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mial to its sternal end and was easily removed. The periosteum was covered with a layer of granulations of unhealthy appearance, and at one point on its under surface a small amount of new bony tissue had formed. The granulations. were thoroughly curetted with a Volkmann's spoon and the wound packed with iodoform which was allowed to remain for a few gauze, days and then removed. The wound healed steadily and rapidly and the boy was discharged at the end of September with all the evidences of the formation of new bone. The boy did not appear again until two weeks ago, when it was found that an entire new bone had been reproduced. It is thicker than its fellow on the right side and there is some upward displacement at its acromial end. The left shoulder is slightly lower than the right, but the functions of the joint are perfect. There is a wing-like projection of the lower part of the dorsal border of the scapula, but it causes no interference with the motions of the arm and shoulder. While in the hospital the arm and shoulder were kept in proper position by a sling and bandage applied as in cases of fracture of the clavicle, and on his discharge the boy's parents were instructed to see that this position was maintained for several weeks. The instructions were neglected, and this fact may account for the slight drooping of the shoulder and the projection of the scapula at its inner border. Five years ago Dr. Murray exhibited a similar case, where he had removed the inner two-thirds of the clavicle for necrosis, following acute osteomyelitis. In this case, also, new bone was rapidly formed and the result was perfectly satisfactory.-Annals of Surgery.

Local Peritonitis.

Robinson (New York Medical Journal, January 25, 1896) concludes an investigation of local peritonitis as follows:

1. The local peritonitis of adults is hardly every directly fatal, but may produce a train of symptoms, such as indigestion, malnutrition, anemia and neurosis.

2. The peritoneal adhesions which demand operation belong almost exclusively to those involving the organs of high mobility and peristalsis, such as the small intestines, the sigmoid, the bladder and the Fallopian tubes (especially amputated ones).

3. Local peritonitis occurs at fixed bowel flexures, and at the longest range of muscular action associated with the peritoneum.

4. The etiology of the adult local peritonitis is infectious invasion through the gut wall.

5. The methods of transmission of infection are through abrasion of the mucosa aided by the trauma of muscular action on a bowel containing pathogenic microbes.

6. Local peritonitis does not occur in infants at bowel flexures, or especially over the long range of muscular action.

7. It is extremely rare to see an adult with a normal peritoneum, i. e., free from peritonitis.

8. The constant adhesions found around the gall-bladder and ceco-appendicular apparatus teach us that operations in these regions cannot be justified merely on account of the adhesions.

9. Adult local peritonitis seems to increase with age.

10. Peritonitis is nature's method of repair and prophylaxis. Peritonitis saves life, while infection kills.

II. Peritonitic adhesions seem to be able to organize and appear and act like normal peri


12. Local peritonitis occurs chiefly in the dorsal region, at the points where the mesenteries fix the digestive tract and close to the highest range of muscular action. Muscular trauma, abraded epithelia and infection tell the tale.

13. The track of the infection from mucosa to serosa cannot always be traced. A healthy mucosa (and even muscularis) may underlie many peritoneal adhesions, or a healthy serosa may be adjacent to diseased mucosa.

14. The dense adhesions of local peritonitis may result in strictures, malignancy, dislocated viscera, pain, restriction of peristalsis and immobility of organs-disease.

15. The peritoneum may have its endothelium abraded traumatically by muscular ac tion, and the resulting healing be cicatricial; the matter of local peritonitis being a slow, gradual, evolutionary process of adult life.

Dr. G. T. Vaughan, Surgeon United States Marine Hospital Service, gives this description of the Dome at Bremen: "The Dome is an interesting structure, not only on account of its thousand years of existence, but from the peculiar properties possessed by an anti-room, namely, that of preserving animal bodies indefinitely. This room, built of stone, is some 30 or 40 feet in length, 15 or 20 feet wide, with an arched ceiling about 15 feet high. The air felt damp and cool. Its peculiar properties were accidentally discovered about four hundred years ago when a body placed there was found, after a long time, well preserved. Since then other bodies have been added, until there are fourteen in the chamber. The bodies are not specially prepared before being placed in this room. Every year the bodies of animals, as cats, dogs and birds, are placed here in order to see if the preserving property is still retained. They simply dry up without odor. Marine Hospital Service Report, 1895.

Notices and Reviews.


