Saint Jospeh Medical Herald, Bind 13,Oplag 11


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Side 523 - Hydrangea" represents thirty grains of FRESH HYDRANGEA and three grains of CHEMICALLY PURE Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is INVARIABLY of DEFINITE and UNIFORM therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. DOSE.— One or two teaspoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals).
Side 559 - HYDROZONE IS THE STRONGEST ANTISEPTIC KNOWN. One ounce of this new Remedy is, for its Bactericide Power, equivalent to two ounces of Charles Marchand's Peroxide of Hydrogen (medicinal), which obtained the Highest Award at the World's Fair of Chicago, 1893, for Stability, Strength, Purity and Excellency.
Side 560 - HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Recommended as a restorative in all cases where the nervous system has been reduced below the normal standard, by overwork, as found in brain-workers, professional men, teachers, students, etc.

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