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Comedy, how aided by stage-tricks, ii.
318; a species of ridicule in writing,
iii. 148; its decline on the English stage,
450; in what inferior to tnat of the an-
cients, 451.

Comedies in Italy, more lewd than those
of other countries, i. 393.
Comet, of 1680, described, iv. 189.
Commandment against perjury, v. 418.
Commentators, bad, on Ovid's Metamor-
phoses, i. 141; modern, their senseless
affectation of Terence's and Plautus's
phrases, v. 219.

Commerce, a goddess attendant on Li-
berty, ii. 140; its blessings enumerated,
372; its progress not sufficiently marked
by English historians, v. 49; how im-
proved by Edward III., Henry VII., and
Elizabeth, ib.; treaties at Madrid and
Utrecht compared, 50; necessary to
Great Britain, 54; the nurse of her naval
power, ib.; its tendency to civilize the
people and abate their discontents, 56.
Commissary of St. Marino, his office de-
scribed, i. 405.

Committee, of the Spectator's club, ap-
pointed to sit every night, ii. 232; of
tracts proposed to establish a truce be-
tween the female Whigs and Tories,
v. 38.
Commodus, how distinguished on medals,
i. 264; medal of, 307; nature of the al-
lusion, 308; represented on a medal,
fencing, 342; spoiled by his mother, be-
came a foolish and abandoned tyrant,
ii. 486.

Common people, their wonder at the
punctilios of the great, iii. 503.
Commons, House of, what class of men it
represents, iv. 397; they and their
speaker commended for their conduct
during the troubles of the country, v.


Commonwealth, why the best form of go-
vernment for the states among the Alps,
i. 526; of learning, its secret history
told by Tom Folio, ii. 134; genius of a
commonwealth attendant on Liberty,
139; property more equally distributed
than in monarchies, iv. 361.
Commotions, popular, in London, by whom
fomented, v. 83.

Communion of men and spirits in Para-
dise, described by Milton, ii. 259.
Como (lake), called by Virgil, Larius, i.

[blocks in formation]

Complacency, her office at the Temple of
Virtuous Love, ii. 78.

Complainers, their importunacy, ii. 99.
Complaisance, useful to make conversa-
tion agreeable, iv. 312; its effects, 313;
illustrated by an Arabian tale, 314.
Complexion of a murderer to be sold, ii. 4.
Compliments, English, ridiculed in the
ambassador of Bantam's letter to his
master, iv. 87.

Composers of English music, how far they
ought to imitate the Italian, ii. 290.
Composite pillars of Constantine's arch,
said to be imitated from those of Solo-
mon's temple, i. 480.

Comptroller-general of the London Cries,
a new office proposed, iii. 149.
Concave and convex, the most striking
figures in architecture, iii. 409.
Conceitedness, a word now obsolete, iii.
305, note.

Concord, device of, on ancient medals, i.
274; illustrated from Seneca and Sta-
tius, 275.

Condé, the prince of, his face compared to
that of an eagle, ii. 400; his raillery on
the fickle politics of the English, iv.

Conduct of men, how to be rectified, iv. 85.
Confederates, their conduct of the war

how defective, iv. 353;
; each nation
fancies itself the greatest sufferer in the
war, 359.
Confession of Constantia to Theodosius,
iii. 10.

Confirmation, discipline preparatory to,
among the primitive Christians, v. 124.
Confusion, a monster, described, ii. 142;

an abstract idea, out of place, iv.313, note.
Congreve, praised, i. 26; alludes to the
doctrine of transmigration in one of his
prologues, iii. 90; his Old Bachelor, a
lesson to woman-haters, iv. 50; his lash
on the critics in his epistle to Sir R.
Temple, 221; a fashionable writer in
his time; character of his works, v. 46,
note; Sir Richard Steele's dedicatory
epistle to him, 142; his poem on the
Peace, 322; an early friend of Addison,
326; letter to him, ib. ; his "Bickerstaff
Detected," 394.

