Billeder på siden


in a very high degree, and in the early Lately, the Prince of Hessenstein, part of his life was employed in va- at Pancker, in Holstein, in his 74th rious missions of great importance. year. He has bequeathed the whole He expended large sums of money in of his property, estimated at a million erecting and endowing schools at Mos- and a half of rix dollars, to the Landcow, and many other cities and towns; grave, Charles, of Hesse Cassel. and almost all the Russian universi- On the 19th of September, at St. ties, and Dorssat, in particular, are Croix, in the West Indies, George indebted to his bounty. To the latter Augustus Leathes, Esq. Lieutenanthe gave 48,000 roubles, for the pur- Colonel of the 96th regiment of foot, pose of founding exhibitions. One of son of George Leathes, Esq. of Bury the last acts of his life was to destroy St. Edmunds. A great sickness prea number of bills and bonds, signed vailed among our troops, at the above by persons who might be put to in- island, when the last dispatches left convenience by enforcing payment of the place.





OCTOBER 25, to NOVEMBER 22, 1808, inclusive.

[Extracted from the London Gazette.]-----The Solicitors' Names are between Parentheses. TKINSON W. Manchester, shoe- Forster G. Easter Dukesfield, Northumberdealer, (Windle, John-street). Ave- land, miller, (Watson, Lamb-buildings). Fill G. Armitage, Stafford, wheelwright, Fall G. and Hutchinson J. Tooley-street, (Rudall, Clement's-Inn). brewers, (Holmes and Co. Mark-lane).


Goff E. Wellclose-square, coal-merchant, (Allan, Frederick's-place). Goodman N. March, in the Isle of Ely, liquor-merchant, (Huxley, Middle-Temple). Gore R. Liverpool, linen-draper, (Windle, John-str ). Gilbert J. Chiswell-street, grocer, (Hodge, Dorset-street).

Barnes T. Colchester, saddler, (Milne and Co. Temple). *Brading J. Newport, Isle of Wight, builder, (Wilmot, Holborn court). Blyth W. Sheffield, mercer (Blagrave and Co. Symond's-Inn). Bowstreed S. Kingsland-road, corn-merchant, (Bryant, Copthall-court). Baker J. jun. Stafford, shoe-manufacturer,(Anstice, King's-Bench- Haughan N. Oakshaw, Cumberland, Beavers J. Sheffield, builder, drover, (Mounsey, Staple's-Inn). Hand(Crosley, Holborn-court). Brooker J. C. cocks J. Bromyard, Hereford, dealer in Poultry, haberdasher, (Allingham, Saint horses, (Pewtriss, Gray's-Inn). Hall H. John's-square). Barns J. Manchester, Gutter-lane, warehouseman, (Reynolds, manufacturer, (J. and R. Willis, Warnford- Castle-street). Hughes J. F Wigmorecourt). Bryan S. Grosvenor-Mews, chandler, (Robinson and Co. Lincoln's-Inn). Connellan J. St. Catherine's, ship-chandler, (Bourdillon and Co. Little Friday-st.), Colgrave J. Red Lion-street, Holborn, Jones J Llangollen, Denbigh, shop wine-merchant, (Pullen, Fore-street). Car- keeper, (Presland, Brunswick square). rie J. High-street, Lambeth,brewer, (Scarth, Jones D. Pentro-Back, Merthyr-Tidville, Lyon's-Inn). Cotton L Fenchurch-street, Glamorgan, grocer, (Bigg, Hatton garden). merchant, (Evitt and Co. Haydon-square). Ibbetson S. Ludgate hill, silk-mercer, Campbell A. Huddersfield, merchant, (Bat- (Ellen, New Bridge-street). Johnston G. tye, Chancery-lane). Clarke T. Ports- Peartree-row, Blackfriars, cabinet maker, mouth, merchant, (Matthews,Portsmouth). (Allingham, St John's-square). Jackson Cooper B. Earl-street, builder, (Loxley, L. W. Brownlow-street, cabinet-maker, Cheapside). (Patten, Cross-street).

street, bookseller, (Wiltshire and Co. Old
Broad-street) Howard J. and Burnley, J.
Lancaster, cotton-spinners, (Wigglesworth,

Dewson B. jun. Wolverhampton, japan- Kitson J. Dewsbury Moor, York, cloner, (Williams, Staple-Inn). Drew J. thier, (Willis, Warnford-court), KitchDursley, Gloucester, innkeeper, (Price and ing J. Leeds, dyer, (Crossley, Gray's-Inn), Co. Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn). Dunn Knight T. and Mosley, S. Lancaster, cloJ. Stockport, draper, (Ellis, Cursitor-str.). thiers, (Townsend, Staple-Inn).

