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to battle; had we made of our every thought an action, and of every action a thought; had we learned from them that liberty and independence are one; we should not now have war but victory! Cosenza would not be compelled to venerate the memory of her mar tyrs in secret, nor Venice be restrained from honoring them with a monument; and we, here gathered together, might gladly invoke those sacred names, without uncertainty as to our future destiny, or a cloud of sadness on our brows; and might say to those precursor souls, "Rejoice, for your spirit is incarnate in your brethren, and they are worthy of you." Could Attilio and Emilio Bandiéra, and their fellow-martyrs, now arise from the grave and speak to you, they would, believe me, address you, though with a power very different from that given to me, in counsel not unlike that which now I utter.

Love! Love is the flight of the soul towards God; towards the great, the sublime, and the beautiful, which are the shadow of God upon earth. Love your family; the partner of your life; those around you, ready to share your joys and sorrows; the dead, who were dear to you, and to whom you were dear. Love your country. It is your name, your glory, your sign among the Peoples. Give to it your thought, your counsel, your blood. You are twenty-four millions of men, endowed with active, splendid faculties; with a tradition of glory, the envy of the Nations of Europe; an immense future is before you, your eyes are raised to the loveliest Heaven, and around you smiles the loveliest land in Europe; you are encircled by the Alpe and the sea, boundaries marked out by the finger of God for a people of giants. And you must be such, or nothing. Let not a man of that twenty-four millions remain excluded from the fraternal bond which shall join you together; let not a look be raised to that Heaven, which is not that of a free man. Love humanity. You can only ascertain your own mission from the aim placed by God before humanity at large. Beyond the Alps, beyond the sea, are other Peoples, now fighting, or preparing to fight, the holy fight of independence, of nationality, of liberty; other Peoples striving by different routes to reach the same goal. Unite with them, they will unite with you.


And love, young men, love and reverence the Ideal; it is the country of the spirit, the city of the soul, in which all are brethren who believe in the inviolability of thought, and in the dignity of our immortal natures. From that high sphere spring the principles which alone can redeem the Peoples. Love enthusiasm, the pure dreams of the virgin soul, and the lofty visions of early youth; for they are the perfume of Paradise, which the soul preserves in issuing from the hands of its Creator. Respect, above all things, your conscience; have upon your lips the truth that God has placed in your hearts; and, while working together in harmony in all that tends to the emancipation of our soil, even with those who differ from you, yet ever bear erect your own banner, and boldly promulgate your faith.

Such words, young men, would the martyrs of Cosenza have spoker. had they been living amongst you. And here, where, perhaps, invokes

by our love, their holy spirits hover near us, I call upon you to gather them up in your hearts, and to make of them a treasure amid the storms that yet threaten you; but which, with the name of our martyrs on your lips, and their faith in your hearts, you will over


God be with you, and bless Italy!

5. APPEAL TO THE HUNGARIANS, 1849.-Louis Kossuth.

OUR Fatherland is in danger! Citizens! to arms! to arms. Unless the whole Nation rise up, as one man, to defend itself, all the noble blood already shed is in vain; and, on the ground where the ashes of our ancestors repose, the Russian knout will rule over an enslaved People! Be it known to all Hungary, that the Austrian Emperor has let loose upon us the barbarous hordes of Russia; that a Russian army of forty-six thousand men has broken into our country from Gallicia, and is on the march; that another has entered Transylvania; and that, finally, we can expect no foreign assistance, as the People that sympathize with us are kept down by their rulers, and gaze only in dumb silence on our struggle. We have nothing to rest our hopes upon, but a righteous God, and our own strength. If we do not put forth that strength, God will also forsake us.

