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with all those that have in the like manner erected such places to thy Name, and with all thy Saints, eternally praise thee in the highest Heavens, for all thy goodness vouchsafed us for a time here on earth, and laid up for us there in thy Kingdom for ever and ever; and that for thy dear Sons sake, our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom, &c.

Blessed Father, who hast promised in thy holy Law, that in every place where the remembrance of thy Name shall be put, thou wilt come unto us and bless us; according to that thy promise come unto us and bless us, who put now upon this place the memorial of thy Name, by dedicating it wholly and only to thy service and Worship.

Blessed Saviour, who in the Gospel, with thy bodily presence, didst honour and adorn the Feast of the dedication of the Temple; at this dedication of this Temple unto thee be present also, and accept, Good Lord, and prosper the work of our hands.

Blessed Spirit, without whom nothing is holy, no person or place is sanctified aright, send down upon this place thy sanctifying power and grace, hallow it, and make it to thee an holy habitation for ever.

Blessed and glorious Trinity, by whose Power, Wisdom and Love all things are purged, lightned, and made perfect; enable us with thy Power, enlighten us with thy Truth, perfect us with thy Grace, that both here and elsewhere acknowledging the glory of thy eternal Trinity, and in the Power of thy Divine Majesty worshipping the Unity, we may obtain to the fruition of the glorious Godhead, Trinity. in Unity, and Unity in Trinity to be adored for ever.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, accept, sanctifie, and bless this place to the end whereunto, according to his own Ordinance, we have ordained it, to be a Sanctuary to the most High, and a Church for the living God: The Lord with his favour ever mercifully behold it, and so send upon it his spiritual Benediction and Grace, that it may be the House of God to him, and the Gate of Heaven to us. Amen.

Hæc precatus Episcopus Baptisterium adit, atque imposita manu ait.

Regard, O Lord, the Supplications of thy Servants, and grant that those Children that shall be baptized in this Laver of the New birth, may be sanctified and washed with the Holy Ghost; delivered

from thy wrath, received into the Ark of Christs Church, receive herein the fulness of Grace, and ever remain in the number of thy faithful and elect Children.

Suggestum dein.


Rant that thy Holy Word, which from this place shall be preached, may be the savour of life unto life, and, as good seed, take root and fructifie in the hearts of all that shall hear it.

̓Αναλογεῖον quoque.

GRant that by thy Holy Word, which from this place shall be read, the hearers may both perceive and know what things they ought to do, and also may have Grace and Power to fulfil the same.

Sacram etiam Mensam.

GRant that all they that shall at any time partake at this Table the highest blessing of all, thy Holy Communion, may be fulfilled with thy Grace and Heavenly Benediction, and may, to their great and endless Comfort, obtain Remission of their sins, and all other Benefits of thy Passion.

Locum Nuptiarum.

Grant that such persons as shall be here joyned together in the holy estate of Matrimony, by the Covenant of God, may live together in holy Love unto their lives end.

Vniversum denique pavimentum.

GRant to such bodies as shall be here interred, that they with us,

and we with them, may have our perfect consummation and bliss both in body and soul in thine everlasting Kingdom.

Tum flexis genibus ante sacram Mensam pergit porro.

Grant that this place which is here dedicated to thee by our Office and Ministry, may also be hallowed by the sanctifying power of thy holy Spirit, and so for ever continue through thy Mercy, O

blessed Lord God, who dost live and govern all things, world without end.

Grant as this Chappel is separated from all other common and profane uses, and dedicated to those that be sacred only, so may all those be that enter into it.

Grant that all wandering thoughts, all carnal and worldly imaginations may be far from them, and all godly and spiritual cogitations may come in their place, and may be daily renew'd and grow in them.

Grant that those thy servants that shall come into this thy holy Temple, may themselves be made the Temples of the Holy Ghost, eschewing all things contrary to their profession, and following all such things as are agreeable to the same.

When they pray, that their prayers may ascend up into heaven into thy presence, as the Incense; and the lifting up of their hands be as the morning sacrifice; purifie their hearts, and grant them their hearts desire, sanctifie their spirits, and fulfil all their minds, that what they faithfully ask, they may effectually obtain the same.

When they offer, that their Oblation and Alms may come up as a Memorial before thee, and they find and feel that with such Sacrifices thou art well-pleased.

When they sing, that their souls may be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, when their mouth praiseth thee with joyful lips.

When they hear, that they hear not as the word of man, but, as indeed it is, the Word of God, and not be idle Hearers, but Doers of the same.

Populus interea tacitè ingressus in imis substitit, dum hæc in Cancellis agerentur; quibus finitis, sedes quisque suas jussi capessunt, atque ad solennem Liturgiam Sacellani se parant.