Congruity of ideas the origin of wit, ii.
358 instanced in similitudes, ib.
Conjectures, respecting the signatures to
the Spectator, iii. 103; on obscure pas-
sages in ancient authors, often give new
pleasure to the reader, v. 219.
Conjugal engagements sometimes broken
by trifles, ii. 153; instanced in a story,

Conjugal harmony finely portrayed in
Adam's speech to Raphael, iii. 255.
Connecte, Thomas, a famous monk,
preached against head-dresses, ii. 421.
Connor, Dr., his account of the grotto del
Cani, i. 436.

Conquest of Mexico, a play, for Mr. Pow-
ell's benefit, ii. 311.
Conquest (Deborah), widow of Sir Samp-
son, and the terror of the whole sex,
iv 96
Conrad III., his generosity to the women
of Hensberg, iv. 16.
Conscience, a good one, the health of the
soul, iv. 253; its proper supports, 254; the
only relief against the pains of calumny,
255; its efficacy at the hour of death, ib.
Conspiracy of rebels over a bowl of punch,
iv. 404.

Conspiracies, how punished by great
monarchs, v. 10, 11.

Constance, lake of, described, i. 532.
Constancy, how to be acquired, i. 153;
in sufferings, the excellence of it, iii.


Constantia and Theodosius, their story,
iii. 7.

Constantine, Emperor, a coin of his ex-
plained, i. 291; the sign that appeared
to him in the heavens, 308; his tri-
umphal arch the noblest in Rome, 480;
inscription hinting at his vision, ib.
Constitution, English, contrasted with that
of the Romans, iii. 299.

Construction, a rule for, in writing, iv. 260,

Consuls, Roman, their office, iii. 297;
power given them by the Roman sen-
ate, iv. 459.

Conté, the prince of, his succession to the
government of Neuf-Chatel, a matter of
dispute, i. 530.

Contemplation of the Deity, a source of
cheerfulness, iii. 359.

Contemplations on the material world less
wonderful than those on the world of
life, iv. 40.

Contempt is reciprocal, iv. 174.
Content, produces all the effects of the
philosopher's stone, iv. 117; methods of
acquiring this virtue, 117, 119; Chris-
tianity the only system which can ef-
fectually produce it, 119.
Contention personified, ii. 79.
Contentment, the utmost good we can
hope for in this world, iii. 4.
Contract of marriage among birds, its
duration, ii. 485.

Controversy, books of, their tendency, iii.

Controversies, between parents and chil-
dren, considered, iii. 59.
Conventicler, female, a letter respecting
one, ii. 324.

Convents, convenient receptacles for fiery
zealots, i. 532.

Conventuals, in the Romish Church, a rule
among them, ii. 224.
Conversation compared to a concert of
music, ii. 115; straitened in numerous
assemblies, 367; like the Romish reli-
gion, reformed, 455; become vulgar by

false refinement, 456; how a means of
improving our natural taste, iii. 392;
the Spectator's first essays at, iv. 82;
that of a man of integrity the most
agreeable, 154; more mirth in the
French, more wit in the English, 192;
rendered agreeable by complaisance,
Convocation, Lower House of, reprimand-
ed by Queen Anne for intemperate be-
haviour, v. 361.

Cookery, French, censured, ii. 108.
Cook-maid, turned off, for favouring the
suspension of the Habeas Corpus act,
v. 18.
Copenhagen, a letter from, on the seasons
of the year there, iii. 370.

Coquet, a male one, his bed-chamber de-
scribed, ii. 183.

Coquetilla, her antipathy to books of de-
votion and housewifery, ii. 410.
Coquette, bosom of one, how to be paint-
ed, iv. 270.

Coquette's heart, dissected, iii. 293; found
to be light and hollow, 294.
Coquette's labyrinth described in a vision,
ii. 77.

Coquette-logician, may be rallied but not
contradicted, v. 18.

Coquettes, disguised as Quakers at a mas-
querade, ii. 248; a satire on them, 428;
character of an old one, 487; a class of
female orators, iii. 144.