Hungary's struggle is no longer our struggle alone. It is the struggle of popular freedom against tyranny. Our victory is the victory of freedom, our fall is the fall of freedom. God has chosen us to free the Nations from bodily servitude. In the wake of our victory will follow liberty to the Italians, Germans, Poles, Vallachians, Sclavonians, Servians, and Croatians. With our fall goes down the star of freedom over all. People of Hungary! will you die under the exterminating sword of the savage Russians? If not, defend yourselves! Will you look on while the Cossacks of the far North tread under foot the bodies of your fathers, mothers, wives and children? If not, defend yourselves! Will you see a part of your fellow-citizens sent to the wilds of Siberia, made to serve in the wars of tyrants, or bleed under the murderous knout? If not, defend yourselves! Will you behold your villages in flames, and your harvests destroyed? Will you die of hunger on the land which your sweat has made fertile? If not, defend yourselves!

We call upon the People, in the name of God and the Country, to rise up in arms. In virtue of our powers and duty, we order a gen. eral crusade of the People against the enemy, to be declared from every pulpit and from every town-house of the country, and made known by the continual ringing of bells. One great effort, and the country is forever saved! We have, indeed, an army which numbers some two hundred thousand determined men; but the struggle is no longer one between two hostile camps; it is the struggle of tyranny against freedom, — of barbarism against all free Nations Therefore

must all the People seize arms and support the army, that, thus united, the victory of freedom for Europe may be won. Fly, then, united with the army, to arms, every citizen of the land. and the victory is sure!

6. THE CONTENTMENT OF EUROPE.-Kossuth, Nov. 12, 1851.

THE question, the comprehensive question, is, whether Europe shall be ruled by the principle of freedom, or by the principle of despotism, by the principle of centralization, or by the principle of self-government. Shall freedom die away for centuries, and mankind become nothing more than the blind instrument of the ambition of some few, or shall the print of servitude be wiped out from the brow of humanity, and mankind become noble in itself, and a noble instru ment to its own forward progress? Woe, a hundred-fold woe, to every Nation, which, confident in its proud position of to-day, would carelessly regard the comprehensive struggle of those great principles! It is the mythical struggle between Heaven and Hell. Woe, a thousand-fold woe, to every Nation which would not embrace, within its sorrows and its cares, the future, but only the present time! In the flashing of a moment the future becomes present, and the objects of our present labors have passed away. As the sun throws a mist before the sun rises, so the spirit of the future is seen in the events of the present.

A philosopher was once questioned, how could he prove the existence of God? "Why," answered he, " by opening my eyes. God is seen everywhere, in the growth of the grass, and in the movement of the stars; in the warbling of the lark, and in the thunder of Heaven." Even so I prove that the decisive struggle in mankind's destiny draws near. I appeal I appeal to the sight of your eyes, to the puls ations of your hearts, and to the judgments of your minds. How blind are those who assert that the continent of Europe, but for the revolutionary acts of certain men, would be quiet and contented! Contented? With what? With oppression and servitude? France contented, with its Constitution subverted? Germany contented, with being but a fold of sheep, pent up to be shorn by some thirty petty tyrants? Switzerland contented, with the threatening ambition of encroaching despots? Italy contented, with the King of Naples ?or with the priestly Government of Rome, the worst of human inven tion? Austria, Rome, Prussia, Dalmatia, contented with having been driven to butchery, and, after having been deceived, plundered, oppressed, and laughed at as fools? Poland contented with being murdered? Hungary, my poor Hungary, contented with being more than murdered-buried alive?- for it is alive! Russia contented with slavery? Vienna contented? Lombardy, Pesth, Milan, Venice, Prague, contented?-contented with having been ignominiously branded, burned, plundered, sacked, and its population butchered?

Half of the European continent contented with the scaffold, with the hangman, with the prison, with having no political rights at all, but having to pay innumerable millions for the highly beneficial purpose of being kept in a state of serfdom? That is the condition of the continent, and is it not ridiculous and absurd in men to prate about individuals disturbing the peace and tranquillity of Europe? Ah! Gentlemen, humanity has a nobler destiny than to be the footstool to the ambition of certain families. Let the House of Austria trust to its bayonets and its Czar. The People of Hungary and myself-we trust to God! I know that the light has spread, and even bayonets think; I know that all the Czars of the world are but mean dust in the hand of God; and so I firmly hope, nay, I am certain, — 1 shall yet see Hungary independent and free!

