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nothing could be done by medicine, and that the patient could only cure himself by finding out a better occupation for his thoughts. But the indolent are ever willing to be flattered with hopes of relief from other causes than their own exertions, and one promise after another has been held out to my worthy townsmen, by the most pernicious impostors. I have now led you a ramble which will render deception less easy for the future, and which, I am convinced, has for the present banished all remembrance of imaginary evils. Let us, therefore, spend the night with gaiety. To-morrow, by day-light, your palanquins will take you back to the city."

The citizens of Hastinapur received this piece of raillery with the utmost good humour. They felt their spirits lightened, and having enjoyed an agreeable repast, unanimously declared, that the fright and the novelty had done them a great deal of benefit. Nevertheless, Badoura was conscious of a gentle pain which still continued lurking and lingering about the regions of her heart; and only refrained from saying so, because she did not wish to be questioned upon the subject.

PISA EDITION OF MOORE'S MELODIES. No. III. Additional Stanza to " Go where Glory waits thee." * Yet thine hour of gladness

Dim not with its sadness

In remembering me.

But should unkindness grieve thee,
Or friends betray and leave thee,
Then, then remember me !
Yea, when pain is wrenching
Thy frame, or sickness blenching
Thy cheek, or sorrow quenching
The fire of youth and glee-
Think of her whose breast, love,
Hath pillow'd thee to rest, love.
-Yes! then remember me!

* See No. I.


SOME years ago, a number of young men, who had been educated for the professions, conceiving an apprehension of not succeeding in pursuits, distasteful to some, and beyond the abilities of others, manfully resolved to husband the little property which they could command, and, by union and co-operation, to endeavour to secure as large a share of the blessings of this life as its uncertainty admits. They formed themselves into a little senate, and debated seriously upon several plans drawn up by the reflecting part of their community. It soon became evident, however, that nothing but experience could rectify and gradually perfect the various constitutions laid before them; and under that impression, they contented themselves with entering into a solemn compact, like the sacramental oath of the Roman soldier, to be true and faithful to the republic, and not to desert their brethren until the object was effected, or renounced by general consent.

To relate seriatim the various steps which they took, the difficulties which they experienced, or the failures which they encountered, is not the object of the following sketch. I shall therefore pass rapidly on to the settlement of the colony as it has been effected since 1820 in one of the adjacent dependencies of the British empire, namely, in the beautiful island of Jersey, on the confines of the parishes of St. Pierre and St. Owens.

The society at that time consisted of forty members, the oldest of whom was under thirty; the additional candidates had been elected by ballot, and had taken the vow of the order, which was, shortly—to be obedient to the general will expressed by a majority of votes, and to lend heart and hand to the society as long as they continued in it. The admission fee has varied considerably, but the annual subscription is £50; for which sum the subscribers enjoy all the advantages which may be collected from the following account.

The dwelling selected for their abode, is one of those Norman edifices erected many centuries ago by the seigneurs of the soil. Each succeeding generation has added a wing or return to the pile, by way of introducing the conveniences of modern architecture, or of accommodating married sons and daughters, whom the smallness of the patrimony would not allow the allodial lord to portion off in separate holdings. The ivy has liveried some of its turrets, and hangs over its modernised casements, as though it would hide the innovating hand of repair. The freshly-pointed wall in several spots declares that other infringements have been made, and that its picturesque appearance has not been consulted in preference to the habitableness of the place; and a row of glossy walnuts and dark mulberry-trees hides its offices and haggards in the rear, behind which the corn-lands and pastures of the community extend.

The dwelling was selected by two of the travelling brethren, who had been sent by the society to inspect different sites proposed. The statistical account which they gave of the island, and the suitableness of the pile, determined us at once to make the purchase. This we found no great difficulty in effecting with the proprietor, whose means were too limited to keep the building in repair. In the autumn of the same year, a committee of six intelligent members passed over to superintend the repairs of the place, and managed, with the country artizans and labourers, to put the house in a way of accommodating thirty members, each with a separate sleeping-room, reserving two large saloons for dining and drawing rooms. Plans and reports were continually forwarded by them to the senate in London, where measures were discussed with all the shrewdness that men extend to practical concerns of life. A plan of action was resolved upon, and each member again pledged himself to adhere to it until modified by common consent. It remained now only to take the grand final move; to cut the cable, as it were, of

habit and prejudice, that bound us to the capital and its enervating pleasures. The day was at last fixed upon, and the eighth of November was to mark the epoch of our farewell to haunts and scenes, sweetened by no recollections but the triumphs of vanity, and embittered by many a record of weakness and guilt: but we knew not but that its associations would cling to our memory, and load it with the fond regret of exiles; therefore it required every effort of manliness to cheer our spirits under the anticipated pain of separation. Some of us visited the theatres on the eve of our departure, as if to take leave of the favourite muses-others roamed the streets, detecting beauties in their style unobserved before-others flocked to coffee-houses and taverns, where they embittered their wine with doubts and tardy regrets; most of us nourishing hopes that he might be among the fortunate ten who were to remain in coalition behind.

We as

But the die was cast, and the hour drew near. sembled on board the brig in which our books, furniture, implements, and other goods had been shipped; and there, in the great cabin, we prepared to draw lots to decide the point in suspense. At this critical moment, a member, whose name I would gladly record, but that his modesty forbids, rose from his seat, and declared, for one, that he had no wish to be ballotted for-that he was anxious to go, and be among the first to promote the establishment of the colony-that, after all, it was better than being transported to the Indies, to acquire complicated diseases there; or being sent to perish in the pestilential climes of Cape Coast and Sierra Leone, merely, that it might satisfy the rapacity or the ostentatious pride of relatives, who preferred luxury and appearance to the health and comfort of their families-that for his part he saw few pleasures for a wholesome mind to regret in London-that we took with us the means of mutual improvement; and he hoped that whatever we missed in the resources and opportunities afforded by the city, would be made up to us in

strength and pliancy of mind, to turn our acquisitions to the best account, not in a vain search after fame and wealth, but in a steady pursuit of happiness.

These few words, which recalled some of the leading practical tenets of the community, produced a wonderful effect upon us. We hastened, with vying resolution, to join the volunteers for the voyage. Twenty-four were

soon numbered off; the remaining ten descended into a boat with their luggage, and giving us three hearty cheers, rowed away on their return, to occupy a small town-house rented by the society. As for us, we glided down the river with the morning ebb, our regrets vanishing with the fog of London. We tried to enumerate its fascinations; but the idea could not be cloaked in words, without our immediately disclaiming it, ashamed to betray the base and childish tastes upon which our liking had been founded; true, there remained a palpitating inquietude at the bottom of our hearts, touching the success of the experiment, and the reproaches which it might draw down upon us from our relations and the world; but many of us had already struggled too early with adversity, to be much unmanned by the dread of failure; and there were few of us who had not experienced the senseless misdirection of controlling relatives. Some had made a compromise with their families, to claim no more than the small annuity required by the society, provided it were secured to them; others had generously sacrificed a portion of their moderate incomes, to enable friends to embrace the schemefor the plan and its discussion had excited a considerable enthusiasm of a noble sort among us, and we had drilled our minds and bodies to enter into the spirit of the institution, and to encounter the hardships which might present themselves in its formation. It was habitual with us to rise at six, and undergo a routine of exercises similar to the modern gymnastics, which some of us had practised in Germany. This was thought a necessary preliminary to reception into the society; for it was deemed, that he

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