Cordeliers, their story of their founder St.
Francis, iii. 139.

Coriolanus, his wife an example to the
female patriots of Britain, iv. 427.
Cormorant, Satan's transformation into
on what founded, iii. 225, 226.
Corn, how preserved by the ants, iv. 288.
Cornaro, Lewis, his treatise on temper
ance recommended, iii. 66.

Corneille, his style in tragedy, ii. 305; his
artifice in a tragedy, to avoid public
bloodshed, 316.

Cornish lawyer, his letter on country fa-
shions, ii. 488.

Cornish, Mr., instructions to Lord Stair
on behalf of his son, v. 485.
Cornu-copiæ, emblematical of concord, i.
274; and of peace, 275.

Corona radiata, a type of divinity, i. 319.
Corona Radialis, one shown at Florence
with only eight spikes, i. 499.
Coronation-chairs in Westminster Abbey,
Sir Roger's remark on them, iii. 331.
Coronis, the story of, i. 103.
Corporation, a certain one, divided into
factions by the Fat and Lean Clubs, ii.
250; how reconciled, ib.

Corregio, his picture of a Cupid from a
burlesque poem, ii. 215; vision of his
pictures, 394.

Correspondence between the primitive
Christian churches, v. 124.

Corruption, his office in the temple of

Avarice, ii. 90; men liable to, unfit for
office, iii. 487.

Corsica, conquest of, by the Genoese, how
commemorated, i. 364.

Cossley, Lieutenant John, v. 468.

Cotes, Mr. Digby, his verses to the author
of Cato, i. 167.

Cot-quean, account of one, iii 507.
Cotton library, copy of Ann Boleyn's letter
from, iii. 374, 375.

Counsellor at Westminster Hall, thread of
his discourse, pack-thread, iii. 387.
Counter-apotheosis, marriage so termed,
ii. 384.

Country, in spring time compared to a spa-
cious garden, ii. 161; slow progress of
fashion in, 488; affords amusements of
a noble kind, iv. 134; bill of mortality,
258, 259.
Country clergyman, his letter on theatrical
psalm-singing, iii. 80.

Country gentleman, acts the lion in the
opera, ii. 261; and his wife, neighbours
to Sir Roger, their different tempers de-
scribed, 487.

Country gentlemen, described as lying
under the curse of Goliath, iv. 128.
Country gentlewoman, taken for Lord
Nithisdale, iv. 494.

Country life, why conducive to health, ii.
449; most delightful to the imagination,
iii. 404.

Countryman, entreats of Jupiter the man-
agement of his weather, ii. 281.
Country newspapers established, v. 94,
and note.

Country squire, a plain-spoken one, iv.

Country Sunday, the use of it, ii. 446.
Country-woman, judged by Rhadaman-
thus, iv. 298.

County, a happy one, with no Presby-
terian in it except the bishop, iv. 480.
Courage, esteemed by the ancients the
perfection of virtue, i. 274; the great
point of honour among men, ii. 422;
recommends a man to the female sex
more than any other quality, ib.; one
of the chief topics in books of chivalry,
423; false courage, 424; growing from
constitution, compared with that found-
ed on principle, iv. 226.

Courtship, the Spectator's failure in, iii.
167; the pleasantest part of a man's
life, 168; fond, a cause of unhappy
marriages, iv. 217.

Courtships immoderately long censured,
ii. 402.

Coverley (Sir Roger de), account of him,
ii. 232; warns the Spectator not to med-
dle with country squires, 296; satisfied
by the arguments of the clergyman,
297; introduces the Spectator to his
friend Leonora, 301; his character, as
drawn by Addison, equal to that of
Falstaff in Shakspeare, 434, note; his
. family described, 435; is something of

