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sensit et ipse ratem nocturnis rexit in undis,
multa gemens casuque animum concussus amici:
66 o nimium caelo et pelago confise sereno,
nudus in ignota, Palinure, iacebis harena."


871 According to Servius and Probus, it is due to Varius and Tucca that the book closes with this verse, Virgil himself having added here l. 1 and 2 of Book VI.

pilot lost, and himself steered f night, oft sighing and stunned d's mischance. "Ah, too trustsky and sea, naked shalt thou lie, unknown strand!"

sensit et ipse ratem nocturnis rexit in multa gemens casuque animum concus "o nimium caelo et pelago confise se nudus in ignota, Palinure, iacebis ha

871 According to Servius and Probus, it Tucca that the book closes with this verse, added here ll. 1 and 2 of Book VI.


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s his fleet the reins, es of Euboean Cumae. then with the grip of ips, and the round keels aste the youthful band an shore; some seek the veins of flint, some pillage erts of game, and point to it good Aeneas seeks the sits enthroned,2 and a vast en haunt of the dread Sibyl, n seer breathes a mighty mind he future. Now they pass under and the roof of gold.

said, when fleeing from Minos' ift wings to trust himself to the sky; way he floated forth towards the cold ast stood lightly poised above the

Here first restored to earth, he hee, O Phoebus, the oarage of his ilt a vast temple. On the doors is the drogeos; then the children of Cecrops,

to pay as yearly tribute seven living e stands the urn, the lots now drawn.

firewood. Virgil here dignifies commonplace gathering of fuel and the procuring of water.

e was on high ground, capped by two summits, on ich was the temple of Apollo.


contra elata mari respondet Gnosia tellus : hic crudelis amor tauri suppostaque furto Pasiphae mixtumque genus prolesque biformis Minotaurus inest, Veneris monumenta nefandae; FMPR hic labor ille domus et inextricabilis error; magnum reginae sed enim miseratus amorem Daedalus ipse dolos tecti ambagesque resolvit, caeca regens filo vestigia. tu quoque magnam partem opere in tanto, sineret dolor, Icare, haberes; bis conatus erat casus effingere in auro, bis patriae cecidere manus. quin protinus omnia perlegerent oculis, ni iam praemissus Achates adforet atque una Phoebi Triviaeque sacerdos, Deiphobe Glauci, fatur quae talia regi:




non hoc ista sibi tempus spectacula poscit: nunc grege de intacto septem mactare iuvencos praestiterit, totidem lectas de more bidentis." talibus adfata Aenean (nec sacra morantur iussa viri) Teucros vocat alta in templa sacerdos. Excisum Euboicae latus ingens rupis in antrum, quo lati ducunt aditus centum, ostia centum, unde ruunt totidem voces, responsa Sibyllae. ventum erat ad limen, cum virgo, "poscere fata 45 tempus" ait: "deus, ecce, deus! cui talia fanti ante fores subito non voltus, non color unus,

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non comptae mansere comae, sed pectus anhelum, et rabie fera corda tument, maiorque videri

nec mortale sonans, adflata est numine quando 50

23 Cnosia P.

37 poscunt M1R, known to Servius.

33 omne Rb: omnem c. 39 de] ex P.

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