1 2. TO BE READ AT MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER, ON THE SUNDAYS, St. Thomas 23 24 St. Stephen. Nativity of Christ. 1st Lesson... 2d Lesson... Is. 9 to ver. 8 Is. 7. v. 10 to v. 17 St. John Evang. Acts 6. v. 8. and ch. 7. to ver. 30 Acts 7. ver. 30 Luke 2 to Tit. 3. v. 4 to v. 9 1st Lesson... Eccles. 5 Eccles. 6 2d Lesson... Revel. 1 Revel. 22 had been -wren mo Lavrany the the Church thought as wobserve the Saturd a fast, steft been changed porn the yos to the 1. day) fit to indulge the the Judaiziz iz etians so o far, far, as day of festival devotion; but the West held it a at Milan. as a 2. There was no reason that the Goutite Xtions should keep the : Iswich festivals, in wh Wh were they were hot concerned, Wh were in me: a shadow of what was tercambio hontent festivals bery early, tthand appointest :siny of this wh rewitte tep of mencies conferred upon the whole world. and natione well as God has taught us that the celebration of solemn fer: tivals is within 500 a part of the public vereise of religime stivats dis: rears afte we find the greatte festivats timpuished by the same names as we now call them. Saints-days were instituted in different churches beomme: :morate their martyrs & Confessors: and was called their Birth-days. - This was a custom as ancient as the times of Guating and Polycarp. When our Church reformed her liting the member of comme: saints was so great, that many were mitteth morations of Saint and a day appointed for them all, wii all-waints day. Buty this also had been pequently by other particular Churches for the same reaton : nicther co the number avoid being very preat, as such Church had some favouritt Saint. the festivals retained in our Church are now theys of Obljatun ::: Wattend divine service & take rest from labour:- Accor Wthe Statute of Edw: Upealed by Eliz: renewed by James, this all : but it wo appear porn later act that the Sunday is now wbs kept with greate uversuce, and Ecclesiastical baba civil festival. is not only an 3. was a particular bile the first Martyr. been retained for se Sephen as having 4. As bring the first who suffered on our Lords account. 3. Untit the last review this & . Hamabad day was not iwin, :cluded: probably because the becau first always, and the other often, fell in term-tome: during wh only certain great festivals whe W kept (when the profes were sittil as ordained by the con: : vocatiom in 1536: among wh the feasts of the apostles, 1:2: the twelve, were wbe kept. - But now these days are of squal obligation with the rest, by the act of Uniformitys 2. Probable Apocryphal lessons wue appointeet for these days, because the Romanists had exalted the brigin Mother abros of God. Herbert Acheron similar principles in lessons principles the lessons were gruerally acknowledge the benefit they derive 5. That atians may the lesser where Holyways clash, such as a must - alivays give way Sunday to the greater. * As a general mle, 445 doubt or tt Andrews advent sunday happen together, reference ! be made to the Ordinary "Wappears all divusch." Perhaps where an apocryphal chapter is appointed for the a conocical one may be read instead, Whit Saints day, by the practiced the church on Sundays. this day altro in othes respects ne no proper Lessons for 1. Inue are it has a special service. Hosea 13 John 11. v. 45 Wisdom 12 19 Ecclus. 1 3. 1st Lesson... 2d Lesson... Ecclus. 10 Acts 14 Acts 15. to ver. 36 Hosea 14 St. John Baptist. 1st Lesson... 2d Lesson... Malachi 3 Matth. 3 Malachi 4 Matth. 14. to ver. 13 St. Peter. Daniel 9 John 13 Jerem. 31 Isaiah 53 1 Peter 2 Ecclus. 12 Wednesday before 1st Lesson... Thursday before 1st Lesson... Good Friday. 1st Lesson... Gen. 22. to v. 20 Easter Even. 1st Lesson... Monday in Easter 1st Lesson... 2d Lesson.. Tuesday in Easter Week. 1st Lesson... Christmas Day.... 1. Ash-Wednesday... Psalm 24 47 108 Psalm 104 145 Good Friday........ |