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terfered, and caufed thefe pugilifts to be apprehended. The beginning of this month they waited on fir Sampfon Wright, by his defire, with their fureties; when they were informed, that if they should attempt to challenge each other, or appoint any meeting in future, they would be fubject to feverer penalties they both promifed to obey; though Mendoza faid, he could have wifhed another trial with Humphries.


Mr. Fisher, of Baldock, in Hertfordshire, returning home lately from fhooting, laid his gun (ftill loaded) across the table in the parlour; when going out to a neighbour's house, a young girl, of the age of fix years, took the piece in her hand, declaring The would fhoot the cat; although the was not strong enough to level it, the contrived to pull the trigger, and unhappily difcharged the contents full in the face of the maid-fervant, who inftantly expired on the spot. A fimilar accident happened at Hertford, in the fame county, about the middle of January,

A very dreadful accident happened about the ift of February, in Hereford cathedral. Agreeably to Mr. Wyatt's plan, it was lately determined to take down the cieling (or groined archwork) of the nave of the church; and four large heavy fcaffolds had in confequence been erected, from the ground to within a few feet of the arches, for the purpose of receiving the ftone. Inftead of having a hanging platform, or ftage, fufpended from the timbers above the groined-work, for the men to stand upon, in cafe of accident-fixteen workmen ftood on the top, and, upon the moving of a single stone, the whole of that part on which they were placed, funk, and exhibited a fcene fhocking beyond description. A few of them were fortunate enough to jump upon a part that continued firm, while fome clung to the fide walls; one man took hold of a rope, which he held for near a quarter of an hour, and was faved; another, after holding by a piece of timber for a few minutes, dropped, and was dafhed to pieces; and a third was buried under the ruins of the fcaffoldings, all of which came down. Five

men were taken to the infirmary, much hurt; two, who had been dug from under the ruins, lay dead in one of the aifles; another is fince dead; and whether the others will recover, is at prefent doubtful. Near twenty feet of the arched work fell at once.


Lately died, Mr. and on the following day Mrs. Louther, of Taylor's-buildings, nearly oppofite Sadler's Wells, Iflington. They were buried in one grave at lady Huntingdon's chapel, Northampton-row, Clerkenwell, being followed to the place of interment by their feven children. The eldeft fon, about ten years of age, walked as chief mourner, and his three brothers each led a fifter by the hand.

The poor old man who quitted his native hills, and from the fummit of Mount Jura, undertook a journey to Verfailles, to behold and return thanks to the national affembly for the vote which had freed him and his poor countrymen from the feudal yoke, died at Paris the beginning of this month, at the prodigious age of an hundred and twenty-one years. In the early part of his life, he was a fervant in the family of the prince de Beaufremont. His memory continued good to the last day of his life; and the principal inconve niences which he felt from his great age were, that his fight was weakened, and the natural heat of his body was fo diminifhed, that he fhivered with cold in the middle of the dog-days, if he was not fitting by a good fire. A collection was made for him by the members, which exceeded five hundred pounds fterling; but he lived not to return to Mount Jura. He was buried with great funeral pomp, in the parish church of St. Eustace at Paris.

Lately at Lean Gadwallader, North Wales, in the hundred and fifteenth year of his age, the celebrated Hugh Llewellyn, well known in the neighbouring counties for his musical skill, particularly on the Welsh harp (few having excelled him) which he played until within a fortnight of his death.

*For a more particular account of this man, fee page 18, of this volume,


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[From Papers of the British Conful at Alexandria, laid on the Table of the House of Commons, the 29th of January 1790.] HE flaves of Afia are brought from Georgia, Mingrelia, Circaffia, and the borders of Perfia. They are of that race of men from which the Janiffaries, fo victorious and invincible in the hiftory of the Turks, were conftantly felected. They do not lose the name of flave when they are brought into Egypt; for the appellation of Mamaluk, which is given them, fignifies it; but instead, it confers a title to reign. Their number, in all Egypt, does not now exceed four thoufand; and the annual importation, fince Ruffia has afferted the independency of their native provinces, does not furpafs one hundred. The Beys, who originated from the fame fount, are generally their purchasers. They become, by this act, of the body of Mamalukes, efpoufe the Muffulman religion, are trained to arms, and ftart in a career which infallibly leads the valiant and expert to grandeur and power.

In the time of Ali Bey, their numbers afcended to ten thoufand; but his wars, and the fpirit of contention and rebellion he left behind him, has wafted them to their pre fent state. The fources of their replenishment, too, being obftructed, VOL. II,

we are haftening to the period which will extinguish them quite, and leave Egypt naked to any power which may be preparing to fubdue it.

