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"WHY this worried mien, your honour the Bey?" asked the junior, entering the grassthatched hut that served as orderly-room in the up-river station. For answer the Commandant threw an official letter across the table. He continued opening the others, newly arrived that morning, brought in by a naked Nuer whose post-bag was a stick, cleft to hold the correspondence, and tied at the top with a strip of hide to keep the mail to gether.

The younger officer read the communication, transcribed from a telegram received at the nearest office two hundred miles distant. It had been decoded from a simple cypher on arrival; also, before despatch, by the Egyptian telegraph clerk, whose dull life was brightened by this unlawful mental gymnastic.



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obvious reasons.

possibilities, for many

His command, of four companies and headquarters of a Soudanese battalion, was in rags, after repeated excursions against local chiefs, who had been raiding their neighbours' cattle; whilst the equipment, torn by thorn scrub on the forced marches in circumvention of elephant poachers, was in a sad state of disrepair. The roofs of the company huts required rethatching. The work had been delayed by unusually early rains, which had already formed a sea of mud on the black cotton soil. Worst of all, the year's supply of food, brought by steamer from Khartoum for the British officers' private needs, was nearly exhausted; and the new consignment could not be expected until river transport became available.

The great little man who held sway over the Soudan in those far-off days was, very rightly, a stickler for smart

H.E. the Sirdar will inspect your appearance and ceremony station beginning of April.


The news was absorbed with all the equanimity of one who is not directly responsible. To his senior it was fraught with

among the black troops, and was fully aware that a wellkept station meant a healthy one in this uninviting part of the country.

The O.C. looked up from his work as the native Bimbashi

came into the hut with the daily report. He was the staff officer to the small garrison (although illiterate), a grizzled old Nuba of umpteen years' service, white man at heart, and staunch Mohamadan soldier. His salute was irreproachable, and he stood like a statue in his clean khaki.


May your day be happy, your honour the Bimbashi.' "May yours be happy and blessed, Sartel Bey."

To lend an effect to his appearance, the cook, who had been enjoying a nap, brought a knife and steel into the presence, as if surprised in the application of his craft.

On being approached as to his menu for such a royal occasion, he at once described the dainties that could be served, if a generous variety was forthcoming of what he well knew to be unprocurable failing a series of miracles. After the description of a feast that reminded his attentive listeners of London and leave,

"There is news. Sardet El Sirdar will inspect us after fourteen days." "By God's will, all will be he crossed his culinary tools in in order.”

It was the usual formula, and the black mask remained inscrutable, but they both knew that many things were anything but in order!

After arrangements had been made to do the best under the adverse circumstances, and orders given to reblock the tarbushes into seemly shape, to crease the best pair the best pair of breeches, and patch up the worn leather equipment, he withdrew, to inform his men of the penalties that would be incurred if the reputation of the regiment was tarnished by any lapse from military virtue on their part.

Mohamad, the cook, was then summoned to a confer


It has always been the law of the wilds that a guest must be offered the best that can be provided, and in this case the need for doing things well was paramount.

front of his portly person, and cast his eyes to the roof in search of further inspiration. Having depleted his fund of imagination for the moment, his employers brought him back to earth, and insisted on a list of what could be obtained from their combined stores. The recital did not take long.

There were two dozen tins of sausages, that owed their immunity from consumption to the label, that portrayed a highly-inflated prize pig, and therefore found no favour in the eyes of the Mohamadan chef. A few odd tins of salmon were, of course, among the remnants of the year's provisions. One becomes slightly tired of this lordly fish in his pristine freshness; one certainly becomes heartily sick of him in the tin, despite artistic chemical colouring, and the cunning disguises to which he lends himself. Many atrocities are committed in the

name of preserved game, but few travellers in the wilderness are innocent of having fallen victims to the tempting oval canister, with the engaging picture upon the top of gailyattired sportsmen, playing simultaneous havoc among the pheasants and wild duck, in what would appear to be the restricted kitchen garden of a profiteer's country palace. Two of these atrocities were in the list, and, on subsequent examination, proved to be both explosive and offensive. The possibilities of artificial food were disappointing, and Mohamad was desired to express his views upon what could be done with natural resources.

Again he looked upwards, and assumed the likeness of a hen drinking.

"There shall be fish from the river, also there shall be water-buck from the hulla, yet again there may be liver from the cattle-on toast."

"Empty talk, O Mohamad," was the reply. "Would you prepare dinner for a Greeki trader, or for His Excellency The fish in our waters are mud fish, the meat of the waterbuck is coarse and of a strong flavour. The meal will be as I order. First, there will be soup of tomatoes, made with milk and seasoned with red pepper gin. Then must we have an egg curry, mixed as you alone know how (the artful compliment was received with a broad smile). To follow there will be roast guinea-fowl, hung for thirty hours, then

boned, and stuffed with ground nut and cunning herbs; but see to it, O Osta, that they are plucked of their feathers, and not flayed, as is your lazy tartib. Sweet potatoes, small and few in number, must be fried; also rigl shall be served, so that the guests may think it is spinach from England-perhaps. You shall have further orders in time; our talk is finished, Mohamad." The cook retrieved his sandals, which had been discarded, according to polite custom, on his entry, and retired.

