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Gregory, Karl. Naphthaquellen in Galizien. Wien, Geol. Verhandl. XII., 1861-62, pp. 196199.

Gregory, Olinthus. On the Rev. Mr. PEARSON'S analogy for deducing the greatest equation from the eccentricity. Nicholson, Journ. II., 1802, pp. 65-67.

2. Remarks on the estimation of the

strength of Horses. Nicholson, Journ. XI., 1805, pp. 145–153.

3. Further remarks on mechanic power, in reply to Mr. J. C. HORNBLOWER. Nicholson, Journ. XII., 1805, pp. 7-16.

4. Remarks on Don Joseph RODRIGUEZ'S "Animadversions on part of the Trigonometrical Survey of England." Tilloch, Phil. Mag. XLI., 1813, pp. 178-194; Nicholson, Journ. XXXIV., 1813, pp. 246-264.

5. Résultats de quelques expériences faites à Woolwich avec un pendule ballistique de 3,355 kilos. (Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, V., 1817, pp. 380–387.

6. Expériences relatives à l'influence du vent sur la vitesse des projectiles et la justesse du tir. Annal. de Chimie, IX., 1818, pp. 289


7. On the different "Rates " of PENNINGTON'S Astronomical Clock, at the island of Balta, in Zetland, and at Woolwich Common, Kent; with comparative Tables, and remarks upon the results of various other Pendulum Experiments. Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LIII., 1819, pp. 426-445.

8. An account of some experiments made in order to determine the velocity with which sound is transmitted in the atmosphere. [1823.] Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans. II., 1827, pp. 119–138; Tilloch, Phil. Mag. LXIII., 1824, pp. 401–415. Gregory, William. On a process for preparing economically the Muriate of Morphia. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXXV., 1831, pp. 331338; Liebig, Annal. VII., 1833, pp. 261-265; Journ. de Pharm. XIX., 1833, pp. 156-163.

2. On the preparation of the Hydriodate of Potash. Edinb. Med. Surg. Journ. XXXVI., 1831, pp. 368–370.

3. Analysis of a singular substance found among the products of the eruption of Vesuvius in the winter 1830. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XII., 1832, pp. 378-380; Liebig, Annal. V., 1833, pp. 308-310.

4. Note sur les iodures de Plomb. Journ. de Pharm. XVIII., 1832, pp. 24-26.

5. Ueber die Chromchlorüre. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. III., 1834, pp. 52-53; Journ. de Pharm. XX., 1834, pp. 413-415.

6. Vortheilhafte Darstellung des übermangansauren Kali's. Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 237-239; Thomson, Records, IV., 1836, pp. 297-299.

Gregory, William. 7. Ueber die Darstellung von Methylen Mercaptan. Liebig, Annal. XV., 1835, pp. 239-240; Öken, Isis, 1836, col. 730731.

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8. On the composition of Petroleum of Rangoon, with remarks on Petroleum and Naphtha in general. [1834.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XIII., 1836, pp. 124-130; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IV., 1835, pp. 1-7; Journ. de Pharm. XXI., 1835, pp. 536-541.

Oken, Isis,

9. Analyse des Codeins. 1836, col. 719–720. 10. Ueber eine neue Schwefelverbindung. Oken, Isis, 1836, col. 730.

11. On a volatile liquid procured from Caoutchouc by destructive distillation. Phil. Mag. IX., 1836, pp. 321-324; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. IX., 1836, pp. 387-391; Journ. de Pharm. XXII., 1836, pp. 382–384.

12. Sur l'Eblanine. Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1837, pp. 286-288.

13. Pyroxanthin, ein neues Product der trocknen Destillation. Liebig, Annal. XXI., 1837, pp. 143-148.

14. Ueber eine neue Klasse von Salzen. Liebig, Annal. XXII., 1837, pp. 269–272.

15. Notiz über die Darstellung der Mekonsäure. Liebig, Annal. XXIV., 1837, pp. 43-45.

16. Ueber die Einwirkung des Cyaneisenkaliums auf die äther- und methylensauren Salze. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 64-65. 17. On the pre-existence of Urea in Uric Acid. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), pp. 73


18. On a new process, communicated by Prof. LIEBIG, for preparing Murexide. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), p. 74.

