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polizing what was common property; they laid an exclusive claim to a description, which equally belonged to a numberless tribe of dolts and blockheads, as well as to themselves.





Ir might seem rather presumptuous in an old bachelor to discourse upon the female sex, concerning which he cannot be supposed to know much, if any thing. But often a stander-by seeth more of the game than he who plays; so I, although unmarried, might chance to have observed women with as scrutinizing a ken, as one who hath been noozed to his heart's content. But be that as it may, whether I am, or am not acquainted with that sex, of whom uncle Toby declared there

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was no knowing the right, or the wrong end, yet, I shall adventure to offer a few observations for the sole purpose of declaring my profound respect for the ladies, and my earnest desire to be of some service to them, however inefficacious that desire may prove. And if, in spite of the goodness of my intention, the performance be deemed unworthy of notice, I must submit in silence, for I have no excuse to offer in my defence, save that of a celebrated Spanish author, whose words I must beg leave to borrow upon the occasion; Desocupado letor sin juramento, me podràs creer, que quisiera que este libro como hijo del entendimiento, fuera el mas hermoso el mas gallardo, y mas discreto que pudiera imaginarse. Pero no he podido yo contravenir la orden 'de naturaleza, que en 'ella, cada cosa engendra su semejante, Y assi que podia engendrar el esteril y mal cultivado ingenio mio, sino la historia de un hijo seco, avellanado, antojadizo, y lleno de pensamientos varios, y nunca imaginados de otro alguno: bien como quien se engendro en una Villa incoveniente, donde toda incomodidad tiene su assiento, y todo triste ruydo haze su ha

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bitacion? El sossiego, el lugar apacibile, la amenidad de los campos, la serenidad de los cielos, el murmurar de las fuentes, la quietud del espiritu, son grande parte para que las Musas mas esteriles se muestren fecundas, y ofrezcan partos al mundo, que le colme de maravilla y de contento. Acontece tener un padre un hijo seo y sin gracia alguna, y el amor que le tiene le pone una venda en los ojos, para que no vea sus faltas antes las juzga por discreziones, y lindezas, y las cuenta a sus amigos por agudezas y donayres.-Pero yo que aunque parezco padre soy padrasto de ni suplicarte casi con las lagrimas en los ojos como otros hazen, Letor mio, que perdones ò dissimules las faltas, que en este mi hijo vieres; y ni eres su pariente, ni su amigo, y tienes tu alma en tu cuerpo y tu libre alvedrio, coma el mas pintado y estas en tu casa, donda eres Sênor della como el Rey de sus alcavalas, y sabes lo que communmente se dize, que debaxo de mimanto al Rey mato. Todo lo qual te essenta y haze libre de todo respecto y obligacion: y assi puedes dezir de la obra todo aquello que te pareciere, sin temor que

calünië por el mal, ni te premien por el biê, que dezieres della."

Having thus made as good a bow of introduction as a man on the wrong side of seventy

can bring himself to make, I proceed to set forth what is my intention in the few essays, which I mean to appropriate to the use of my fair country-women. I shall give a very brief and rapid sketch of the history of women, and offer a few remarks as I pass on, with the sole intent of shewing, that it is now high time for the female sex to burst asunder those chains of slavery, and shackles of bondage, in which the fear, and the envy, and the jealousy, and the unprincipled appetite for domination of the men, have, hitherto, held them. And the only method of bursting these bonds, and ́ of snapping these fetters, is to enlighten their minds, and raise themselves to that level in the scale of intellectuality, which their capabilities, decidedly, evince that they may reach. As ignorance is the parent of slavery, and the nursing-mother of misery, let the female sex no longer submit to be shrouded in darkness, and immured in gloom, now, that they have an opportunity of flashing light

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