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instruction. (The endowment of the in stitution states that it is to be free to the residents of the state.)

The rehabilitation students come from many different states, and most of the de partments have students from various states; for example in the baking depart ment there are students from eleven dif. ferent states.

The baking department has been mater ially enlarged and a working arrangement has been made with the American Institute of Baking (this is covered in another article).

The printing department has been enlarged and a plan worked out for parttime training in connection with the United Typothetae by which boys will attend Dunwoody Printing Department for half days and work in a commercial print shop the other half day each day.


Mr. M. M. Proffitt, who for the last two years has been head of the English Department, has resigned his position with Dunwoody Institute to become Professor of Industrial Education in Maryland State College, and will take up his work there August 1.

The work in Maryland will include classes in education in Maryland State College for those preparing to become teachers of industrial subjects, and also evening classes in teacher-training courses in Baltimore for those preparing to qualify as teachers under the Smith-Hughes law.

Mr. Proffitt is an experienced school man, having been connected in various positions with the public schools of Indiana for several years. He organized, and taught for five years, the English work in the David Ranken Trade School, of St. Louis, and in 1917 came to Dunwoody to develop a similar course.

Mr. Proffitt holds a Ph. B. degree from Franklin College (Indiana) and has done.

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Convention of the American Association of the Baking Industry

SEPTEMBER 22-26, 1919.

By H. W. KAVEL, Acting Director. The program for the period of four days covered the following general topics: The President's address, by George S. Ward; Report of the Standing Committee; The Importance of Research in Industry; Labor; Retail Interests.

The writer was primarily interested in the meeting held Tuesday afternoon, September 23. Under the general topic "Research", Mr. Harrison E. Howe, Vice Chairman of the Division of Industrial Research, National Research Council, Washington, D. C., outlined very carefully and clearly the importance of research in industry,

laying particular emphasis on the relation of chemistry to our modern industrial development. He recommended strongly that the American Association of Baking Industry turn to research laboratories for the solution of their many problems.

Mr. George S. Ward, President of the American Association of the Baking Industry, then presented the plan for the establishment of the American Institute of Baking, as recommended by the Committee appointed for this purpose. He explained carefully the proposed working agreement between the American Association and the Dunwoody Institute under which plan the

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Association will conduct at Dunwoody Institute, under the name of The American Institute of Baking, two laboratories, one for research and one for commercial testing. He then outlined the plan for sending promising young men from the industry to Dunwoody for technical training. He called the attention of the members to their moral obligation to support the work of the American Institute and that of the Dunwoody Institute.

President Ward then introduced Dr. Harry E. Barnard as Director of the American Institute of Baking. Dr. Barnard outlined the program for the development of the Institute work, and emphasized the need of research work in the baking industry by pointing out several important problems upon which he expects to work.

Following Dr. Barnard's address President Ward called upon the membership for the necessary funds to support the three-year program and requested subscriptions independent of any other subscrip

tions which they may have previously made in connection with the American Institute of Baking. He expressed a desire to raise from eighty to one hundred thousand dollars.

The subscriptions, ranging from fifty dollars to ten thousand dollars, came in promptly, and nearly sixty thousand dollars were raised in a very few minutes. As this was the first day of the convention, all of the delegates were not present. The response from those present averaged something over five hundred dollars per member which indicated the enthusiasm of those present and furthered the assurance of the success of the American Institute of Baking.

Dr. H. E. Barnard, federal food inspector for the State of Indiana, has arrived at Dunwoody. He will be director of the American Institute of Bakers Activities here.

AS THE ARTISAN goes to press the sudden death of Mr. John Washburn is announced..

Mr. John Washburn, who died September 25 at his old home at Hallowell, Maine, came to Minneapolis in February, 1880, and began his career in milling by the study of the manufacture of flour at the mills. Later he specialized in grain and wheat. In 1887 he became a member of the Washburn-Crosby Company, and was closely associated there with Mr. William Hood Dunwoody,

By the terms of Mr. Dunwoody's will, Mr. Washburn was appointed in 1914 as one of the Trustees to administer the funds of the Dunwoody Institute. He took an active interest in the development of the school up to the time of his death.

In view of Mr. Washburn's connection with the school and his close association with its founder, it was fitting that the flag on the school be raised to half mast and the school closed on the afternoon of his burial, Wednesday, October first.

The Clever Boy

As Seen From the Treasurer's Office.

The Secy-Treas'. office is a comparatively quiet place, except when text books, pencils, and log books are flying across the counter, and the silver coins and greenbacks are sent back across in exchange.

There are some people in our office who know that it can be said to the credit of many a boy at Dunwoody that he has a savings bank account, and is a real business man. But, different from the ice man, he puts up his money in summer and spends it in winter, keeping near the fire while he stores away in memory some of the "tricks of the trade" he is learning.