19. On the preparation of Alloxan, Alloxantine, Thionurate of Ammonia, Uramile, and Murexide. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1840 (pt. 2), p. 74; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXII., 1841, pp. 371-372; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. VI., 1841, p. 63. 20. Ueber einige aus der Harnsäure entstehende Producte. Liebig, Annal. XXXIII., 1840, pp. 334-338.

21. Vorkommen des Jods in einigen Pflanzen. Liebig, Annal. XXXIV., 1840, p. 240.

22. On some remarkable salts obtained by the action of ferrocyanide of Potassium on the sulphovinates and sulphomethylates. Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 49–50.

23. On a new method of obtaining pure Silver either in the metallic state or in the form of oxide. [1843.] Chem. Soc. Mem. I., 184143, pp. 190-192; Phil. Mag. XXII., 1843, pp. 283-286; Liebig, Annal. XLVI., 1843, pp. 239240.

Gregory, William. 24. On a simple and cheap method of preparing hydrochloric acid absolutely pure, and of any required strength. Chem. Soc. Proc. 1841-43, pp. 7-8; Sturgeon, Ann. Electr. IX., 1842, pp. 255-256; Bibl. Univ. XXXVI., 1841, pp. 413-414; XLI., 1842, pp. 195-196; Liebig, Annal. XLI., 1842, pp. 375-376; Journ. de Pharm. II., 1842, pp. 45-46.

25. Further contributions to the chemical history of the products of the decomposition of Uric Acid. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, pp. 9-14.

26. On a new phosphate of Magnesia. Chem. Soc. Mem. II., 1843-45, p. 310.

27. Ueber die Zersetzungsproducte der Harnsäure. Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXII., 1844, pp. 275-282; Phil. Mag. XXIV., 1844, pp. 186-191; Journ. de Pharm. VI., 1844, pp. 364-368.

28. Notice of a new compound of Sulphur, which is probably a sulphuret of Nitrogen. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. I., 1845, pp. 106–107.

29. Ueber ein neues und vortheilhaftes Verfahren reine Phosphorsäure aus Knochenasche darzustellen. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 94-97.

30. Notiz über einen aus rohem Bittermandelöl durch Einwirkung von Kali entstehenden Körper. Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 372-373; Journ. de Pharm. VIII., 1845, pp. 469-470.

31. Notes on the preparation of Alloxan. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 42–46; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XXXIX., 1846, pp. 218-220; Journ. de Pharm. X., 1846, pp. 289290; Phil. Mag. XXVIII., 1846, pp. 550-554.

32. On the preparation of Hippuric Acid. Chem. Soc. Mem. III., 1845-48, pp. 330-331; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XLII., 1847, pp. 4043; Liebig, Annal. LXIII., 1847, pp. 125-127; Phil. Mag. XXXI., 1847, pp. 127-129.

33. Ueber eine fette Substanz, von einem thierischen Körper herrührend. Liebig, Annal. LXI., 1847, pp. 362-364.

34. Ueber einen schwarzen humusartigen Körper, der auf der Oberfläche des Schottischen Sees, "Loch Dochart," am 22 November 1846, nach einem schwachen Erdbeben erschien. Liebig, Annal. LXI., 1847, pp. 365–366.

35. Untersuchung eines arsenikhaltigen Pulvers aus dem Magen einer kranken Frau. Liebig, Annal. LXI., 1847, pp. 367-370.

36. Ueber den Kobalt- und Nickelgehalt des Braunsteins. Liebig, Annal. LXIII., 1847, pp. 277-278.

37. Ueber den Gehalt einiger Fleischarten an Kreatin. Liebig, Annal. LXIV., 1848, pp. 100-108.



Gregory, William. 38. On the extraction of pure Phosphoric Acid from bones, and on a new and anomalous phosphate of Magnesia. [1845.] Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XVI., 1849, pp. 4752; Liebig, Annal. LIV., 1845, pp. 97-100.

