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1897 MINUS 1853 Our Business Record!


We have done more to make maimed and crippled humanity USEFUL and HAPPY, than any house in the world.

Our Rubber Hands and Feet, Our Arms and Legs have always stood at the head.

WRITE, enclosing your professional card and in return you will receive our NEW TREATISE, containing 544 pages, with 800 illustrations, also DISCOUNT SHEET.

ONE-HALF the limbs that we make are made from measurements without seeing the wearers.

DID YOU EVER hear of the sponge Rubber Foot with a spring mattress? It is the LATEST.



The Surgeon's Guide

Books for X-Ray Work. Fairchild Bros.

THE X-RAY; or, Photography of the Invisible and
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M. D. Written in collaboration with Edwin W. Hammer.
One volume, crown 8vo, cloth, 75 cents. Paper covers, 50
cents. Fully illustrated. With valuable appendices by Prof.
Röntgen, Thos. A. Edison and Dr. Oliver Lodge.

Nearly 100 excellent X-Ray pictures and diagram illustrations. Colored plates showing rays in Crookes Tube. The entire work beautifully printed on coated paper.

The author has given the result of extended experiments in a manner so simple that a beginner could not fail of complete success with its aid. Written as it is purely in the interest of science it must prove an inspiration to all investigators in this new field. The book contains a valuable collection of half-tone plates, reproduced from radiographs taken by Dr. Morton.

A B C OF THE X-RAY. By W. H. Meadowcroft.

One volume, crown 8vo, cloth and gold, 75 cents. Paper covers, 50 cents. Fully illustrated. A new book by the author of "A B C of Electricity," of which 60,000 copies have been sold35,000 in the United States and 25,000 in Europe.

The first primary work on the subject. A book for the people. The author of "A B C of Electricity" showing clearly in that work his ability to explain a technical subject for the laymen who know nothing of scientific terms. He has written this work about the X-Ray in his usual clear and simple style and a wide circulation of this highly useful book is assured. The aim of this book is to explain the whole apparatus and the manner of its working in a popular and practical way. After reading it any intelligent person should be able to select and operate XRay apparatus.

Enthusiastically Endorsed by the Press.

Sent postpaid by AMERICAN TECHNICAL BOOK COMPANY, 45 Vesey St., New York.


For amputation six inches be low the knee, with inside socket thrown out of its proper position in order to show its construction.

& Foster

Present their compliments to the members

of The National Association of Railway Surgeons, and respectfully invite them to

visit their exhibit of




And other Fairchild Products.

The Winkley

Artificial Limb Co.

Largest Manufactory of


in the World.

Patent Adjustable
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For amputation above the knee for a nine inch stump.


The Inner Socket, seen outside the limb in cut, is made over a plaster cast of the stump, giving an extra fit, being held permanently upon the stump by elastic fastened to lacer above, and in act of walking moves up and down in the Outer Socket, bringing all the friction between the two sockets instead of between the stud de $88ket, as in the case of all singlestump can be fitted and limb worn with perfect ease and comfort.

socket limbs. With our

the most tender and sensitive

Send for the large edition of our Illustrated Catalogue, the finest and most complete book ever published upon the subject; also our new Scientific Formula or Self-Measuring Sheet, with full instructions for taking necessary measurements.




Induction Coils, High Frequency Sets, Crookes Tubes, Fluoroscopes and all Supplies.


Finest quality, complete in all details, simple in operation. Full instructions with each set. Send for Catalogue B. EDISON DECORATIVE AND MINIATURE LAMP DEPARTMENT, (GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.) HARRISON, N. J.


Before and after surgical work this food makes an ideal diet. It offers all the elements of nutrition in a perfectly soluble, pleasant form that will agree with the most delicate stomach.

It is the most easily and completely assimilable food offered the physician, there being little or no waste matter, no tax upon or irritation to the digestive tract.

In preparing for and immediately after laparotomies, it is especially valuable, and in cases of nausea resulting from shock or any other cause, it will bring prompt relief and often prove the only nourishment that can be taken.

In addition to the powdered form for general use, we also supply a tablet form for cases in which tablets are more convenient or suitable.

Please send for samples of each, or if you attend the Railway Surgeon Meeting in Chicago May 4-7, we cordially invite you to apply for same at our stand.



Railway Surgeon


Published in honor of the Tenth Annual Convention of the National Association of Railway Surgeons.

to the conventions which they ought to be, we want the sympathy and coöperation of everybody in attendance. If you will give us your help and good-will, we promise to do our end of the work.

One of the most practical and altogether worthy papers which has been or will be read. at the convention, was read at yesterday morning's session by Dr. Henry F. Hoyt of St.

The Railway Age and Northwestern Railroader (Inc.), Paul, Minn., relative to the necessity for more



Officers of the N. A. R. S., 1896-7.

F. J. LUTZ, St. Louis, Mo. First Vice, President W. R. HAMILTON, Pittsburg, Pa. Second Vice-President...J. H. LETCHER, Henderson, Ky. Third Vice-President..... JOHN L. EDDY, Olean, N. Y, Fourth Vice-President...J. A. HUTCHINSON, Montreal, Canada. Fifth Vice-President... .A. C. WEDGE, Albert Lea, Minn. Sixth Vice-President. RHETT GOODE, Mobile, Ala. Seventh Vice-President..E. W. LEE, Omaha, Neb. Secretary. C. D. WESCOTT, Chicago, Ill. Treasurer.. E. R. LEWIS, Kansas City, Mo. Executive Committee:--A. I. BOUFFLEUR, Chicago, Ill., Chair


J. N. JACKSON, Kansas City, Mo.; JAS. A. DUNCAN, Toledo, O.; J. B. MURPHY, Chicago, Ill.; S. S. THORNE, Toledo, O.; W. D. MIDDLETON, Davenport, Ia.; A. J. BARR, McKees Rocks, Pa.

