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-BRYONIA. A pressing pain, as if a heavy weight laid on the pit of the stomach, with bloatedness immediately after a meal, and sometimes even before the meal is finished. Walking or going downstairs renders the pain unbearable, radiating even to the bladder and perineum, and relieved by sitting, and still more by lying down. Vomiting of the food sets in pretty soon after a meal, and may become bilious or even bloody. Sixth and twelfth dilutions.

-SURGERY OF THE ZULUS.-Surgery is the branch of the medical art that is most advanced among these people. Their treatment of wounds is especially remarkable, and several complicated cases, which Father Croonenberghs treated unsuccessfully by the usual methods, were made very short work of by native practitioners. Their system is based principally upon the earliest possible obturation of all wounds. They first extract the foreign body, bullet or spicule of bone, etc., in the rudest possible manner, using their fingers or a rough kind of forceps. They then close the wound carefully and cover it with a thick paste, composed of charcoal and mutton suet, taking care that no portion of the lacerated tissues remains exposed to the air. They treat fractures as we do, using pieces of bark, suitably cut, for splints. Travelers have observed no traces of amputations among them. Swellings of all kinds, the early stages of abscess, or anthrax, rheumatism, etc., are treated by means of the bulbs of the genus Allium (onion, wild garlic, etc). The bulb being steeped in water, heated almost to the boiling point, is applied while still hot.-South African Med. Journal.

-FAVORABLE INFLUENCE OF COUGHING ON THE REDUCTION of HERNIA. Dr. Vaudenabrele, in the Jour. de Med. de Paris, gives a surprising account of the effect of coughing on some cases of strangulated hernia, which have come under his observation.

The first was a merchant who had pulmonary emphysema for many years. One day his hernia became strangulated and Dr. Vaudenabrele was called in. Five minutes of taxis produced no effect. Suddenly, contrary to his directions, the patient coughed violently; while still holding the hernial tumor, he heard a gurgle and the hernia had decreased to half its volume. A repetition of the coughing was followed by reduction complete !

Wondering if there could have been a dilatation of the inguinal ring produced by the cough, the doctor determined to be on the lookout for anything that would throw light on the subject.

He was called, not long afterward, to see a woman, whose crural hernia was in a state of strangulation. A surgeon who had preceded him had tried taxis for more than a half-hour, but without avail. Dr. Vaudenabrele also tried it for two or three minutes; he then had the patient cough violently while controlling the hernia, and it was at once reduced. A third case was equally as amenable to this method, even after taxis had been employed both by himself and another surgeon. He therefore believes that he has found a method, simple, easy, applicable at all times and to all cases, superior to taxis and to any measure which has been described up to the present time.

The author's explanation is that, in the first place, the cough is capable of dilating the inguinal and crural rings. Gas inclosed and compressed in the strangulated intestine, at the moment of expansion of the ring, makes its escape into the abdominal part of the gut. The hernia then becoming a simple one, is also reducible.


DON'T go to bed with cold or damp feet.

DON'T lean with your back against anything that is cold.

DON'T take warm drinks and then immediately go out into the cold. DON'T give calomel to open the bowels, and then opium to close the deluge.

DON'T let your patients wear earrings previously worn by consumptives.

DON'T hedge on a belief in homoeopathy even you are made more eligible thereby to a life situation as a Professor.

DON'T throw stones at the "private" schools, until you are sure of the unassailable vitreous condition of your University chair.

DON'T let yourself down in public estimation by doing menial services at the bedside when others are willing and able to do it.

DON'T attack a near "private" school, because its pseudo-editor representative injects a whole page ad. in the reading matter.

DON'T any longer deride the claim of pulsatilla to being a corverter of malpresentations into normal ones. Dr. C. W. Butler proves it. Don't forget that common decency, if nothing more, in auscultation of the female chest, demands the employment of a stethoscope.

DON'T alarm a child by staring it out of countenance; sit sufficiently near to watch it, and yet so far off as not to attract its attention.

DON'T nurture the belief so common that it is the province of the physician to predict the results, but only to estimate the tendencies of the disease.


DON'T publish a medical book on the Book-Trust plan; it is subversive of medical ethics, in that it makes a secret" book of what should be open to all in the profession.

DON'T sing too loud about "specialists" occupying University positions. There are better paid and more eminent specialists outside the walls of the University than there are inside.

DON'T recommend for the study of medicine any one not showing an inborn aptitude for the profession. Remember the toil, irregularity of hours, disappointments, jealousies, and bad bills which beset the doctor's pathway.

DON'T wear your pantaloons buttoned tightly at the top and sustained by the hips. Wear suspenders. The constant pressure and unnatural heat to which the lower part of the back is subjected is one of the chief causes of the frequency of kidney diseases.

DON'T be a professor in a University if you have a living practice outside. Better a scramble for a "microscopic share of the net profits of " a faculty-owned private school with freedom of action, than the enormous fiduciary stipend of a University chair dependent upon a Board for opinions and living.

The Acutely Ill.

When a patient is acutely ill, the digestive powers share in the general condition, and consequently the food supplied should be of the most easily assimilable character. The predigestion of starchy matters outside the body, as in MELLIN'S FOOD, is necessary, and the soluble carbohydrates of which this food consists, soluble because predigested, form the true food of the acutely ill.-J. MILNER FOTHERGILL, M.D., Edin.

A sample of MELLIN'S FOOD will be sent to any physician, free of expense, upon application.

Doliber-Goodale Co., Boston, Mass.

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No Chemicals.

W. BAKER & Co.'s

Is Absolutely Pure,

and it is Soluble.