7. HEROISM OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE. — Kossuth, Nov. 12, 1851.

GENTLEMEN have said that it was I who inspired the Hungarian People. I cannot accept the praise. No, it was not I who inspired the Hungarian People. It was the Hungarian People who inspired me. Whatever I thought, and still think, whatever I felt, and still feel, — is but the pulsation of that heart which in the breast of my People beats! The glory of battle is for the historic leaders. Theirs are the laurels of immortality. And yet, in encountering the danger, they knew that, alive or dead, their names would, on the lips of the People, forever live. How different the fortune. - how nobler, how purer, the heroism, - - of those children of the People, who went forth freely to meet death in their country's cause, knowing that where they fell they would lie, undistinguished and unknown, their names unhonored and unsung! Animated, nevertheless, by the love of freedom and fatherland, they went forth calmly, singing their National anthems, till, rushing upon the batteries, whose cross-fire vomited upon them death and destruction, they took them without firing a shot, those who fell falling with the shout, "Hurrah for Hungary!" And so they died by thousands - the unnamed demigods! Such is the People of Hungary. Still it is said, it is I who have inspired them. No! a thousand times, no! It is they whc have inspired me.

8. "IN A JUST CAUSE."-Kossuth, Dec. 11, 1851.

To prove that Washington never attached to his doctrine of new trality more than the sense of temporary policy, I refer to one of his letters, written to Lafayette, wherein he says: "Let us only have twenty years of peace, and our country will come to such a degree of power and wealth that we will be able, in a just cause, to defy whatever power on earth.”

"In a just cause!" Now, in the name of eternal truth, and by all that is sacred and dear to man, since the history of mankind w

recorded there has been no cause more just than the cause of Hungary! Never was there a People, without the slightest reason, mort sacrilegiously, more treacherously, and by fouler means, attacked than Hungary! Never have crime, cursed ambition, despotism and violence, in a more wicked manner, united to crush down freedom, and the very life, than against Hungary! Never was a country more mortally outraged than Hungary. All your sufferings, all your com. plaints, which, with so much right, drove your forefathers to take up arms, are but slight grievances, compared with those immense, deep wounds, out of which the heart of Hungary bleeds! If the cause of my people in not sufficiently just to insure the protection of God, and the support of good-willing men, then there is no just cause, and no justice on Earth; then the blood of no new Abel will move towards Heaven; the genius of charity, Christian love and justice, will mourningly fly the Earth; a heavy curse will upon mortality fall, oppressed men despair, and only the Cains of humanity walk proudly, with impious brow, above the ruins of Liberty on Earth!

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You have attained that degree of strength and consistency, when your less fortunate brethren of mankind may well claim your brotherly, protecting hand. And here I stand before you, to plead the cause of these, your less fortunate brethren the cause of humanity. I may succeed, or I may fail. But I will go on, pleading with that faith of martyrs by which mountains were moved; and I may displease you, perhaps; still I will say, with Luther, "May God help me- - I can do no otherwise!" Woe, a thousand-fold woe, to humanity, should there nobody on earth be to maintain the laws of humanity! Woe to humanity, should even those who are as mighty as they are free not feel interested in the maintenance of the laws of mankind, because they are laws, but only in so far as some scanty money interests would desire it! Woe to humanity, if every despot of the world may dare to trample down the laws of humanity, and no free Nation arise to make respected these laws! People of the United States, humanity expects that your glorious Republic will prove to the world that Republics are formed on virtue. It expects to see you the guardians of the law of humanity!

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9. PEACE INCONSISTENT WITH OPPRESSION. - Kossuth, December 18, 1851.

Is the present condition of Europe peace? Is the scaffold peace? -the scaffold, on which, in Lombardy, the blood of three thousand seven hundred and forty-two patriots was spilled during three short years! Is that peace? Are the prisons of Austria, filled with patriots, peace? Or is the murmur of discontent from all the Nations peace? I believe the Lord has not created the world to be in such a peaceful condition. I believe He has not created it to be the prison of humanity, or the dominion of the Austrian jailer. No! The present condition of the world is not peace! It is a condition of

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