Turning to the junior, the Commandant continued his instructions

"You, my lad, will be excused parade on the day before, and will sally forth with the little 22, doing the needful among the guinea-fowl. Percy, the perfect pie dog, must tree them for you; we don't want to spoil the shoot. You might show the Osta how to make that famous fruit salad of yours; there are still a few tins left, and we've got that liquor from old Capato to give it a kick. So much for dinner; now we'll fix up the band programme; they'll like our cheery old orchestra, if it isn't a "close-up" performance."

The band sergeant was sent for, and instructed to bring suitable music for selection by a committee of three.

On his arrival a serious discussion took place. The score of a musical comedy, which had been popular in London

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"Thus, your Honours, Tumtum-pom-pom - pay! (He gave a capital imitation of the cornet.) The well-built figure swayed to the air, the tassel of his red tarbush keeping time to the rhythm. It seemed almost impossible that, a few years before, this smart-looking soldier had been a naked Dinka savage.

"I know what he's driving at, it's The Dollar Princess,' said the Bey. "But it is not stated, Shawish Abdul Abderahman, that this young lady was a courtesan."

The expert advanced another composition for approval: "It concerns two youths of evil habits, who came into the city from the hulla and created much disturbance. The written music was blown away in the last haboob, Sartel Bey." Again the vocal explanation revealed the name-it was "The Bing Boys on Broadway." The Soudanese are apt pupils, and can pick up a tune by ear with the greatest ease. There was an occasion when a distinguished French colonial passed through our territory, and, being entitled to a guard of honour with band

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complete, the problem arose as to the rendering of the Marseillaise' for his delectation. Fortunately there was a gramophone available, and among the records was the national anthem of France.

After listening in rapt attention to a repetition of the air, the bandsmen were able to play the different parts with complete satisfaction-to themselves, at any rate.

The programme settled, the band sergeant commenced without delay to practise his merry men, and for days the two white men were almost reduced to homicidal mania by the constant strains that arose from the lines as the musicians wrestled with the intricacies of light opera.

Before the eventful day arrived, another important interview took place. It was with the head Sheika of the battalion.

This good lady held the position of regimental sergeantmajor among the women and children. Under her command were other dames, each in charge of a company. They were responsible to the Bey for discipline among their sisters, and for seeing that justice was performed on those whose frailty caused their feet to stray from the path of virtue (as was frequently the case). For these lapses into guilty dalliance the punishment was inflicted with a cane, generally on the hand, but sometimes in the method employed on persons of tender years, the latter

penalty being enforced in the privacy of the delinquent's abode.

It is the custom for the head Sheika to bring cups of black coffee to the orderly-room during the morning "office" for the refreshment of the officers, and questions of interior economy in regard to the harrimat (married quarters) are then discussed.

offspring. Entering into the arrangements with gusto, she promised to have all her command on view in their best robes, to have many drums in attendance, and that the Most High would be welcomed in proper style with a prolonged "lu-luing (a peculiar shrill cheer). With an eye to the main chance, she asked for, and was granted, a gift of money to purchase merrisa, the local millet beer that fosters the festive spirit of carnival.

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The usual salutations passed as the old woman, in the spotless white robe of ceremony, came into the hut bearing a tray of small cups. "What news from the harri- for the eight months' season, mat, Sheika Fatma ?"

As the day of inspection drew near heavy rains set in

and the Sobat-Pibor turned into a vast stretch of dreary mud. The district is flat and swampy at any time of the year, but after weeks of storm

"By the blessing of Allah, Zarah, the wife of Onbashi Abdelhi Idris, has borne a child," she replied. "Mabrouk ! She has two the black cotton soil becomes now, I think."

"Through the mercy of Allah, she has eight, your honour, and the last is a strong man child." The talkative old lady was allowed her ten minutes of gossip, while the deft preparation of the coffee went on. Interspersed with valuable information of the inner life of the battalion were the details of small talk, beloved of the gentle sex the world over; but these informal Arabic conversations contributed to a good understanding between the reticent native soldiers and their leaders.

She was told of the approaching inspection, and the certainty of the Sirdar expressing a desire to visit the dusky wives and their numerous

saturated, and the scattered stations that guard the Abyssinian frontier are water-logged islands above the surrounding desolation. But there are brief intervals of sunshine during the depressing period, and every one prayed for fine weather to grace the forthcoming visit.

Soudanese soldiers are cleanly in their persons by nature, and the native company commanders applied the spur of esprit de bataillon to carry out the orders in regard to making the best of tattered uniforms and damaged equipment. In any case, the steady drill and hard-bitten appearance of the ranks spoke of a workmanlike readiness for the warpath, apart from the niceties of fantasia or


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