39. On the sulphite of Lead. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1850 (pt. 2), p. 55.

40. Notes on the purification and properties of Chloroform. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. VI., 1851, pp. 316-323; Edinb. Monthly Journ. Med. Sci. X., 1850, pp. 414-422.

41. Notice of a diatomaceous Earth found in the isle of Mull. Microsc. Soc. Trans. I., 1853, pp. 92-99; II., 1854, pp. 24-28.

42. Notice of the new forms and varieties of known forms occurring in the Diatomaceæ. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 90-100.

43. Composition of the Boghead coal. Journ. Microsc. Sci. II., 1854, pp. 200-201.

44. Observations on some deposits of fossil Diatomacea. Microsc. Soc. Trans. II., 1854, pp. 104-106.

45. On some new species of British fresh water Diatomacea, with remarks on the value of certain specific characters. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 38-41.

46. On the presence of Diatomacea, Phytolitharia, and Sponge Spicules in soils which support vegetation. Edinb. Bot. Soc. Proc. 1855, pp. 69–72.

47. On a post-tertiary lacustrine sand, containing Diatomaceous Exuviæ, from Glenshira, near Inverary. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1855, pp. 30-43.

48. On a remarkable group of Diatomaceous forms, with remarks on shape or outline as a specific character in the Diatomaceæ. [1854.] Microsc. Soc. Trans. III., 1855, pp. 10-16.

49. On new forms of Diatomaceæ from the Firth of Clyde. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1856 (pt. 2), pp. 83-84.

50. Notice of some new species of British fresh-water Diatomaceæ. Journ. Microsc. Sci. III., 1856, pp. 1-14; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 306-308.

51. On the post-tertiary Diatomaceous sand of Glenshira. Part 2. Containing an account of a number of additional undescribed species. Microsc. Soc. Trans. IV., 1856, pp. 35-48; V., 1857, pp. 67-88; Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 358–360.

52. On the species of fossil Diatomacea found in the infusorial earth of Mull. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc. III., 1857, pp. 176-177, 204207.


Gregory, William. 53. On new forms of marine Diatomaceæ, found in the Firth of Clyde and in Loch Fine. Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans. XXI., 1857, pp. 473-542; Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. V., 1858, pp. 144-146; Journ. Microsc. Sci. VII., 1859, pp. 60-64.

Gregory, William, and James Apjohn. Examination of Eblanine. [1836.] Irish Acad. Proc. I., 1841, pp. 33-34; Erdm. Journ. Prak. Chem. XIII., 1838, pp. 70–71; Journ. de Pharm. XXIII., 1857, pp. 286-288.

Gregory, William, and R. Walker. Analysis of Coprolites. Edinb. New Phil. Journ. XVIII., 1835, pp. 164-166.

Gregson, Charles Stuart. Notes on the habits of Nyssia zonaria. Ann. Nat. Hist. XI., 1843, p. 68.

2. On the Lepidopterous Insects of the district round Liverpool, with some of the causes of the abundance or scarcity of Insects. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. VII., 1855, pp. 237-254; VIII., pp. 153–164; IX., pp. 165– 180; X., pp. 113-130.

3. Notes on the genus Oporabia. Newman, Zoologist, XVI., 1858, pp. 6193-6195.

4. Note on the larva of Eupithecia assimilata. Newman, Zoologist, 1859, pp. 66–95.

5. On the Coleoptera of the district around. Liverpool. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. I., 1861, pp. 33-44; II., pp. 167–170.

6. Notes on insects injurious to fruit and forest trees. Lancashire, Trans. Hist. Soc. III., 1862-63, pp. 203-222.

Gréhant, Nestor. Recherches sur la mesure du volume des poumons de l'homme. Ann. Sci. Nat. XII. (Zool.), 1859, pp. 370-376; Paris, Comptes Rendus, LI., 1860, pp. 21-23.