Elliott G. Winchester-street, merchant, Leman J. Ramsgate, shopkeeper, (Clut(Crowder and Co. Frederick's-place). ton, St. Thomas's-street). Lindley J. PeFrith R. Broughton-ford, near Manches- nistone, York, leather-cutter, (Wilson, ter, calico-printer, (Edge, Inner-Temple). Greville-street). Lyon T. Liverpool, mer

chant, (Windle, John-street). Lane L. York, clothier, (Clarkson, Essex-street). Kingsclere, Hants, shopkeeper, (Kibble- Read R. Caroline Mews, stable-keeper, white and Co. Gray's-Inn-place). (Denton and Co. Field-court, Gray's-Inn). Miller G. Woolwich, tailor, (West, Cle- Rhodes W. Shacklewell, warehouseman, ment's-Inn). Marchent T. Bridgewater, (Whitaker, Broad-court). Rand J. Deptbookseller, (Tarrant, Chancery-lane). Mil- ford, brewer, (Saward, Prince's-street). ler J. Brighthelmstone, bricklayer, (Ellis, Rose J. Road, Somerset, farmer, (Shephard Hatton-garden). Mann G Southampton- and Co. Bedford-row). place, victualler, (Crawford, Charles-sq.). Stamford E York-street, flour factor, Mannin C. Pickett-street, cheesemonger, (Hunt, Warwick court) Samuel L Le(Hurd, Temple). More W. Halesworth, man-street, clock-maker, (Isaacs, Mitresaddler, (Pugh, Bernard-street). court). Smith J Saffron-hill, grocer, Nixon J. Bewcastle Demesne, Cumber- (Jones and Co Salisbury square). Smith land, drover, (Mounsey, Staple-Inn). J. Grea Trinity-lane, merchant, (Latkow, Newman C. Whitechapel, shopkeeper, Wardrobe-court) Smith C. Bath, corn (Wilson, King's-Bench-Walk). factor, (Harrison, Craven-street).

Popplestone W. Plymouth,grocer,(Alex- Thorneley W. Cornbrook, dyer, (Ellis, ander, Bedford-row). Page J. Bishopsgate- Cursitor-street). Thompson R. Cravenstreet, haberdasher, (White Sweet, King's- buldings, (Bousfield, Bouverie-street). Bench-Walk). Pearce J. Dixon W. and Thompson W. jun Wolverhampton, groAllen B. Paternoster-row, money-scriven- cer, (Williams, Staple-Ina)

ers, (Bovill, Bridge-street). Pearson T. Wright J Hammersmith, cheesemonRoughburchworth, Bemston, York, tanner, ger, (Basford, Jamaica-row). Walsh B. (Wilson, Greville-street). Parsons R. and Nisher T. Angel-court brokers, (Smith Lyncombe and Widcombe, Somerset, gro- and Co Chapter House). Wright T. cer, (Shephard and Co. Bedford-row). Cowper's-row, broker, (Mills, Ely-place). Pearce W. Dover, cordwainer, (Allan, Fre- Williams T. Shoe-lane, vintner, (Salkeld, derick's-place). Parsons J. Cheapside, Dowgate-hill) Wright R. Thorverton, warehouseman, (Foulkes, Southampton- dealer, (Williams and Co. Prince's-street, street). Potts J. White Bear-Yard, Back- Bedford-row). Webster H. Rol's buildHill, cabinet-maker, (Crutchley and Co. ings, jeweller, (Lee, Castle-street). Ward John-street) Pink J. Gravesend, house- W Leicester, and Frazer R. Cateaton-str. carpenter, (Clarkson, Essex-street). Pal- London, hosiers, (Taylor, Southamptonmer T. Goodge-street, St. Pancrass, tailor, buildings). Wilmot J. East Markham, (Turner, Edward-street).

butcher, (Rhodes and Co. St. James'sRoper W. P. London, merchant, (Swain Walk). Whitehead J. Kingston-uponand Co. Old Jewry). Rolls R. L. Southam, Hull, grocer, (Sykes and Co. New Inn). money-scrivener, (Shephard and Co. Bed- Williams R. Bedwelty, Monmouthshire, ford-row). Rhodes R. Newcastle-under- shopkeeper, (Gregory,Clement's Inn). Lyne, grocer, (Benbow and Co. Stone- Young T. Machen, Monmouth, dealer, buildings). Radley B. Ossett, Dewsbury, (James, Gray's-Inn-square.)


London Dock Stock, 121. per Cent.
East-India ditto, 1257. ditto.
West-India ditto, 165/. ditto.
Commercial Dock Shares, 127. ditto.
Grand Junction Canal, 1284. ditto.
Grand Surrey ditto, 607. per share. [prem.
Imperial Fire Insurance, 3. per cent.
Globe Fire and Life ditto, 1141. per cent.
Albion ditto ditto, 21. per cent. prem.