Alter Sacellanorum coram sacra, mensa vellerans sic incipit.

IF we say, we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth, &c.


Confessionem, Absolutionem, Dominic. 200eux recitant, &c. canunt pro tempore accommodos, Ps. 84, 1:2, & 132, alternis respondente populo quibus facultas erat et litri. Lectio prima definitur ex 28 Gen. à ver. primo ad finem. Hymn, Te Deum, &c. Lecti secunda ex secundo capite S. Joh. à versu 13. ad finem. Hyn an, Ps. 100.

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I Believe in God, &c.

Et post usitatas Collectas hanc specialem addidit Episcopus.


Lord God, mighty and glorious, and of incomprehensible Majesty, thou fillest Heaven and Earth with the Glory of thy presence, and canst not be contained within any the largest compass, much less within the narrow walls of this Room; yet forasmuch as thou hast been pleased to command in thy holy Law, that we should put the Remembrance of thy Name upon places, and in every such place thou wilt come to us and bless us; we are here now assembled to put thy name upon this place, and the Memorial of it, to make it thy house, to devote and dedicate it for ever unto thee, utterly separating it from all worldly uses, and wholly and only consecrate it to the invocation of thy glorious Name, wherein supplications and intercessions may be made for all men; thy sacred Word may be read, preached, and heard, the Holy Sacraments, (the Laver of Regeneration, and the Commemoration of the precious death of thy dear Son) may be administred; thy Praise celebrated and sounded forth, thy people blessed, by putting thy Name upon them; we (poor and miserable creatures as we are) be altogether unfit, and utterly unworthy to appoint any earthly thing to so great a God; And I, the least of all thy servants, no ways meet to appear before thee in so honourable a service; yet being thou hast oft heretofore been pleased to accept such poor offerings from sinful men, most humbly we beseech thee, forgiving our manifold sins, and making us worthy by counting us so, to vouchsafe to be present here among us in this religious action, and what we sincerely offer graciously to accept at our hands, to receive the prayers of us and all others, who either now or hereafter entring into this place, by us hallowed, shall call upon thee; And give us all grace when we shall come into the house of God, we may look to our feet, knowing; that the place we stand on is holy ground, bringing hither clean thoughts, and undefiled bodies, that we may both wash our hearts and hands in innocency, and so compass thine Altar.

Jam alter Sacellanus denuo exiens et venerans ante sacram Mensam, incipit Litaniam; in fine cujus recitavit hoc ipse Episcopus.

Lord God, who dwellest not in Temples made with hands (as saith the Prophet) yet hast ever vouchsafed to accept the devout endeavours of thy poor servants, allotting special places for thy Divine Worship, promising, even there to hear and grant their requests; I humbly beseech thee to accept of this days duty and service of dedicating this Chappel to thy great and glorious Name. Fulfil, O Lord, pray thee thy gracious promises, that whatsoever prayer in this sacred place shall be made according to thy will, may be accepted by thy gracious favour, and returned with their desir'd success to thy glory and our Comfort. Amen.


Post benedictionem populi cantatur Psalm. 132. conscenditque suggestum M. Robinson, Theol. Bac. Fundatoris summo rogatu; Episcopus hoc ei tandum concessit; (geminas sorores ille atque Fundator in uxores duxerant, sed utraque defuncta, jam tertiis gaudebat thalamis Concionator.)

Thema ejus desumptum è 28. Cap. Gen. vers. 16, 17. inter cætera doctè egit de omnipræsentia Divina, ubivis Locorum, tum speciatim (pro beneplacito suo) in Ecclesia, deque reverentia et veneratione ibi debita.

Pergitur in Liturgia, qua Mulia quædam paupercula purificanda ad limen Cancellorum accedens, genua flectit, gratiasque post partum (solenni Ecclesias ritu) agit: Baptizandus autem vel Matrimonio jungendus, nullus aderat.

Iter dein ad Coenæ Dominicæ administrationem, Sacellanorum altero ad Australem, altero ad Septentrionalum partem sacræ mense genu flectente et dicente;

OUR Father, &c.

Ante Epistolæ lectionem hanc specialem Collectam (una cum Collecta solita pro Rege) recitat Sacellanorum alter.


Ost blessed Saviour, who by thy bodily presence at the Feast of Dedication, didst honour and approve such devout and religious services, as we have now in hand, be thou present also at this time with us, and consecrate us into an Holy Temple unto thy self, that thou dwelling in our hearts by Faith, we may be cleansed from all carnal affections, and devoutly given to serve thee in all good works. Amen.

Epistolam secundus Sacellanus ante Sacram Mensam stans, legit ex 1 Cor.

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