2. Du renouvellement de l'air dans les poumons de l'homme. Paris, Comptes Rendus, LV., 1862, pp. 278-280; Ann. Sci. Nat. XVIII. (Zool.), 1862, pp. 331-335. Greif,

Einige Bemerkungen über das schwefelsaure Quecksilber. Trommsdorff, Journ. d. Pharm. XI., 1803 (St. 2), pp. 126–128. Greifenhagen, Carl. Ueber das Vorkommen des Rothgiltigerzes auf der Grube BergwerksWohlfahrt bei Zellerfeld. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Naturw. III., 1854, pp. 341-343.

2. Das Nebengestein der Bockswieser Bleiglanz-Gänge. Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Naturw. III., 1854, pp. 350-363. Greiff, Ph. Ueber Thiochromsäure, Euthiochromsäure und Bisulfobichlorhydrochinonsäure. Erlenmeyer, Zeitschr. VI., 1863, pp. 340-347, 374-380.

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Greim, Auffindung von Braunkohlen in
Rheinhessen. Darmstadt, Notizblatt, 1854-57,
pp. 279-282.
Greisinger, Gustav Adolph. Berechnung der
Vortheile des Banquiers im Pharaospiele.
Baumgartner, Zeitschr. IV., 1828, pp. 210-227.
Greiss, C. B. Ueber den Magnetismus der
Eisenerze. Poggend. Annal. XCVIII., 1856,
pp. 478-487.

2. Ueber die Fluorescenz des MagnesiumPlatincyanürs. Poggend. Annal. CVI., 1859, pp. 645-646.

3. Ueber die Verhältnisse der Temperatur und des Luftdrucks zu Frankfurt am Main. Frankfurt, Jahresb. Phys. Ver. 1859-60, pp. 25-51.

4. Ueber Fluorescenz der Auszüge aus den verschiedenen Theilen der Pflanzen. Poggend. Annal. CXIV., 1861, pp. 327-333. Grellet, . Esquisse géognosique du canton d'Allègre. Le Puy, Soc. Agric. Ann. 1837-38, pp. 109-120.

Grellois, E. Sur les eaux thermales d'Hammam Meskhoutin (province de Constantine, Algérie). Paris, Soc. Géol. Bull. IX., 1851-52, pp. 624-631. Grellons, Eugène. Quelques recherches sur la matière végéto-animale. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VII., 1855, pp. 107-118.

2. Quelques recherches sur la zoologie des eaux thermales.. Moselle, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. VII., 1855, pp. 119–124.

Gren, Friedrich Albert Carl. Analyse d'une pierre retirée de la vésicule du fiel. (Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, V., 1790, pp. 186–190.

2. Sur la décomposition réciproque de plusieurs substances au degré de froid de l'eau glacée. (Transl.) Annal. de Chimie, XIII., 1792, PP. 67-68.

3. Observations et expériences: 1o. Sur la formation du sel de glauber (sulfate de soude) dans les eaux salées, à une température au-dessous de la glace; 2°. Sur un moyen facile et peu dispendieux de dégager de ces eaux tous les sels déliquescents. (Transl.) Journ. des Mines, V., 1796-97, pp. 163-176; Nicholson, Journ. II., 1799, pp. 91-93.

4. Sur la respiration. Annal. de Chimie, XXIV., 1797, pp. 196-199.

5. Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft, als Akademische Vorlesungen vorgetragen. Gilbert, Annal. I., 1799, pp. 167–204.

6. Untersuchung der Mutterlauge der Salzsohle aus dem Königlichen Siedehause, die nach dem ersten Werke übrig bleibt. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, III., 1799, pp. 267-270.

7. Chemische Untersuchung des Bennstädter Thones. Scherer, Journ. Chemie, III., 1799, pp. 395–398.

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9. Cerastium Fischeri. Besançon, Mém. Soc. Emul. III., 1842–43, p. 31.

10. Catalogue des Plantes phanérogames du département du Doubs. Besançon, Mém. Soc. Emul. III., 1842-43, pp. 37-104.


11. Notes critiques sur les Polygala de France, et quelques espèces voisines. Botanique, II., 1846-47, pp. 417-421.

12. Notice botanique. Besançon, Mém. Besançon, Mém. Soc. Emul. III., 1849 (pte. 3), pp. 15–22.

13. Voyage de botanique dans les Alpes du Dauphiné. Besançon, Séances Publ. 1850, pp. 12-39, 43-87.

14. De l'hybridité et de quelques Hybrides en particulier. Ann. Sci. Nat. XIX., 1853 (Bot.), pp. 141-157.

15. Considérations sur les axes primaires et secondaires dans quelques espèces radicantes. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 346–350.

