Origines Anglicanae: Or A History of the English Church : from the Conversion of the English Saxons Till the Death of King John, Bind 1

University Press, 1855 - 440 sider

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Side 43 - Augustinum episcopum perduxerit, dicite ei, quid diu mecum de causa Anglorum cogitans tractavi: videlicet quia fana idolorum destrui in eadem gente minime debeant; sed ipsa quae in eis sunt idola destruantur ; aqua benedicta fiat, in eisdem fanis aspergatur, altaria construantur...
Side 43 - Et quia boves solent in sacrificio daemonum multos occidere, debet eis etiam hac de re aliqua sollemnitas immutari: ut die dedicationis, vel natalitii sanctorum martyrum quorum illic reliquiae ponuntur, tabernacula sibi circa easdem ecclesias quae ex fanis commutatae sunt. de ramis arborum faciant, et religiosis conviviis sollemnitatem celebrent; nee diabolo iam animalia immolent, et ad laudem Dei in esu suo animalia occidant, et donatori omnium de satietate sua gratias referant: ut dum eis aliqua...
Side 276 - Imagines adorari debere, quod omnino ecclesia Dei execratur. [Contra quod scripsit Albinus epistolam ex authoritate divinarum scripturarum mirabiliter affirmatam, illamque cum eodem libro ex persona episcoporum ac principum nostrorum regi Francorum attulit."] Hoveden Annal.
Side 207 - ... construendorum territoria, in quibus suae liberius vacent libidini, et haec insuper in jus sibi hereditarium edictis regalibus faciunt ascribi, ipsas quoque litteras privilegiorum suorum, quasi veraciter Deo dignas, pontificum, abbatum et potestatum seculi, obtinent subscriptione confirmari. Sicque usurpatis sibi agellulis sive vicis, liberi exinde a divino simul et humano servitio, suis tantum inibi desideriis laici monachis imperantes deserviunt...
Side 24 - Cum una sit fides, sunt ecclesiarum diversae consuetudines, et altera consuetude missarum in sancta Romana ecclesia, atque altera in Galliarum tenetur ? " Respondit Gregorius papa. " No vit fraternitas tua Romanae ecclesiae consuetudinem, in qua se meminit nutritam. Sed mihi placet, sive in Romana, sive in Galliarum, seu in qualibet ecclesia, aliquid invenisti quod plus omnipotenti Deo possit...
Side 438 - And yet notwithstanding that lively bread is not bodily so, nor the self-same body that Christ suffered in ; nor that holy wine is the Saviour's blood, which was shed for us, in bodily thing, but in spiritual understanding. Both be truly, that bread his body, and that wine also his blood ; as was the heavenly bread, which we call manna...
Side 99 - Doth not even nature it self teach you, that if a man wear long hair, it is a shame, to him? That which the light of Nature condemns, is a Moral Evil. The light of Nature is to be our Rule in ordinary cases. The reason why it is a shame to wear long Hair is, because it is a Sin: the light of Nature doth condemn it; therefore it is sinfull. The principal Objection that is brought to evade the...
Side 436 - is between the body Christ suffered in and the body that is hallowed to housel.* The body, truly, that Christ suffered in was born of the flesh of Mary, with blood and...
Side 438 - And yet that lively bread is not bodily so notwithstanding — not the self-same body that Christ suffered in ; nor that holy wine is the Saviour's blood which was shed for us, in bodily thing, but in ghostly understanding. Both be truly, that...
Side 436 - ... is gathered of many corns, without blood and bone, without limb, without soul, and therefore nothing is to be understood therein bodily, but all is ghostly to be understood.

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