November 21, 1808.

Hope ditto ditto, 21s. per Share prem.
Rock Life Assurance, 4s. ditto.
East London Water-works, 477. ditto.
West Middlesex ditto, 107, ditto.
South London ditto, 007. per Share prem.
Golden-Lane Brewery, 781. per share
London Institution, 841. per share
Surrey Institution, 35. ditto.
Commercial Road, 1167. per cent.

L. WOLFE and Co. Canal, Dock, & Stock Brokers.



HE seed wheats in most parts have been got in as early this season as in any other remembered. An increased quantity has been sown throughout the whole island. The turnip crops have been very greatly improved by the late rains.-The clover layers have in general worked remarkably well. A considerable breadth in the Isle of Thanet, in Kent, and the eastern counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, some weeks since, exhibited fine and luxurious plants.-The potatoe crops have every where turned out most abundant, and are generally secured in good condition.-If the barleys have been generally thin, oats rise well. In some counties where turnips did not promise well at first, a large extent of winter barley, tares, and rye, have been sown as substitutes. Grey-peas, beans, and oats look well-Merino sheep have fallen considerably. Mutton is considerably cheaper: veal and pork dearer.-The wool trade, on account of the unfavourable change in Spanish affairs, is rather slack.

Meat in Smithfield market:-Beef, 4s. to 4s. 8d., mutton, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 6d.; veal, 5s. 6d. to 7s.; pork the same.

Middlesex, November 25.


By the Winchester Quarter of 8 Bushels, and of OATMEAL per Boll of 140lbs. Averdupois, from the Returns received in the Week ended Nov. 19, 1808.


S. d. S. d. s. d S. d.

[blocks in formation]

Wheat Rye Barley | Oats

Middsx. 100 11 58

[blocks in formation]

Surrey 99 0 52

[blocks in formation]

95 $ 59 0


9 38 0

Hertford 86 10 49

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

99 10

Bedford 88 3 49
Huntin. 88 11
Northa. 89 4 500 44 8 37
Rutland 95 6
Leicest. 93, 5 51
Notting 99 2 60

9 43

2 36

4 Suffolk

[blocks in formation]

10 35 10

4.6. 230

3 Cambridge

[blocks in formation]

5 27 3

8 Norfolk

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Stafford 98 0

47 3 34
9 46
0 39 2 York
of 50 10 34 8 Durham

50 4 S6 10 Northumberland
50 6 36 11 Cumberland


[blocks in formation]

829 8

[blocks in formation]

7 32 1

[blocks in formation]

033 6

93 10 57

4 44

7 30 6

96 8 59

[ocr errors][merged small]

129 11

[blocks in formation]

8 47

Herefor 95 548

Wor'st. 100 9 51

Warwic 99 11


4 84 10 Westmorland
6 36 11 Lancaster,

100 9 72

0 43

531 7

[blocks in formation]

631 2

4 51


21 43 1 Chester

5 39 6 Flint

[blocks in formation]

035 0



[blocks in formation]

2 42 2 Denbigh

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

47 8 40

9 Anglesea..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

8 Cardigan

79 7

[blocks in formation]

2 Pembroke

72 11

[blocks in formation]


92 9

41 10 32

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


97 11

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Average of England and Wales.

[blocks in formation]


Wheat 92s. 7d.; Rye 56s 4d.; Barley Devon.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

45s. 10d.; Oats 533. 8d.;

Beans Cornwall.


[blocks in formation]

65s. 11d.; Pease 66s. 8d.; Oatmeal Dorset.
49s. 8d.

89 C


[blocks in formation]


95 S

50 559 9

BILL of MORTALITY, from OCT. 26, to NOV. 22, 1808.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

1808 Stock. Consols.


Cons. 5 p. Cent.p.Ct



PRICE OF STOCKS, from OCTOBER 27, 1808, to NOVEMBER 25, 1808, both inclusive.
Days Bank p Cent 3p Cent. 4 p. Ct. Navy N. 5
4p. Ct. Imperial | Imperial Irish Irish S. Sea S. Sea India India Exche. Lottery
Scrip. 3 p. Cent
Anns. 5p. Ann. Stock. Anns. Sto. Bonds. Bi'ls. Tickets

Cons. for Acct.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

NB. In the 3 pe: Cent Consols the highest and lowest Price of each day is given; in the other Stocks the highest only.


7 7-16th 958
7 7-16th 958

180 6s pm.9s. pm.21


65. pm. 98. pm 21 58 pm.9s. pm. 21




7 7-16th


7 7-16th 7 7-16th





15667 67

15 66




[blocks in formation]
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