16. Recherche sur la formation du bulbe dans le Ranunculus bulbosus. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. II., 1855, pp. 369–372.


17. Florula Massiliensis advena, F. sançon, Mém. Soc. Emul. II., 1857, pp. 387434.

18. Note sur le Tragopogon hirsutus, Gouan. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VI., 1859, pp. 703-706.

19. Recherches sur le Posidonia Caulini, König. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. VII., 1860, pp. 362-367.

Grenier, Ch. 20. Catalogue des Coléoptères de France et matériaux pour servir à la faune des Coléoptères Français, contenant la description de cent cinquante-huit espèces nouvelles. Paris, Ann. Soc. Entom. III., 1863, pp. 165–176.

21. Annotations sur quelques Sedum de France. Paris, Bull. Soc. Bot. X., 1863, pp. 250-257.

Grenier, Ch., et Godron. Notices botaniques. Besançon, Mém. Soc. Emul. VI., 1854, pp. 12


Grenier, Ch., et H. Loret. Note sur un essai d'hybridation dans les Graminées, et sur l'hybridation réciproque des Primula elatior et grandiflora. Besançon, Mém. Soc. Emul. VII., 1855, pp. 87-90.

Grenus, Theodor. Ueber einige Bemerkungen, welche Herr SVANBERG über die Gradmessung von Peru in seiner "Exposition des opérations faites en Lapponie, etc. 1805" gemacht hat. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XIII., 1806, pp. 398404.

2. Resultate einer Vergleichung der Werke von BOUGUER, CONDAMINE, und ULLOA über die Peruanische Gradmessung. Zach, Monat. Corresp. XVI., 1807, pp. 238-256. Greppin,

Tableau résumé de la division des terrains tertiaires du val de Delémont. Actes de la Soc. Helvétique, 1853, pp. 261264.

2. Notes géologiques. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. XIV., 1855. Gresira, Vicenzo. Saggio sull' analisi dell' acqua sulfureo-salina di Ceretto. Majocchi, Ann. Fis. Chim. II., 1850, pp. 174-175.

Gressly, A. Geognostische Bemerkungen über den Jura der nordwestlichen Schweiz, besonders des Kantons Solothurn und der GrenzPartien der Kantone Bern, Aargau und Basel. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1836, pp. 659675; Bibl. Univ. IX., 1837, pp. 194–197.

2. Résumé d'observations géologiques sur les modifications du Jura des cantons de Soleure et d'Argovie. L'Institut, IV., 1836, pp. 9293.

3. Description géologique des montagnes du Jura Soleurois et Argovien. L'Institut, IV., 1836, pp. 126-128.

4. Note sur des restes de mammifères trouvés dans le portlandien de Soleure. L'Institut, IV., 1836, pp. 165-166.

5. Observations géologiques sur les terrains des chaînes Jurassiques du canton de Soleure et des contrées limitrophes. Schweizer. Gesell. Verh. 1836, pp. 126–132.

6. Observations géologiques sur le Jura Soleurois. Schweizer. Gesell. N. Denkschr. II., 1838; IV., 1840; V., 1841.

Gressly, A. 7. Uebersicht der Geologie des nordwestlichen Aargau's. Leonhard u. Bronn, N. Jahrb. 1844, pp. 153-163; Neuchâtel, Bull. I., 1844-46, pp. 166-168.

8. Nouvelles données sur les faunes tertiaires d'Ajoie. Actes de la Soc. Helvétique, 1853, pp. 251-261.

9. Ossements fossiles d'un saurien gigantesque de la famille des Dinosauriens. Neuchâtel, Bull. IV., 1856-57, pp. 13-16.

Gressly, A., et E. Desor. Etudes géologiques sur le Jura Neuchâtelois. IV., 1859.