"The Western Medical Review" is a new candidate for favor in the field of medical journalism, and if we may judge from the copy which has reached our table, it promises very well. Number 2, volume 1, contains six wellchosen, original articles; an able editorial and a large number of interesting miscellaneous items. The Review is issued from Lincoln, Neb.

“A Treatise on Appendicitis." By John B. Deaver, M. D., Philadelphia. P. Blakeston Son & Co., 1896.

"Vaginal Stenosis and Atresia, with Report of a Case." By Edward H. Lee, M. D., reprinted from Medicine. July, 1896.

"Bassini's Operation for Inguinal Hernia put to the Crucial Test." By E. J. Senn, M. D. Reprinted from the Journal of the American Medical Association, May 2, 1896.

Perhaps the very newest medical journal which has come to our table is the "Laryngoscope," a monthly journal devoted to the diseases of the nose, throat and ear. It is ably edited by Drs. Frank M. Rumboldt and M. A. Goldstein of St. Louis, with the aid of ten associates. It is a handsome journal, the paper and press work are excellent, the articles well selected, and we wish the new venture success.

Manual of the United States Hay-Fever Association for 1896, containing a report of the annual and adjourned meeting of 1895.

COLOR, VISION AND COLOR-BLINDNESS. A Practical Manual for Railroad Surgeons. By J. Ellis Jennings, M. D., lecturer on opthalmoscopy and chief of the eye clinic in the Beaumont Hospital Medical College of St. Louis, etc. Illustrated; cloth, 109 pages. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Co., Lakeside Bldg., Chicago, 1896.

This very interesting work is intended to aid the railroad surgeon in his examination of the employes of the transportation lines for the detection of color-blindness, and as such will meet the end it has in view. It will also be found instructive reading by the general practitioner. The author has taken pains to present the theories of the leading investigators of this subject, and their methods of detecting color-blindness, and has succeeded in compiling a manual which will commend itself

to all who read it. The historical sketch in the first chapter is a pleasant introduction to the subject. Chapters two and three are devoted to the physiological anatomy of the retina, and the physics of light and the sensitiveness of the retina to color. of the retina to color. Chapter four treats of the theories of Young, Helmholtz, Hering, Preyer and the correlation theory, as expounded by Oliver. Chapter five is given to the classification of color-blindness, with its frequency dangers and the laws of heredity. Chapter six gives the methods of Holmgren, Thompson, Oliver and the author for detecting color-blindness. Chapter seven explains the tests for the quantitive estimation of the color sense. Chapters nine and ten are devoted to the Pennsylvania Railroad company's instructions for the examination of employes as to vision, color-blindness and hearing, and to a description of Oliver's series of tests.Guilford.

We clip the following from a metropolitan paper:

"A cure for Apoplexy.-The Furet de Londres informs us that a German doctor has hit upon the following expedient to cure apoplexy, namely, to apply three or four brisk slaps (de frapper fortment) on the cheeks of the patient."

Slepidum caput! Verily, this looks like a dead sure cure, and doubtless is as equally effective as to pull just three hairs out of the extreme end of the tail of the gay, graceful and plethoric hippopotamus in order to cure "hippop" of an inflammation of the brain.

The rich patient cures the poor physician much more often than the poor physician the rich patient, and it is rather paradoxical that the rapid recovery of the one usually depends upon the procrastinated disorder of the other. -Colton.

A popular physician is a very important member of society, considered merely in a political view. The lives, limbs, health and spirits of a great part of the subjects of a kingdom depend upon his ability and honesty.Knox.

Bob Bowdry used to say, when passing a chemist's shop, that he could always tell whether the medicine which was preparing was for a rich or poor man. If for the former the pestle would move slowly and said: "Linger longer, linger longer." If for the latter, however, it would travel "at the devil's own rate," saying: "Die and be d-d, die and be d-d." (An old print.)


Modern Medicine says: "A late English medical journal reports that Mr. Waterhouse has recently succeeded in constructing a new heel-bone from the collar-bone of a sheep! This is certainly a most astonishing achievement, as it includes not only the constructing of the heel-bone for the man, but a collar-bone for the sheep also. Our English cousins, with their superior advantages for medical learning, ought certainly to know that the sheep has no collar-bone." This reminds us of that anomalous anatomical proverb which says of a tardy person: "He has three hands, a right, a left and a little behind hand."

