mille trahens varios adverso sole colores, 705 trailing athwart the sun a thousand shifting tints, and halted above her head. "This offering, sacred to Dis, I take as bidden, and from thy body set thee free": so she speaks, and with her hand shears the lock; and therewith all the warmth ebbed away, and the life passed away into the winds. ind tant, rother LIBER V INTEREA medium Aeneas iam classe tenebat certus iter fluctusque atros Aquilone secabat, moenia respiciens, quae iam infelicis Elissae conlucent flammis. quae tantum accenderit ignem causa latet; duri sed amore dolores polluto notumque, furens quid femina possit, triste per augurium Teucrorum pectora ducunt. magno MP 5 10 Ut pelagus tenuere rates nec iam amplius ulla occurrit tellus, maria undique et undique caelum, olli caeruleus supra caput adstitit imber, noctem hiememque ferens, et inhorruit unda tenebris. ipse gubernator puppi Palinurus ab alta: "heu! quianain tanti cinxerunt aethera nimbi ? quidve, pater Neptune, paras sic deinde locutus colligere arma iubet validisque incumbere remis, 15 obliquatque sinus in ventum ac talia fatur: 66 magnanime Aenea, non, si mihi Iuppiter auctor imus. superat quoniam Fortuna, sequamur, et M. 23 vacat M1. 20 BOOK V MEANWHILE Aeneas with his fleet was now holding steadfastly his mid-sea course, and cleaving the waves that darkened under the north wind, looking back on the city walls which now gleam with unhappy Elissa's funeral flames. What cause kindled so great a flame is unknown; but the cruel pangs when deep love is profaned, and knowledge of what a woman can do in frenzy, lead the hearts of the Trojans amid sad forebodings. 8 When the ships gained the deep and no longer any land is in sight, but sea on all sides and on all sides sky, then overhead loomed a black raincloud, bringing night and tempest, and the wave shuddered darkling. Even the helmsman Palinurus cries from the high stern: "Alas! why have such clouds girt the heaven? What wilt thou, Father Neptune?" So he cries, and straightway bids them gather in the tackling and bend to their stout oars, then turns the sails aslant the wind and thus speaks : 17 "Noble Aeneas, not though Jupiter should warrant his word, could I hope to reach Italy with such a sky. The winds have shifted and roar athwart our course, gathering from the black west; the air thickens into cloud and we cannot resist or stem the gale. Since Fortune is victor, let us follow and turn our course whither she calls. Nor far distant, methinks, are the faithful shores of thy brother 25 fida reor fraterna Erycis portusque Sicanos, si modo rite memor servata remetior astra." tum pius Aeneas: " equidem sic poscere ventos iamdudum et frustra cerno te tendere contra. flecte viam velis. an sit mihi gratior ulla, quove magis fessas optem demittere navis, quam quae Dardanium tellus mihi servat Acesten 30 et patris Anchisae gremio complectitur ossa?” haec ubi dicta, petunt portus, et vela secundi intendunt Zephyri; fertur cita gurgite classis, et tandem laeti notae advertuntur harenae. At procul ex celso miratus vertice montis adventum sociasque rates occurrit Acestes, horridus in iaculis et pelle Libystidis ursae, Troia Criniso conceptum flumine mater 35 MPR 40 quem genuit. veterum non immemor ille parentum gratatur reduces et gaza laetus agresti✔ excipit, ac fessos opibus solatur amicis. Postera cum primo stellas Oriente fugarat clara dies, socios in coetum litore ab omni advocat Aeneas tumulique ex aggere fatur: "Dardanidae magni, genus alto a sanguine divum, 45 annuus exactis completur mensibus orbis, ex quo reliquias divinique ossa parentis condidimus terra maestasque sacravimus aras. iamque dies, nisi fallor, adest, quem semper acerbum, semper honoratum (sic di voluistis) habebo. hunc ego Gaetulis agerem si Syrtibus exsul, Argolicove mari deprensus et urbe Mycenae, annua vota tamen sollemnisque ordine pompas 29 demittere c: dimittere other MSS., Priscian. 50 |