St. Louis Courier of Medicine, Bind 27

Medical Journal and Library Association of the Mississippi Valley, 1902

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Side 235 - Text-Book of Practical Therapeutics: With especial Reference to the Application" of Remedial Measures to Disease and their Employment upon a Rational Basis. By Hobart Amory Hare, MD, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia.
Side 63 - The fat curds are small, varying in size from that of a pinhead to that of a small pea.
Side 318 - Diseases of the Eye. — A Hand-Book of Ophthalmic Practice for Students and Practitioners.
Side 315 - Diseases of the Stomach, their Special Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment, with Sections on Anatomy, Physiology, Chemical and • Microscopical Examination of Stomach Contents, Dietetics, Surgery of the Stomach, etc.
Side 478 - International Clinics. A Quarterly of Illustrated Clinical Lectures and Especially Prepared Articles on Medicine, Neurology, Surgery, Therapeutics, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Pathology, Dermatology, Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, and other Topics of Interest to Students and Practitioners, by leading Members of the Medical Profession throughout the World.
Side 480 - Weekly (dated for 30 patients) ; Monthly (undated for 120 patients per month) ; Perpetual (undated for 30 patients each week); and Perpetual (undated for 60 patients each week). The 60-patient book consists of 256 pages of assorted blanks. The first three styles contain 32 pages of important data, thoroughly revised, and 160 pages of assorted blanks.
Side 314 - By Hobart Amory Hare, MD, B.Sc., Professor of Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia...
Side 106 - Resolved, that it is desirable that a uniform and elevated standard of requirements for the degree of MD, should be adopted by all the Medical Schools in the United States...
Side 480 - Weekly (dated, for 30 patients; Monthly (undated, for 120 patients per month) ; Perpetual (undated, for 30 patients weekly per year) ; and Perpetual (undated, for 60 patients weekly per year). The first three styles contain 32 pages of data and 160 pages of blanks.
Side 476 - The International Text-Book of Surgery. — By American and British Authors. Edited by J. Collins Warren, MD, LLD, Professor of Surgery in Harvard Medical School; Surgeon to the Massachusetts General Hospital; and A.

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