Whether the attendance this year is good or not is best shown by the fact that in the first 24 hours Dr. Lewis had received more registrations and dues for the coming year than he received during the entire convention at St. Louis last year. At 10:30 a. m. yesterday—a little less than 24 hours after the first session of the convention had been called to order— the St. Louis total had been passed with 2 names to spare.

The publishers wish to express their thanks for the many kind things which those in attendance at the convention are saying about these daily papers. There may be some members present who have not taken an opportunity to congratulate us, but they must be few. And for all the good-will that has been expressed, we are heartily grateful. It is the first time that any surgical or medical convention has had a daily paper published solely for its benefit. The first year's paper must necessarily be more or less experimental, but we are endeavoring to make each issue a little better than the one of the preceding day, and we believe that members, when they look at to-day's paper, will think that we are succeeding. To make these reports of the real value

complete physical examination of railway employes. An abstract of it appears in another column of this issue. Dr. W. D. Middleton, who had been requested to open the discussion of the paper, was unfortunately absent, and for some strange reason the paper did not receive any discussion. This is very much to be regretted. The field which Dr. Hoyt opened up and the suggestions which he made are of great interest. It is precisely the kind. of subject on which the National Association of Railway Surgeons has an opportunity to do its most valuable work-and work which no other association or body of men can do. On its merits Dr. Hoyt's paper deserved full discussion and it is unfortunate that it failed to receive it.

Well, gentlemen! There are twenty-two papers still to be presented and discussed, in addition to a considerable amount of time to be spent on committee reports, elections and other official and miscellaneous matters. What is going to be done about it? It would be absurd and unworthy of the Association, as well as unfair and discourteous to the gentlemen who have prepared papers yet to be presented, to attempt to hurry through all this business in the two short sessions which, in theory, are all that is left of the convention. Will you hold an evening session to-night? Or will you stay over for another day? What will you do?

This is a matter which ought to be decided early in the day-the first thing at the morning session, if possible. Then let the sessions come to order promptly and attend strictly to business. So far the sessions have not begun promptly and business has not been expedited. As a result, we are not yet nearly one-half way through the programme. What is to be done about it?

[blocks in formation]



Selection of place of next meeting.
Miscellaneous business.

8. "Cardinal Principles in Amputations," by Dr. A. I. Bouffleur, Chicago, Ill. Discussion to be opened by Dr. J. B. Murphy.

9. Plaster-of-Paris and the Difficulty of Applying it to Recent Fractures," by Dr. A. C. McClanahan, Red Lodge, Mont. Discussion to be opened by Drs. A. D. Bevan and Alton.

IO. "Hernia as a Factor in Personal Damage Suits," by Dr. John B. Hamilton, Chicago, Ill. Discussion to be opened by Drs. W. B. Outten and J. B. Murphy.

II. "Dislocation of Hip-Joint with Report of Cases," by Dr. Solon Marks, Milwaukee, Wis. Discussion to be opened by Drs. J. N. Jackson and J. B. Hamilton.

12. "Amputations in the Lower Extremity; How and Where They Should be Performed," by Dr. W. R. Hamilton, Pittsburg, Pa. Discussion to be opened by Drs. W. P. King and S. S. Thorne.

13. "Shock in its Relation to Permanent Injury," by Dr. Thos. O. Summers, St. Louis, Mo. Discussion to be opened by Drs. Rhett Goode and Davis.

14. "The Treatment of Shock," by Dr. Jas. H. Letcher, Henderson, Ky.

15. "The Treatment of Burns," by Dr. E. W. Lee, Omaha, Neb. Discussion to be opened by Drs. F. H. Caldwell and W. R. Hamilton.

16. "Brain Abscess," by Dr. W. A. McCandless, St. Louis, Mo. Discussion to be opened by Dr. E. W. Andrews.

17. "A Case in Practice," by Dr. A. L. Clark, Elgin, Ill.

18. "Medicine and Surgery and Their Votaries of To-day," by Dr. M. E. Alderson, Russellville, Ky. Discussion to be opened by Drs. E. R. Lewis and J. B. Murphy.

[blocks in formation]

A. C. Wedge, Albert Lea, Minn. Discussion to be opened by Dr. J. B. Murphy.

"Problems and Principles," by Dr. Jabez N. Jackson, Kansas City, Mo. Discussion to be opened by Drs. A. L. Fulton and E. F. Yancey.

5. "Our Problems," by Dr. Thomas H. Briggs, Battle Creek, Mich. Discussion to be opened by Drs. T. W. Miller and S. S. Thorne.

6. "Are We Too Hasty in Amputating in Cases of Compound Fracture?" By Dr. W. S. Hoy, Wellston, O.

7. "Antisepsis versus Asepsis in Accidental Surgery," by Dr. Jas. T. Jelks, Hot Springs, Ark. Discussion to be opened by Drs. J. B. Murphy and W. B. Outten.

8. "Traumatism of the Hand," by Dr. J.


EUGENE R. LEWIS, M. D., KANSAS CITY, MO. Treasurer N. A. R. S.

D. Milligan, Cincinnati, O. Discussion to be opened by Dr. J. A. Barr.

9. "Drainage in Surgery," by Dr. W. S. Caldwell, Freeport, Ill.

The complimentary excursion given to the members of the National Association of Railway Surgeons and their ladies by Dr. J. B. Murphy yesterday afternoon was a great success. The lake was as smooth as a billiard table and the day was warm and all that could be wished. An ample lunch was served and several professional entertainers were present to entertain the guests. Numerous "BradleyMartins" were made during the afternoon, with the aid of Ozonate lithia water, and everybody had a good time. The boat was crowded nearly to the limit of comfort.

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