in this ceremony, that the chiefs

the pork was then heaped up and scrambled for at an appointed signal. The woman who had laid herself down, covered over with gnatoo, now rose up and went away, taking with her the gnatoo, and the basket containing the bottles of oil, as her perquisites. Tooitonga then took his bride by her left hand, and led her to his dwelling, followed by the little girl and the other four attendants. The people now dispersed, each to his home. Tooitonga being arrived with his bride at his residence, accompanied her into the house appropriated for her*, where he left her to have her mats taken off, and her usual dress put on; after which she amused herself in conversation with the women. In the mean time a feast was pre

should put their pork in their bosoms, for they never eat it themselves; and as it is tabooed by touching them, no other native of the Tonga islands may eat it: so that it generally falls ultimately to the lot of the natives of the Feegee islands, or other foreigners present, who are not subject to the taboo of Tonga. For the nature of the taboo, reference must be made to the second vol, of the work.

* It must be noticed that every great chief has within his fencing several houses, one or more of which always belongs to his wives. He seldom goes to their house to sleep: he generally sends for one to sleep with him; at least, this is always the case with Tooitonga, for nobody can eat, drink, or sleep, in the same house with him without being tabooed (see Taboo.)

pared for the evening, of pigs, fowls, yams, &c. and cava: this was got ready on the marly, where, about dusk, Tooitonga presiding, the company sat down to receive their portions, which the generality reserved to take home with them; the lower orders, indeed, who had but a small quantity, consumed theirs on the spot. After this the cava was shared out and drunk. The musicians (if so they can be called) next sat down at the bottom of the ring, opposite to Tooitonga, in the middle of a circle of flambeaus, held by men who also held baskets of sand to receive the ashes. The musical instruments consisted of seven or eight bamboos of different lengths and sizes, (from three to six feet long) so as tó produce, held by the middle, and one end being struck on the ground, different notes according to the intended tune (all the knots being cut out of the bamboo, and one end plugged up with soft wood). The only other instrument was a piece of split bamboo, on which a man struck with two sticks, one in each hand, to regulate the time. The music was an accompaniment to dancing, which was kept up a considerable time*. The dancing

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* Their dances have already been described by Captain Cook and others, the account is therefore omitted here not

being over, one of the old matabooles addressed the company, making a moral discourse on the subject of chastity, advising the young men to respect, in all cases, the wives of their neighbours, and never to take liberties even with an unmarried woman against her free consent. The company then rose, and dispersed to their respective homes. The bride was not present at this entertainment. Tooitonga being arrived at his house, sent for the bride, who immediately obeyed the summons. The moment they retired together the lights were extinguished, and a man, appointed at the door for the purpose, announced it to the people by three hideous yells, (similar to the war whoop,) which he followed up immediately by the loud and repeated sound of the conch.

to interrupt the narrative: for further particulars see the second vol.

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Political intrigues of Toobo Toa against Toobo NeuhaToobo Toa's vow-Finow's character contrasted with that of Toobo Neuha-Sentiments of Toobo ToaAssassination of Toobo Neuha-Speech of Latoo Ila over the dead body-Specious conduct of Finow-The body laid in state-Dismal lamentations of Toobo Neuha's women-Some account of the nature of the taboo-Burial of Toobo Neuha-Heroic challenge of Chioolooa-Chiefdom of Vavaoo given to Finow's auntHer hostile intentions-The heroic speech of her sister to the women of Vavaoo-Tóë Oomoo Finow's (aunt) builds a large and strong fortress at Vavaoo-Finow's determination to proceed immediately against it, notwithstanding the dissuasion of his priests-Sketch of his religious sentiments-Bravado of a Vavaoo warriorFinow's son arrives from the Navigator's islands-His ceremony of marriage-Arrival of a canoe from Vavaoo -Finow embarks with 4000 men for Haano-By the advice of the gods he proceeds to Vavaoo with three canoes to offer peace-Is met by Toe Tangata, who addresses him-Finow makes a speech to the Vavaoo people-Their rejection of his offers-Beautiful appearance of the great garrison of Vavaoo-Return of the expedition to Hapai.

WE are now coming to a new era in the history of the Tonga islands, occasioned by

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