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NOTE! Scott's Emulsion is now put up and sold by all druggists in a small or fifty-cent size, although the large size is still on the market. We have made this departure to enable you to prescribe Scott's Emulsion in the original package for a trial where Cod-liver Oil is indicated. It will also insure the genuine Scott's Emulsion being given when a small quantity is called for.

FORMULA: 50% of Finest Norwegian
Cod-liver Oil; 6 grs. Hypophosphite of
Lime; 3 grs. Hypophosphite of Soda to
| the Fluid onnce.

| SAMPLE of Scott's Emulsion delivered |
free to the address of any Physician in
regular practice.


SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists

Scott & Bowne Building


(the substitutes not containing the bromides of the metals, and being colored with aniline dye) compels us to abandon the 2 oz. and adopt for all our preparations the

One Ounce Bottle With Wire Seal On neck


On back of each bottle is this label.

Ten drops contain of Gold Bromide, Arsenic Bromide and Mercury Bromide each 1/32 gr.

Dispense in glass only. Do not use a spoon.

Should be used only upon Phys cian's prescription.

You want your

patient to obtain that which

You Prescribe

We adopt this means to prevent




And Training School for Nurses


[graphic][merged small][subsumed]

Nourry's Iodo-Tannated Wine ("Vin Nourry Iodotané'') is a carefully prepared combination of iodine with tannin and choice wine. It is readily absorbed; is easily supported by the most delicate stomach,, and specially adapted for continuous treatment. It is indicated in all cases in which iodine or the iodides have been found suitable. Samples and literature sent free by





Penetrating Wound of the Abdomen. By W. E. Taylor, M. D ...
San Francisco as a Winter Residence. By S. S. Herrick, M.D...
Ulcerative Dermatitis of the Feet. By Tenison Deane, M.D......

Foreign Schools versus American Physicians. By W. S. Thorne, M.D....





[blocks in formation]

Contains the Essential Elements of the Animal Organization-Potash and Lime;

The Oxidising Agents-Iron and Manganese;

The Tonics-Quinine and Strychnine;

And the Vitalizing Constituent-Phosphorus; the whole combined in the form of a Syrup with a Slightly Alkaline Reaction.

It Differs in its Effects from all Analogous Preparations; and it possesses the important properties of being pleasant to the taste, easily borne by the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.

It has Gained a Wide Reputation, particularly in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuber. culosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs. It has also been employed with much success in various nervous and debilitating diseases. Its Curative Power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic, and nutritive properties, by means of which the energy of the system is recruited.

Its Action is Prompt; it stimulates the appetite and the digestion, it promotes assimi lation, and it enters directly into the circulation with the food products.

The prescribed dose produces a feeling of buoyancy, and removes depression and melancholy; hence the preparation is of great value in the treatment of mental and nervous affections. From the fact, also, that it exerts a double tonic influence, and induces a healthy flow of the secretions, its use is indicated in a wide range of diseases.


The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale. Mr. Fellows, who has examined samples of several of these, finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in susceptibility to the effects of oxygen when exposed to light or heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medicinal effects.

As these cheap and inefficient substitutes are frequently dispensed instead of the genuine preparation, physicians are earnestly requested, when prescribing the Syrup, to write "Syr. Hypophos. Fellows."

As a further precaution, it is advisable that the Syrup should be ordered in the original bottles; the distinguishing marks which the bottles (and the wrappers-surrounding them) bear, can then be examined, and the genuineness-or otherwise-of the contents thereby proved.

Medical Letters may be addressed to:

Mr. FELLOWS, 48 Vesey Street,

New York.

Palatable Laxative.


(Continued from Page 3.)


Silver Jubilee of the German Medical Society...

State Examinations to Procure a License....

Chorea and Rheumatism...

Nuclein as a Therapeutic Agent........

Petroleum in Medicine....






[blocks in formation]

Report of Deaths for the Month of September..
Mississippi Valley Medical Association....



[blocks in formation]



Recommended as a restorative in all cases where the nervous system has been reduced below the normal standard by overwork, as found in brain-workers, professional men, teachers, students, etc.; in debility from seminal losses, dyspepsia of nervous origin, insomnia where the nervous system suffers.

It is readily assimilated and promotes digestion.

Dr. Edwin F. Vose, Portland, Me., says: "I have prescribed it for many of the various forms of nervous debility, and it has never failed to do good."

Send for descriptive circular. Physicians who wish to test it will be furnished a bottle on application, without expense, except express charges.

Prepared under the direction of Prof. E. N. HORSFORD, by the

Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I.

Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.

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