A new method of wound treatment has been

suggested by Salzmann, it consisting in application of protecting capsules of celluloid, made of a size and shape corresponding to different portions of the body. They are transparent, prevent pressure upon the wound, keep it clean. and act as a warm, moist dressing. When applied securely by means of good, adhesive plaster, they are said to make every other form of dressing superfluous.

A Novel Remedy for Drunkenness.

An American journal contains a new remedy, proposed by Dr. Brincil of Philadelphia, for curing habits of intemperance. The first experiment he tried was on a man who was in the habit of drinking two quarts of rum daily, besides four quarts of porter. The man's wife was advised to put a dram of oil of vitrol in a pint of rum, which was done, and it produced a species of nausea and disgust at liquor. Having symptoms of mania é potu, opium was administered to him with success. On the recurrence of his desire for liquor recourse was again had to the acid, which at length effectually prevented every relish for spirits in future. Dr. Brincil adopted the same system in several other instances of habitual drunkards with

equal effect. He also found that tincture of ipecacuanha produced similar effects.-From an old London newspaper.

An Advance in Roentgen's Photography.

Professor John MacIntyre writes Nature that he has been pursuing the study of photography of the soft tissues in the living subject, and made attempts to see shadows thereof in the fluorescent screen. Success attended Success attended his efforts as regards the neck, the tongue, hyoid bone, larynx, etc., and recently he has been able to photograph and see shadows of the cardiac area. In one photograph taken, the diaphragm was clearly indicated. The

is well pyriform shape of the cardiac area. shown, the base downwards, apex upwards, and the right and left borders of the photograph showing the relationship of the spine. and ribs.-The Medical Age.

Silkworm Gut Sutures Left Two Years in a Cervix.

Dr. H. J. Garrigues, writing to the Clinical Recorder, says:

"I was recently consulted by a patient because she had not had her menstruation for three months. In making a vaginal examination, I found a pregnant uterus of corresponding size, but on either side of the cervix were felt two silkworm gut sutures. They had been forgotten there two years before when a trachelorrhaphy and colpoperineorrhaphy had been performed on her. She had never been inconvenienced by them. They were easily removed, and were found as fresh as when they were inserted. They had not given rise to suppuration, and illustrate the excellence of this material.

"On another occasion I removed a silk suture from the cervix, where it had stayed for six months, but that had given rise to a profuse suppuration, which brought the patient to seek advice."

Lung Surgery.

Péan (Presse Médical, October 23, 1895), in concluding a lengthy address on the surgery of the lung, gave the following results of his personal experience, and of his study of the numerous published reports on this subject: viscera, has of late made much progress, thanks 1. The surgery of the lung, like that of the to the perfection of our anatomical knowledge, and to the improvement in operative procedures for the arrest of hemorrhage.

2. Equally favorable conditions for surgical intervention do not occur in all affections of the lungs.

3. Wounds caused by contusing bodies, by stabbing and cutting instruments, and by gunshot projectiles of small and medium caliber usually heal well without causing suppuration or troublesome reaction.

4. The danger which results from such injuries is due, not to the injury of the lungstructure itself, but rather to the multiplicity and extent of the wounds and to the lesions of important neighboring parts.

5. The surgeon should not intervene too hastily in these injuries, either by making a simple exploration, or by attempting to extract a projectile which can be seen near the surface.

6. Large projectiles, such as fragments of shell, give rise, especially on the field of battle, to disorders which in a large majority of instances are so severe that it is impossible for

the surgeon to ward off danger, even by suturing the visceral and parietal layers of the pleura.

7. A certain number of spontaneous affections of the lung may be successfully dealt with if the surgeon be careful to make a study of symptoms and indications, and a careful selection of his operative measures.

8. Simple and gangrenous abscesses, when they are of limited extent, show no tendency to cure, and threaten life, are amenable to surgical treatment.

9. In such cases the results are almost always favorable.

10. It is advisable to open, scrape, drain and even cauterize tuberculous abscesses of the lung, when these cause severe pain or have resulted in fistula, or contracted extensive adhesions with the pleura.

II. It is often useful in these cases to associate with such treatment partial resection of the ribs.

12. No benefit is likely to result from excision of fragments of the lung surrounding the tuberculous cavities, as the tubercle bacilli have already spread beyond the apparent limit

of the disease.

