THE CHRISTIAN'S FAMILY LIBRARY. THE method which has of late years been extensively adopted, of arranging into a uniform and connected Series, a circle of works forming collectively a "Family Library or or" Cyclopædia," -has received such support and encouragement from the public, as to show that it is generally convenient and acceptable. While several valuable and uniform courses of religious works have been published, it appeared that room, however, was yet left for a series of works on Evangelical and Practical Theology, Church History, and Christian Biography; and for thus introducing into a wider circulation and usefulness, the most instructive and edifying works in our language. To occupy this room is the design of the present publication. 2 The plan embraces both established works of popular character, and also such new works or compilations as may appear necessary to render the Series complete. The aim will be to bring together, in about fifty volumes, similar to the present one, such a collection as would be recommended to a young Christian, in order to inform his mind, to interest his heart, to enlarge his experience, and to assist him in the study of the Divine Record,-the original source of all saving truth. Friends, who are competent for the particular departments which they undertake, will assist the Editor, and will be responsible for the works which they prepare, and to which their names will be given. It is proposed to include in the Series, works on Church History, the most useful Biographical Memoirs, the best pieces of the Fathers and Reformers, Treatises and Commentaries on the Scriptures, and the most profitable theological, practical, and devotional books. It is intended that about half the Series shall be occupied with Biography and Church History; and the other half with works of a Practical and Devotional character. A Volume will be published on the last day of every alternate month. 3 The price will average Five Shillings; but a volume may occasionally extend to six shillings, and others will be afforded for four. The Editor will thankfully receive any suggestions addressed to him at the Publishers', and commends the design to the prayers of all who feel the importance of maintaining and diffusing the saving and purifying truths of the Gospel of the grace of God, Watton Rectory, April 16, 1832. EDWARD BICKERSTETH. THE CHRISTIAN'S FAMILY LIBRARY. Already published: Vol. I. LUTHER and the LUTHERAN REFORMATION. By the Rev. John Scott, M. A.-Vol. I. price 6s. in cloth. Vol. II. A MEMOIR of the REV. EDWARD PAYSON, D. D. late of Portland, U. S. corrected, price 5s. in cloth. Revised and Vol. III. LUTHER and the LUTHERAN REFORMATION. By the Rev. John Scott, M. A.—Vol. II. price 6s. in cloth. And it is intended to publish Vol. V. CALVIN, and the REFORMATION IN SwitzerLAND. By the Rev. John Scott, M. A.-on the 30th of November. |