LETTERS FROM A TUTOR TO HIS PUPIL S TEACHING WE LEARN Young's Night Thoughts. Quid enim munus reipublicæ adferre majus, meliusve possumus, quam si docemus atque erudimus juventutem ? His præsertim moribus, atque temporibus, quibus ita prolapsa est, ut omnium opibus refrenanda ac coercenda sit. Cic. de Divin. lib. iii. TO THE REV. SAMUEL GLASSE, D.D. F.R.S. AND CHAPLAIN IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, WHO HAS DONE SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY, AS A LEARNED, PIOUS, AND FAITHFUL, INSTRUCTOR OF YOUTH, THE FOLLOWING LETTERS ARE INSCRIBED, AS A SMALL TESTIMONY TO HIS PUBLIC MERIT, AND A MONUMENT OF THAT FRIENDSHIP WHICH HAS LONG SUBSISTED BETWEEN HIMSELF AND THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THE HE Author of the following Letters having endeavoured to make himself as useful as he could in the execution of an important trust, not only by reading books with his pupils, and teaching sciences, but by conversing freely with them, as occasion required, on literary and moral subjects; he took frequent opportunities of committing to paper, in the form of a letter, the substance of what had passed in these conversations. And as all young people of the same station have a common interest in most of the subjects thus treated of, he thought it might be of service to select a few of these Letters, and send them to the press; that when he has put them into the hands of his own pupils, for whose use they were intended, he may have the honour of addressing himself as a friendly monitor and guide to other young travellers, who are upon the same road to learning and virtue; and have many dangers to encounter, from the fervour of youth, |