These boys are real men and are growing more each day into the possession of the feelings of a real Minneapolis citizen; a good trade, a bank account, and an ambition to acquire more. There is not a boy or any student at Dunwoody but would be much interested in seeing a list of the boys of Dunwoody who, during this past summer, sought work, some in the city and some in the country, and what their experiences have been. In it all the ambition has been to provide a sum of money to be drawn on during the school year for school expenses.

on top. He soon loses his customer, also his good neighbor.

The boy of Dunwoody who has worked hard this summer and came back to school with some cash saved up to help him out during the school year, has a right to feel a strong sense of honor and self respect. He is on the right track and is acquiring that self control that restrains one from wanting to buy everything that pleases the fancy, but is really a "poor investment".

There is another class of boys, who have left Dunwoody but recently, who are entitled to be placed in this class of real business men, and that is the Navy Boy. Not a day goes by hardly but bonds are either sent by express or delivered to some returned Navy Boy, who generously subscribed to the Liberty Loan bonds, and is now calling for delivery, as his subscription is paid up, or having paid a large balance of it, is at home and wishes to obtain money for business purposes. I presume the Assistant Treasurer has been thanked either verbally or by letter fifty times for having held these funds from month to month for the overseas Navy

There is not an employer of these boys Boy, who on his return home "finds just

but feels an interest in the boy of ambition who has worked for him, and no doubt

feels a sense of pride in that he has paid him wages and helped him to help himself. Of course, it would naturally follow, the larger wage he had paid, the larger would be his sense of pride. But whether this follows or not, it would be a poor stick of a man and a poor stick of a boy, who would not work together for the success of the other. Our true business is to push humanity up and not down. No grocer succeeds long in putting it over on his neighbor customer, selling him soft peaches in the bottom of the basket and good ones

so much money" as he expresses it. These boys, too, are acquiring the first lesson of saving, which we all know is the real foundation of a working capital, whether it is money or knowledge. We can all develop this "foresight" of looking ahead, and we all know it beats "hindsight". The moral is "Learn it now".


Applicant: "Is there an opening here for a live wire, hustling college man?"

Office boy: Naw, but there's gooin' to be if I don't git me salary raised by termorrow night."—Life.

THE ARTISAN great riches, but in many cases, have been

A Monthly Magazine representing the Students and the Faculty of The William Hood Dunwoody Industrial Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota.


E. G. ROBB, Editor

Entered as second-class matter Oct. 20, 1916, at the post office at Minneapolis, Minnesota, under the act of March 3, 1879.

No. 1
One Dollar a Year Postpaid, Single Copy 15 cents


It is said that the monetary value of time varies greatly in price. This price is governed entirely by the individual who has the time. There are some people who, if asked what an hour of their time is worth, would laugh at the thought of their time being worth a certain amount of money. It has value to them or to anyone else. There are other people who place a high value on it. J. P. Morgan, for instance, who figures that his time is worth $1,000 per hour.

The difference in hour value seems to correspond to the different degrees of

success of the individual. One seems to be more successful in business than the other. It does seem that the man who has the most leisure has the least success. There are some men who succeed in their chosen vocation who do not become rich in worldly goods, but they have made a wonderful success, just the same.

The size of the bank account cannot measure the volume of success at all times. It is true that business deals with dollars and cents and the successful business man is the one who succeeds in securing dollars and cents. The standard of success is not always the dollar. Success is the ability to secure a given object.

The men of history who have done the most for the progress of the world and the uplifting of humanity have not always had

very poor. These men have made the best of what they have. Sometimes their labor has been carried on against great odds. Difficulties of all imaginable kinds had to be overcome. These men were made of the right kind of stuff. They had the gritthe perseverance to carry on. They did carry on and the result is that their names and deeds have been recorded in history.

We have at Dunwoody a class of men who are striving against difficulties to make the best of what they have left. Men who have fought and sacrificed much for our country; men who have returned from war and, for one reason or another, have begun to learn a new trade, and at a matured age are starting life anew. They are going to make the best of what they have left. Some day, later on, we are sure to hear of the success of some of these men. They are made of the right kind of stuff. They have grit and courage and must be successful.

There is also the new student who has no impediment to hold him back. He is young, has good health, and every advantage that a boy may need. We are wondering how much does he value his time and if he intends to make the best of what he

has. The school with all its facilities is open to him. The instructors are willing to help him in his work. His opportunities for a good start are better than his father's were and let it be said that any boy among us who does not take advantage of his opportunity is not making the best of what he has.

There is a lady in the front office who is Keen on information; she forwards the news that Plank boards with Miss Gaukler.

Mr. Fisher said he would Roe around the lake for Bass.

The first of July was the last of booze and now Messrs. Nelson and Peterson Drinkall their Steins at Holm.

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