13. It is advisable to open hydatid cysts of the lung, the surgeon taking advantage of adhesions when such exist, and establishing still further adhesions when those existing are not of sufficient extent, in order to be able to wash out the cavity with antiseptic solutions.

14. Solid tumors of the lung should be extirpated when superficial; the occasions, however, for this treatment must be rare, as such growths are almost always secondary.

Treatment of Aseptic Wounds Without Bandages or Dressings.

In the British Medical Journal of February 1, 1896, is a paper by Mr. Mackenzie with the above title. It is summarized in a recent issue of the Annals of Surgery as follows:

The requisites to promote healing of wounds


1. To maintain the parts at rest and the raw surfaces that are intended to unite together in close and constant apposition.

2. To prevent contamination of the wound from external sources.

3. To get rid of excessive discharges. Mackenzie claims that the dressings and bandages usually employed to obtain these ends are expensive, cumbersome, and often insufficient. He closes all wounds, when the incision is made through the skin, by rows of buried sutures of fine catgut and a continuous catgut suture of the skin. A carbolized compress is kept in position a few minutes to absorb any oozing. The surface is then lightly

sponged with alcohol and painted with a layer of celloidin (celloidin one part, absolute alcohol and sulphuric ether each four parts). No other dressing is applied. If the wound has been carefully sutured and is aseptic, there is no discharge. If anything like a stitch abscess occurs, the celloidin can be pricked at the affected point and the drop of pus allowed to escape without disturbing the rest of the suture line. In this way the writer has treated cases of hernia, excision of the breast, amputations of the limbs-in fact, any wound which does. not involve mucous membrane. The method especially commends itself in wounds of the face, many of which are perfectly held by the celloidin and require no suture.

A Natural Query.

A Detroit youngster, in his sixth year, had for several months, with all the insistence of a youth of his age, pestered his parents for a bicycle. The other evening his father, in response to the usual plea, suggested it might be well to pray for the desired wheel. Accordingly, at bedtime the youngster's petition was put up, and the following morning, full of faith, he descended to the hall, to view the treasure expected to be there. Sure enough he found a spick-span, brand-new-tricycle!

A look of utter disgust overspread Eddie's countenance. "O God," he said, "don't you know the difference between a bicycle and a tricycle?"-Medical Age.

Report of Standing Committee of the Section of Railway Surgery of the New York MedicoLegal Society on "Car Sanitation and the Railway Transportation of Cases of Contagious and Infectious Diseases."

[From Advance Sheets of Medico-Legal Journal.] To the Section on Railway Surgery of the Medico-Legal Society of New York.

Gentlemen: The standing committee authorized at the November, 1895, meeting--joint session to report on the question of car sanitation, and especially on the transportation of people, sick or afflicted with infectious or contagious diseases, submit the following report:

Transportation of the sick is necessary.

It is the duty, and to the interest of all, that railway managers consider how best to meet the exigencies of such service, and how best to protect all who travel on railways, from the danger of infection and contagion.

In this report we will first consider tuberculosis, better known as consumption, which is a dangerous, infectious, communicable disease, the spread of which may be largely prevented by isolation, and by simple and easy means of cleanliness on the part of those

afflicted, and those having care of them. It is transmitted in the vast majority of cases, from the sick to the healthy, by means of the sputum or expectoration of those afflicted with the disease.

Apartments, berths, compartments in coaches, etc., which have been occupied by a consumptive, or by a person sick with any contagious disease, should not be occupied by others, until they have been disinfected.

Sick people travel under different circum


1. Some take passage in an apparently healthy state, and after a few hours experience. the first symptoms of infection.

2. Others suffering from an acute transmissible disease, hastily undertake a short journey, in order to reach their family physicians.

3. Others having acquired a chronic disease travel with a theraputic object, in search of a different climate, of a bathing station, etc.

4. The unfortunate incurables often return to die in their own homes, or among their own people.

The sleeping car is considered by all to be the point of greatest danger. Fellow passengers and employes can and should be protected. The question of car sanitation is timely, very important, and of deep interest to the traveling public of the entire world. It is also a very delicate question indeed, for the officials of our railways to consider and settle, for it affects the personal liberty of passengers.

Your committee believes, however, that when our officials fully understand the dangers arising from the present custom of transportation of people sick with contagious diseases, that they will be found ready and willing to meet us in discussion, to receive instructions, and if they can see their way clear, to adopt proper and up-to-date means of prevention.