a humourist, ib.; his chaplain, 436;
forced to have every room in his house
exorcised, 441; a good churchman ;,
improves the discipline of his parish.
ioners, 446; will suffer none of the con-
gregation to sleep but himself, 447; his
encouragement to boys on a catechising-
day, 448; finds a remedy for disap-
pointed love in fox-hunting, 451; puz-
zled concerning a reputed witch, 454;
⚫at peace with himself, and beloved by
all about him, 465; his behaviour at
the assizes, 466; his portrait on a sign
changed to the Saracen's head, 467;
his embarrassment on finding his way
to St. Anne's Lane when a school-boy,
475; why a stronger Tory in the coun-
try than in town, 480; delights to read
Dyer's Letter, 481; his fortune told and
pocket picked by the gipsies, 491, 492;
his care in preserving his game, 493;
comes to town to see Prince Eugene, ii.
284; his remark on Christmas, 285; his
reception at the coffee-house, 287; his
munificent courtship of the perverse
widow, 309; recommends Widow True-
by's water to the Spectator, 329; goes
with him to Westminster Abbey; the
knight's remarks there, 330; his invita-
tion to the interpreter, 332; his con-
versation about the Mohocks, ib.; goes
with the Spectator and Captain Sentry
to the play, his behaviour there, 333; goes
with the Spectator to Spring Garden, his
choice of a waterman, 360; his behavi-
our and discourse, 361, 362; his remark
on the morals of the place, 362; his ad-
venture with an equestrian lady, 436,
437; news of his death, iv. 37; account
of it in his butler's letter, 38; its effect
on the club, 40; letter in the name of,
v. 434.

Coviello, a standing character in Vene-
tian comedy, i. 394.

Cow, grazing, easily construed into a gob-
lin, ii. 441.

Cowards, the most impudent of all crea-
tures, iii. 119.

Cowley, his poetical character, i. 23; his
propensity to allegory and pun, 151; de-
fined wit by negatives, ii. 298, iv. 385; his
writings abounding in mixt wit, ii. 358;
his remark on a certain age in life, 469;
his lines on the destruction of the uni-
verse, iii. 16; his comparison of a beau-
tiful woman to a porcupine, 354; his
remark on great men, 480; his remark
on egotism, iv. 98.

Cowper, William, first Earl, Lord Chan-
cellor, v. 429.

Coxcomb, a melancholy thing to see one
at the head of a family, iv. 319.
Coxcombs, generally women's favourites,
ii. 485.

Cracherode, Mr., letter from Tickell to, v.

Crack, an unpoetical word. i. 84. note.

Craggs, Mr., his character, by Pope, i. 254.
Craggs, James, Esq., "Young," v. 427;
succeeded Addison as Secretary of State,
510; letter to Worsley, 522; from Ad-
dison, 523.

Crambo, a game played in the temple of
Dulness, ii. 364.

Cranes, Battle of, with the Pygmies, a
Latin poem, i. 239.

Crassus, an old lethargic valetudinarian,
iii. 186.

Crawford, Mr., letters to, v. 440, 446, 451,

Crawford, Lord, his duel with the Duke
of Argyle, v. 357.

Crazy, William, testifies his being cured of
jealousy by two doses of the Spectator,
iv. 75.

Creation, its works, more pleasing to con-

sider them in their immensity than in
their minuteness, ii. 74; a transcript
of the ideas of its Creator, iii. 16; of
the world, Milton's account of it won-
derfully sublime, 187, 244; a poem un-
der that title noticed, 248; the sixth
book of that poem referred to, iv. 73;
works of, a perpetual feast to the mind
of a good man, iii. 372; considered as
the temple of God, iv. 104.

Creator, the standard of perfection and of
happiness, ii. 445.

Credenda of the Tories, iv. 452.

Credit, public, allegory concerning, ii.

Credulity represented in a vision as an
idiot, iv. 497.

Creed of a philosopher, on eternity, iv.

Cremera, river, i. 487.

Crequi (Mareschal de), inscription on the
ball which shot him, iv. 468.
Crescens the Cynic, his controversy with
Justin Martyr, v. 105.

Cressy, battle of, King Edward's piety at,
v. 80.

Creticus, rallied by Juvenal on the thin-
ness of his dress, i. 278.