Neuchâtel, Mém.

Grésy, Cisa de. Considérations sur l'équilibre des surfaces inflexibles et inextensibles. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIII., 1818, pp. 259–294.

2. Démonstration des formules de Gauss pour déterminer le jour de Pâque suivant les deux calendriers Julien et Grégorien. [1818.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 77– 106.

3. Sur le mouvement de rotation d'un corps autour de son centre de gravité. [1819.] Torino, Mem. Accad. XXIV., 1820, pp. 495576.

4. Sur les intégrales définies. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXVI., 1821, pp. 209–296..

5. Recherches sur la décomposition des fractions exponentielles en fractions partielles à l'infini. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXI., 1827, pp. 225-264.

6. Sur le problème de la perturbation des planètes. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXIII., 1829, pp. 275-333, 357-392.

7. Note sur quelques formules exposées dans le Mémoire sur le problême de la perturbation des planètes. Torino, Mem. Accad. XXXV., 1831, pp. 379-390.

Greve, A., Verhandeling over het Zeegat van Goedereede. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. XI., 1851, pp. 1-205.

Greve, A., och Simons. Verhandeling over de stoombemaling van polders en droogmakerijen. Rotterdam, N. Verhand. IX., 1849, pp. 1-198. Greve, B. C. C. Kleine Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Physiologie. Meckel, Deutsches Archiv, VI., 1820, pp. 49-54. Grevenitz, von. Denkschrift über die höhere Reinigung des Samens. Oken, Isis, XXIII., 1830, col. 670–673. Greville, Charles. An account of some stones said to have fallen on the earth in France, and of a lump of native iron, said to have fallen in India. Phil. Trans. 1803, pp. 200-204. Greville, Robert Kaye. An account of some of the cryptogamous plants of Devonshire. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 351-370.

Greville, Robert Kaye. 2. Description of a new species of Fucus (F. Devoniensis) found in Devonshire. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 396-399.

3. Description of a new species of Potentilla (P. Jamesoniana) from the west coast of Greenland, with some account of the Arctic Flora. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 416-436.

4. On the leaves, capsule, and root of Buxbaumia aphylla. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. III., 1817-20, pp. 442–449.

5. Descriptions of seven new Scottish Fungi. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 67-73.

6. A description of a new species of Grimmia (G. Leucophæa) found in Scotland. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 87-90.

7. Description of two new plants of the order Alga (Echinella circularis and Gloionema apiculatum) found in Scotland. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821–22, pp. 213–217.

8. Descriptions of the Esculent Fungi of Great Britain. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. IV., 1821-22, pp. 339-382.

9. A monograph of the genus Erineum. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VI., 1822, pp. 71–82.

10. Observations on a new genus of plants, belonging to the natural order Gastromyci. Edinb. Phil. Journ. VIII., 1823, pp. 256-259.

11. Description of two new species of Musci, belonging to the genera Neckera and Hypnum. Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. V., 182324, pp. 481-484.

12. Descriptions of some new plants belonging to the orders Musci and Hepaticæ. New York, Annal. Lyceum, I., 1824, pp. 271–278.

13. On two new genera of Byssoidea, and a new species of Eurotium. Edinb. Phil. Journ. XIII., 1825, pp. 63–66.

14. Some account of a collection of cryptogamic plants from the Ionian Islands. Linn. Soc. Trans. XV., 1827, pp. 335–348.

15. On the economical uses of the marine Algæ, or Sea Weeds. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. I., 1830, pp. 345-349.

16. Description of some new Mosses discovered in South America by Dr. GILLIES. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. II., 1830, pp.


17. Description of two new species of Marine Algæ. Edinb. Journ. Nat. Geogr. Sci. III., 1831, pp. 148-150, 337-339.

18. On the botanical characters of the British Oaks. [1841.] Edinb. Bot. Soc. Trans. I., 1844, pp. 65-69.

19. Note on Fucus Mackaii, Turner. Phytologist, I., 1844, pp. 465–466.

« ForrigeFortsæt »