Bulletin of Books in the Various Departments of Literature and Science Added to the Public Library of Cincinnati During the Year...Board of Managers, 1884 |
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Acad American Aufl Balt Biblical cabinet biographical Bost Brux Charles CHESTER W Chic Christian church Cincinnati Clark col'd map col'd pls compiler comte Contents correspondence d'une DANIEL FINN Didot Discours Edin editor Edward English Epistle Ernst essay Euvres facs fold française France French Friedrich frontis Fronton DU Duc George German Hall Henry Houghton illus inédites James JAMES BROWN James SHERMAN Jean-Baptiste-Alphonse Johann John Joseph Karl lectures Leip letters Lévy frères Librarian LIBRARY Lippincott littéraires Lond Longmans Lord Louis Macmillan Marie de Rabutin-Chantal Mary math Mém Memoirs Mifflin N. Y. Appleton N. Y. Harpers N. Y. Putnams N. Y. Scribners Nichol notes Nouv novel Osgood Paul Peters Phil Phoenicia phys politique port pseud Richard Robert Rosenmüller Samuel Scrib sér sketch Smith St.-Pétersbourg Testament Tholuck Thomas tion treatise viii Voltaire Wilhelm William Wurzen
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Side 11 - THE ELEMENTS OF FORESTRY. Designed to afford Information concerning the Planting and Care of Forest Trees for Ornament or Profit, with Suggestions upon the Creation and Care of Woodlands. By FB HOUGH. Large crown 8vo, IDS.
Side 94 - A Treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron : Containing Outlines of the History of Iron Manufacture, Methods of Assay, and Analysis of Iron Ores, Processes of Manufacture of Iron and Steel, etc., etc.
Side 24 - Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., by various persons of rank...
Side 119 - Sugar Growing and Refining: a Comprehensive Treatise on the Culture of Sugar-yielding Plants, and the Manufacture, Refining, and Analysis of Cane, Beet, Maple...
Side 69 - LEE, Rev. FG, DCL— The Other World ; or, Glimpses of the Supernatural. 2 vols. A New Edition. Crown 8vo, 15*.
Side 56 - Details of Machinery. Comprising Instructions for the Execution of various Works in Iron in the Fitting-Shop, Foundry, and Boiler- Yard. By FRANCIS CAMPIN, CE 3/0 Elementary Engineering : A Manual for Young Marine Engineers and Apprentices.
Side 57 - A MANUAL OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, as Applied to the Examination of Medicinal Chemicals and their Preparations. Third edition, entirely rewritten and much enlarged. In one handsome octavo volume of 621 pages, with 179 illustrations.
Side 12 - Drawing, together with Examples in Simple Geometry and Elementary Mechanism, including Screw Threads, Gear Wheels, Mechanical Motions, Engines and Boilers. By JOSHUA ROSE, ME Illuslrated by 330 engravings.
Side 10 - BUILDER'S STANDARD GUIDE. By RE GRANDY. is. 206. A BOOK ON BUILDING, Civil and Ecclesiastical, including CHURCH RESTORATION. With the Theory of Domes and the Great Pyramid, &c. By Sir EDMUND BECKETT, Bart., LL.D., QC, FRAS 4s. 6d.t 226. THE JOINTS MADE AND USED BY BUILDERS in the Construction of various kinds of Engineering and Architectural Works. By WYVILL J.CHRISTY, Architect. With upwards of 160 Rngravingson Wood. 3s.t 228. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROOFS OF WOOD AND IRON. By E. WYNDHAM TARN, MA, Architect.
Side 52 - Tears of the Indians: Being an Historical and true Account of the Cruel Massacres and Slaughters of above Twenty Millions of innocent People. Committed by the Spaniards in the Islands of Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica, etc.