Cries of London, iii. 149; divided into vo-
cal and instrumental, 150.
Criminals, in comedy, often rendered fa-
vourites with the audience, iii. 452.
Critic, in the common acceptation of the
word, described, ii. 140; a true one, his
duty, iii. 196, note; a description of one,
very opportune, iv. 188, note; one who
attacks an author of high reputation,
compared to the slave in a Roman tri-
umph, 207; none but a man of genius
should call himself so, 240; one who
makes it his business to lash the faults
of others, guilty of greater himself, 370.
Criticism, its requisites, iii. 195, 196;
soundness of it judged by the works of
the critic, iv. 221.

Criticisms of Longinus on a fragment of
Sappho, iii. 117.

Critics, called lacqueys of the learned, ii.
34; their crimes, how punished after
death, 180; on lewd authors how con-
sidered by the world, 134, note; always
bad poets, 151; the best, a perusal of
their works essential to the formation
of a good taste, iii. 392; French critics,
friends to one another, ib.; their rule
for condemning a play, not because it is
ill-written, but because it takes, iv. 148;
modern ones stupid and illiterate, 149;
of the family of Momus, the son of
Darkness and Sleep, ib.; their indis-
criminate abuse shows a want of taste,

Critique on Dryden's plays, iv. 207.
Crocodile, its eggs destroyed by the -ich-
neumon, ii. 479.

Cromwell, exertions of the reforming

clergy in his time, iv. 224; observation
of Pascal on his death, 257.

Cross, medal of, in allusion to the battle
of Constantine with Maxentius, i. 308.
Crotchet, Ralph, his letter to the Spectator
on the cries of London, iii. 149.
Crow, Mr., appointed envoy to the king
of Spain, v. 351.

Crown, the ladies of the North clubbed for
a new one for the Pretender, iv. 434.
Cruelty, to animals, practised by retainers
to physic, ii. 273; paternal, exhibited
in a letter, iii. 58.

Cuckoldom, rules of a society tending to
its advancement, ii. 248; the basis of
most modern plays, iii. 452.

Cudgelling, an effectual way of reforming
a freethinker, ii. 50.

Cumæ, at present utterly destitute of in-
habitants, i. 452.

Cunning, contrasted with discretion, iii
110; a commander in the war of the
sexes, iv. 274.

Cunning men, liable to jealousy, iii. 24.
Cupid, a Greek epigram on a figure of,

458; a lap-dog, dangerously ill, ii. 81,
prescription for him, 82; compared to
a porcupine, 148; how drawn by Cor-
regio, 215.

Cupid and Psyche, a fine piece of sculp-
ture at Florence, i. 497.

Curiosity, one of the strongest and most
lasting appetites of our nature, iii. 127.
Curtain-lecture witnessed by Mr. Bicker.
staffe, ii. 183.

Curtius, his statue crowned with an oaken
garland, i. 299.

Cussinus, an Englishman, was promised
to the Duke of Austria's sister in mar-
riage, i. 519.

Custom, a second nature, iii. 453; its ef-
fects, ib.; moral hence deduced, 454,

Customs, Commissioners of, letter to, v.

Cybele, mother of the gods, allusion to, i

Cyclops described i. 40.

Cycnus transformed into a swan, i. 98.
Cynic, one who lived the merriest life of
any man in Athens, iv. 174.

Cynisca, wife of Eschines, cured of her
passion for Lycus, by the Lover's Leap,
iii. 122.

Cynthio, a character in the Dialogues on
Medals, i. 255,

Cyphers, the queen and the Tories so call-
ed, iv. 377.

Cyrus the Great, said to have planted all
the Lesser Asia, iv. 135.

Czar of Muscovy, instructions to Lord
Stair, in relation to him, v. 453, 455;
Sir John Norris sent as Envoy Plenipo-
tentiary to him, 466; his designs in
France, 470.

[blocks in formation]

Dacier's opinion respecting the vestis tra-
beata of the Romans, i. 261; his men-
tion of Amasia Sentia, a female pleader,
iv. 492, note.