Your committee also believes that car sanitation is an element soon to be advertised by railways, and in proportion to its perfection, will they receive profit and commendation.

Preventative measures are, in the judgment of your committee, the best means of averting the dangers we are asked to consider. We therefore make the following recommendations:

I. Prevention.-1. Education of the public through the daily press. 2. Legislation, state and national. 3. Isolation of passengers. 4. Disinfection of berths and compartments. A conference between railway men and railway surgeons.

George Chaffe, M. D., Ch'rm., Surgeon; Ex-President N. Y. State Association Railway Surgeons, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clark Bell, Esq., Vice-Chairman and Secretary Section Medico-Legal Surgery, New York City; Frank H. Caldwell, M. D., Chief

Surgeon Plant System of Railways, Sanford, Florida; Granville P. Conn, M. D., Chief Surgeon; Ex-Chairman Section Medico-Legal Surgery; Medico-Legal Society, Concord, N. H.,; B. P. Downs, Surgeon N. Y. & N. H. R. R.; Secretary Medico-Legal Congress, Bridgeport, Conn.; R. Sayre Harden, M. D., Surgeon; Ex-President N. Y. State Association of Railway Surgeons, Waverly, N. Y.; J. B. Murdock, M. D., Chief Surgeon; ExPresident National Association Railway Surgeons; Vice-Chairman Section Medico-Legal Surgery, Pittsburg, Pa.; R. S. Parkhill, M. D., Surgeon; President N. Y. State Association Railway Surgeons, Hornellsville, N. Y.; R. Harvey Reed, M. D., Chief Surgeon; Editor American Academy of Railway Surgeons; Editor Columbus Medical Journal, Columbus, Ohio.

Dated April 15, 1896.

A tongue-Congreve said he knew a lady that loved to talk so incessantly she would not give an echo fair play; she had that everlasting rotation of tongue that an echo must wait till she died before it could catch her last words.

While a speaker was describing the nature of gas a blue stocking lady clamorously inquired of a gentleman near her, "what the speaker meant by oxy-gin and hydro-gin, what was the difference?" "Very little, madame," said he, "by oxy-gin we mean pure gin, and by hydro-gin we mean gin and water."


PRACTICE FOR SALE:-I offer for sale my practice in the county seat of one of the best counties in Iowa. Have been here for twelve years; am surgeon of the leading road entering the town; am inedical examiner for six life insurance companies, etc. I simply require that my successor buy my office fixtures, mostly new-worth $700. Purchaser must be reliable physician with few years' practice. Address "Z. V.," care RAILWAY SURGEON, Chicago.

Desiring to remove to the Pacific Coast. I offer my well-established practice of over 20 years to any physician who will purchase my real estate, situated in one of the most beautiful and thriving towns in Southern Michigan, and surrounded by a very rich farming country. The town is intersected by two important railroads, for one of which the subscriber is surgeon. The real estate consists of a fine brick house of eight rooms and two fine offices besides, attached to, and a part of, the residence. A fine well of the purest water, two cisterns, waterworks, etc. Fine garden filled with choice fruit in bearing, peaches, pears and apricots and small fruits, raspberries, currants, etc. Fine barn and other outbuildings, comparatively new and in the very best condition, all offered with the practice and goodwill at a very low figure for cash. Address "MACK, Surgeon," care RAILWAY SURGEON, Monadnock Block Chicago, Ill.

By reason of failing health, physician wishes to dispose of real estate and practice. Practice amounts to nearly $4.000 per year. No charges except for real estate. Address WM. D. B. AINEY, Montrose, Pa.

Desiring to remove to a warmer climate, owing to poor health. I offer my well-established practice of 11 years to any physician who will purchase my real estate: situated in one of the most thriving towns in the Platte Valley, in Central Nebraska, on main line of Union Pacific R. R., on which road I am the assistant surgeon.

The real estate consists of 2 lots "on corner," on which there is a fine artistic "modern" frame house, 8 rooms; stable 20x30, wind mill, tower and 30-barrel tank: nice blue grass lawn, trees and fine garden (all new); and all offered with my $5,000 practice and good will, at a very low figure. A part cash, balance on time. A very thickly populated country. Address 'BOVINE," care RAILWAY SURGEON, Monadnock Block, Chicago, Ill

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