The African flaves, on the contrary, are brought to ferve. They retain their characteristic title of Alid, fignifying property flave; and their colour, diverfified only by a few fhades, is black. Their condition, however, in Egypt, is mild; for, whether from humanity or intereft, whether nature or good fenfe, it is remarkable that their masters treat them with a parental tenderness, adopt them with confidence, entrust them with the management of their concerns, marry them, and, in fact, purfue this plan of benevolence to the laft. We fee, in return, generally speaking, a devotion, an attachment, a fidelity, which nothing can remove. We fee a gravity in their demeanor, which feems the election of the mind. We fee a difcernment in their actions, which is not far from refinement. Yet these men are flaves, negroes of that fame nursery, from which our plantations. are fupplied, and confidered as being barely poffeffed of the form only of men.

It is true, that in this country they are not wanted for the laborious duties of life: the native peafantry does all that; and of course the numbers annually imported are inconfiderable, compared with the aftonishing drains for the West Indies. I am well affured, that they H


do not exceed five thoufand, comprifing male and female; of which the latter are the greater part. They are taken in the kingdoms of Sernar, Dartour, Fezanè, and Abyffinia; and the fmallest number, though, on account of their docility, the moft defired, is from Abyffinia.

The flave in Egypt is completely at the mercy of his mafter; but I cannot learn, from all my information, a fingle inftance of any rafh or revengeful exercife of that power. The mafter fays, I can difpofe of him if he difpleafes me-why fhould I destroy my property? And the flave can fay, My matter is cruel; proclaim me in the market, (i. e. Soke il Sultan) and he must be fold.

This feems a contradiction to the abfolute power of the mafter; but there is fo much odium, in this barbarous country, attending the infliction of death upon a flave, that a claim to mercy has the voice of the law. What harm can refult from this order of things?-Will the flave capricioufly fay, Sell me? He does but change one mafter for another. Or will the mafter fuffer by parting with a difcontented flave?

I fee no great danger of abuse from this lenity in our government of flaves; nor does experience contradict me. But how it would be in our islands, where the labour is heavy, where the food is unwhole fome, where the irafcibility of the mafter is provoked by the very nature of the fervice, I fee the propriety of the rule giving way to the diverfity of the cafe. The evil feems to follow the fatal neceffity which it ferves. Masters might be lefs exigent of labour, and temper better the neceffity which constrains. It might be provident even to facrifice a few hogfheads of fugar to the preservation of the flaves. They should remember, that of all men these favages are born most free; that to

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pafs from perfect freedom to the moft tyrannic fervitude, is not the eafieft tranfition of life; that these flaves feel keenly the fentiment of their fate, a thousand inftances of their preferring death, in its most defperate forms, fufficiently evinces: and fhall Engliflimen trample upon this fentiment! treat it as a spirit of revenge! Englishmen, who glory in this characteristic! whose boaft is death or liberty! I fhould hope the example of the Turks might operate to foften the condition of the poor men fubjected to our fervice; and if there are neceffary evils which must be complied with, at least that the fubmiffion to them fhould be fo tempered with all poffible humanity, as to make it fupportable.

The few flaves that are caftrated for the fervice of the feraglio, and for other people in power, do not undergo that abominable fate until they arrive in Upper Egypt, where I am informed is a Copthi family who have exercifed that profeffion from father to fon for a long time; who continue to live by their dexterity in that practice; but the num◄ bers do not exceed twenty annually.

The caravan, which is the vehicle of this particular commerce, is annual, and vifits, as I have faid be fore, the kingdoms of Sernar, Darfour, Fezanè, and Abyffinia.-They take with them coral, Venetian glass, beads, and other ware, musket barrels, and linen of the manufacture of Egypt, and exchange them for the flaves, for gold duft, gums, elephants' teeth, tamarinds, and oftrich feathers-The value of this commerce altogether amounts to about one hundred thousand pounds; but it is capable, in the opinions of most men, were the government of Egypt favourable to commerce, of infinite enlargement.

Egypt difpatches too, annually, a confiderable caravan to Mecca; its foundation is for holy purposes, but

is encouraged likewife in objects of commerce fo much, that the merchandife exported and received. by this caravan enjoys a perfect exemption from duty.It employs about fix thousand camels, and takes to Mecca and Gedda ordinary linens, coral, beads, amber, cochineal, French cloth, quickfilver, pimento, tinfel, German dollars, and Venetian fequins. The value of these articles amounts to about one hundred thoufand pounds, and they are exchanged for Indian goods, muflins, Surat ftuffs, rich fhawls, and coffee. But this is but a fmall portion of the trade carried on from Cairo to Gedda. The other part is carried on by fea, and employs upwards of fifty fhips of two hundred tons burthen each, and some of a thousand tons. The amount of this commerce keeps in circulation not lefs than three millions of pounds fler ling.

There is likewife an almoft conftant intercourfe by caravans between Cairo and Syria, compofed generally of one hundred camels each. They bring cotton, filk, and foap, and take away linens, coffee, and money. The annual amount of this commerce may be fifty thou fand pounds fterling.