Dacier, Madame, her remark on Sappho's
Ode to Venus, iii. 108.

Dædalus, letter from, on the art of flying,
iv. 214.

Daily Readers, two, their conjectures on
the ant-paper, iv. 304.

Dainty, the widow, her charge against
Josias Shallow in the Court of Honour,
ii. 212.

Dalton's Country Justice recommended
to the ladies, ii. 409.

Damo, daughter of Pythagoras, refused a
great sum for her father's works, iv. 321.
Dampier, his account of a mode of dis-
tinguishing wholesome from noxious
fruits, ii. 461.

Dances communicated by letter, ii. 22.
Dancing-master, account of his studies
and dancing by book, ii. 22.

Danes, their pretensions to the Isle of
St. Thomas, v. 448.

Danger of the church, the cry of the To-
ries, v. 20.

Dangers past, why the reflection on them
pleases, iii. 420.

Daniel, his relics in the great church of
Milan, i. 369; the historian, provisions
taxed in his time, ii. 107.

Dapperwit, Tom, his remark on conjugal
affection, iv. 17; appointed by Will.
Honeycomb to succeed him, 52.

Dart, double-pointed, an emblem of the
sun-beams, i. 320.

Dartmouth, Lord, appointed Secretary of
State, v. 393.

Dathan, a peddling Jew, indicted in the
Court of Honour for breaking the peace,
ii. 204.
Dauphin edition, contains the best com-
mentaries on Ovid, i. 142.
Davenant, Dr., his works, v. 325.

Davenant, Mr, letter to, v. 440; letter re-
specting the Aqua Tofana, 471.
David, his reflection on the nothingness
of man compared with the immensity of
the heavens, iv. 102; his life length-
ened at the expense of that of Adam,
266; the story invented by the Rabbins
to show their high opinion of the Psalm-
ist, ib.
Dayrolles, James, at the Hague, v. 384;
his family and appointments, 445; his
recall, 481; letters to, 445, 481, 513.
Days of abstinence recommended, iii.

Dead in reason, a court held on persons
in that state, ii. 53; Mrs. Rebecca Pin-
dust, ib.; her admirer, ib.; an old fel-
low of sixty, 54; authors, 55.

Dead languages, faults and baseness of
style in them not so easily discoverable
as in the living, v. 224.
Death, a hideous phantom on the road to
Fame, ii. 13; the time and manner of it
unknown, 246; the fear of, often proves
mortal, 280; finely personified in Para-
dise Lost, iii. 216; exhibited as forming
a bridge over the Chaos, 268; one of the
most ancient morals recommended to
mankind, 301; determines a man's re-
putation as good or bad, 339; remark-
able instances of firmness in that ca-
tastrophe, 340; described as a Proteus,
iv. 257.

Death-bed shows the emptiness of titles,
iii. 100.

Debate, several methods of managing one,
iii. 130.

Decay, a verb neuter, not to be used
transitively, iv. 233, note.

Decius, ambassador from Cæsar to Cato,
i. 189.

Declaration, loyal, of the Female Associa-
tion, iv. 428; of the Freeholders of Great
Britain in answer to that of the Pre-
tender, 429.

Dedicatio Poematum, i. 232.

Dedication of Solomon's Temple, v. 78.
Defamation, its evils enumerated, ii. 275.
Defamatory pamphlets, scandalous to a
government, iii. 457; pleasure in read-
ing them, whence arising, 459, 460.
Defiance of the Freeholders to the Pre-
tender, iv. 429.

De Foe, a ministerial paper of his, alluded
to by Count Tariff, iv. 367, note.
Deformity, sometimes amiable, ii. 400.
Deism personified, ii. 208.
Deity, his nature and attributes contem-
plated by the light of reason, iv. 52, 53;
by that of revelation, 54; various effects
of a sense of his omnipresence on the
condition of intellectual beings, 113;
one of the greatest affronts to him is
perjury, iv. 417.

Deliberation, danger of, to woman, i. 212

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