To increase the solubility of the powdered cocoa, various expedients are employed, most of them being based upon the action of some alkali, potash, soda or even ammonia. Cocoa which has been prepared by one of these chemical processes, can usually be recognized at once by the distinct alkaline reaction of the infusion in water.

W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa

is manufactured from the first stage to the last by perfect mechanical processes, no chemical being used in its preparation. By one of the most ingenious of these mechanical processes the greatest degree of fineness is secured without the sacrifice of the attractive and beautiful red color which is characteristic of an absolutely pure and natural cocoa.

W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass.



Have You An Office Practice ?

If you have, will it not pay you to invest in one of these Elegant Office
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and after it is put in operation, requires NO ATTENTION for ONE YEAR.


In this Battery we use the Celebrated Diamond Carbon Cell, the fluid of which is a solution of muriate of ammonia; the elements are zinc and carbon rods. The cell is perfectly sealed so that evaporation is impossible, a feature that in itself highly recommends any cell for office purposes. The cell has the following advantages:

1. Perfect cleanliness.

2. High electro-motive force-1,75 volts. 3. Small internal resistance.

4. Great power of recuperation.

5. It is a cell that will run for medical pur

poses many months without the slightest attention.

Our Milliampere Meter, $25.00.

This Instrument is absolutely correct, as it is graduated by standard measure


ALL KINDS of PHILOSOPHICAL AND MEDICAL ELECTRICAL APPARATUS made to order. Also all Accessories demanded by the Medical Profession for the application and regulation of Electricity in the Treat


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Family Faradic Battery, $10.00.
Physician's Faradic Battery, $18.00.


12 Cell, $30.00; 18 Cell, $40.00; 24 Cell, $55.00. COMBINED GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATTERIES:

12 Cell, $40.00; 18 Cell, $52.50; 24 Cell, $67.50.



Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Opera, Field and Marine Glasses, Thermometers, Barometers, Ete., Etc.



Complete Illustrated Catalogues of all our Goods sent on application. Please mention this Journal.

McIntosh Battery and Optical Company,

141 and 143 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.



These Tablets are readily soluble in ten minims of warm water.


They are combined with an unobjectionable base, do not cause abscesses, and may be administered by the stomach as well as hypodermically.

They possess the advantages of accuracy of dose and perfect preservation of the drug.


Prepared according to Dr. Robert M. Fuller's Method.

(See MEDICAL RECORD, March 7, 1878, and March 25. 1882.)

An easy, economical, and accurate method of dispensing medicines in a compact and palatable forza. SEND FOR PRICE LIST.







We call the attention of the Profession to our preparation of the above inestimable Tonics, as com bined in our elegant and palatable FERRO-PHOSPHORATED ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK, a com bination of the Pyrophosphate of Iron and Calisaya never before attained, in which the nauseous inkiness of the Iron and the astringency of the Calisaya are overcome, without any injury to their active tonic principles, and blended into a beautiful Amber-colored Cordial, delicious to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. This preparation is made directly from the ROYAL CALISAYA BARK, not from ITS ALKALOIDS OR THEIR SALTS-being unlike other preparations called "Elixir of Calisaya and Iron," which are simply an ELIXIR OF QUININE AND IRON. Our Elixir can be depended upon as being a true Elixir of Calisaya Bark with Iron. Each dessert-spoonful contains seven and a half grains Royal Calisaya Bark and two grains Pyrophosphate of Iron.


Manufactured on the Sea-Shore from Fresh and Selected Livers.

The universal demand for Cod Liver Oil that can be depended upon as strictly pure and scientif eally prepared having been long felt by the Medical Profession, we were induced to undertake its manu facture at the Fishing Stations, where the fish are brought to land every few hours, and the Livers consequently are in great perfection.

This Oil is manufactured by us on the sea-shore, with the greatest care, from fresh, healthy Livers, of the Cod only, without the aid of any chemicals, by the simplest possible process and lowest temperature at which the Oil can be separated from the cells of the Livers. It is nearly devoid of color, odor, and flavor-having a bland, fish like, and, to most persons, not unpleasant taste. It is so sweet and pure that it can be retained by the stomach when other kinds fail, and patients soon become fond of it.

The secret of making good Cod-Liver Oil lies in the proper application of the proper degree of heat: too much or too little will seriously injure the quality. Great attention to cleanliness is abeutely neces sary to produce sweet Cod-Liver Oil. The rancid Oil found in the market is the make of Lanufacturers who are careless about these matters.

Prof. Parker of New York, says: "I have tried almost every other manufacturer's Oil, and give yours the decided preference."

Prof. Hays, State Assayer of Massachusetts, after a full analysis of it, says: "It is the best for foreign or domestic use."

After years of experimenting, the Medical Profession of Europe and America, who have studied the effects of different Cod-Liver Oils, have unanimously decided the light straw-colored Cod-Liver Oil to be far superior to any of the brown Oils.


Under the direction and personal supervision of W. F. FORD, Instrument Maker to St. Luke's, Mt. Sinal, New York State Women's Hospitals, Bellevue, and all the other New York Hospitals. Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

Surgical, Dental, Orthopedic Instruments, Catheters, Trusses, Supporters, Silk Stockings, Ear Trumpets, Splints, Anatomical Preparations, Local Anaesthesia Apparatus, Laryngoscopes, Ophthalmoscopes, Hypodermic Syringes, Axilla Thermometers, etc., etc.

Special attention given to the manufacture of Instruments to ORDER, in exact accordance with patterns furnished by Surgeons and Physicians.


Successors to CASWELL, HAZARD & CO.

Family and Manufacturing Chemists, New York,

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