Another caravan comes annually with the fubjects of the king of Morocco from Fez and Morocco. It is commonly compofed of about five thoufand camels to carry the mer chandize, and of about fifteen thoufand mules for the travellers. They bring gold duft and maffive currency, filver in bars; and they take in return India goods and raw filk. The amount of this branch is about one hundred thousand pounds annually. Part of this caravan paffes on to Mecca, and part remains to tranf act business, and to return with the return of the caravan.

I know of no other caravans immediately commercial. What are

called caravans from Suez to Cairo, and from place to place, in the dominion of Egypt, are merely caravans of tranfport. The camels are fupplied by the Arabs, who conftantly encompafs all fertile countries bordering the defart, and who draw a very ample fubfiftence from this tranfport fervice; but they are not always contented with this. They are constantly finding pretences for war, or, more properly fpeaking, for rapine, and become as hurtful by their depredations as they are useful in the other sense.


[Tranfmitted by G. W.]

PLINY was a phyfician and naturalist, born of an illuftrious family at Verona. He lived under the Roman emperors Vefpafian and Titus, who honoured him with their efteem. He was the author of a great number of works, but no other than his Natural History has furvived the wreck of time. He wrote upon a much more extenfive plan than Ariftotle, and probably his was too unlimited. Defirous of com. prehending every thing, he feems to have endeavoured to take measure of nature, and even to have found it too confined for the extent of his genius,

His Natural History comprehends, independent of his hiftory of animals, plants, and minerals, a hif tory of heaven and earth, medicine, commerce, navigation, a hiftory of arts liberal and mechanic, the origin of customs; in fine, all natural fciences, and all human arts. What is most astonishing, is to find him in every part equally great; an elevation of ideas, and a nobleness of style, heighten ftill more his profound erudition. He not only knew all that could be known in his time,

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but he had that facility of thinking, upon the whole, which multiplies knowledge: he poffeffed that delicacy of reflection, upon which depends the elegance of taste; and he communicates to his readers a certain liberty and boldness of thoughts, which is the bafis of philofophy. His work, though as variegated as nature herself, always depicts her in a beautiful drefs. It may, indeed, be faid, that his book is a compilation of all that was wrote before him; a copy of all that was excellent and useful in learning: but this copy has fuch ftriking featuresthis compofition contains a variety of objects, placed in fuch an entire new point of light, that it is preferable to the greatest of those original productions, that treat upon the fame fubjects.

This learned naturalift, as Pliny the Younger, his nephew, informs us, lived a regular œconomical life, flept but little, and employed all his time to the best advantage. He always had a person to read at his table, and, in his perambulations in fearch of knowledge, he had constantly with him his book, his tablets, and his amanuenfis, as he read no work from which he did not make extracts.


day I allot to bufinefs, and I referve the night for reading and compofition. Should I not be even too happy if this conduct procured me no other advantage than that of living longer? Sleep absorbs half the life of man; and it is a more certain and a more legal gain than any other, to purloin as much time as poffible from Morpheus."

Pliny's death was occafioned by a fatal accident, which is fet forth at length in a letter from his nephew to Tacitus the historian. He was at Nifmus, where he commanded a fquadron of Roman fhips. Perceiving a large and uncommon cloud rife from Mount Vefuvius, he fail- · ed towards it, to obferve the different forms that this dreadful phænomenon would fucceffively undergo. He dictated his obfervations with the fame tranquillity of mind as if nothing had been to be dreaded from it. Nevertheless, burning calcined pulverifed ftones and flints began to fall upon his fhips in great quantities. Pliny deliberated a moment, whether he fhould veer about, agree ably to the exhortations of the pilot; but his infatiable thirft of knowledge and inftruction prevailed, and he rejected his pilot's advice. "Fortune," faid he, "favours the brave!

let us go and join Pomponianus, who is now on fhore." This was one of his friends, whom he found bufy in preparing to escape, as foon as the wind, which was contrary, had veered about. Pliny embraced and encouraged him; and to diminifh his fears, and convince his friend of their feeming fecurity, he went and bathed; then fupped, and was in- very chearful.

He had, probably, never his parallel for affiduity in reading and writing. One day the reader, during the repaft, having given a vicious pronunciation to fome words, one of Pliny's friends ftopt him, and made him begin again. Pliny faid to his friend, You nevertheless under. ftood him?" which being agreed to, Pliny added, "Why then did you make him read it again? your terruption has made us lofe above ten lines." At another time, obferving his nephew walking without his book, he faid, "You cannot afford to lofe this time."

He wrote to Titus in the following familiar manner: "The whole

After the repaft, he went to rest, and flept profoundly. Nevertheless, the apparent danger obliged him to wake. The court of the house was filled with afhes, and the building was fo much shook by repeated earthquakes, that it feemed torn from its


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