| Josiah Woodward - 1699 - 216 sider
...[pare, neither Jbalt thou Ver. 9. conceal him. Bxt thou /halt furely kill him; thine Hand /hall le firfl upon him to put him to Death , and afterwards the Hand of Vet. ir. all the feople. Ana all Jfrael (hall hear, and fear , and Jha.ll do no more any fuch Wickedness... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 sider
...fparc, neither (halt thou conceal him. o But thou (halt furely kill him ; thine Hand (hall be firft upon him, to put him to Death, and afterwards the Hand of all the People. io And thou (halt (lone him with Stones, that he die : becaufe he hath fought to thruft thee away from... | |
| Samuel Croxall - 1735 - 526 sider
.../Pare, neither jhalt thou conceal him. But thou Jhalt fur ely kill him ; Thine hand Jhall be firft upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou Jhalt Jione him witbftones, that he die. As to the Law concerning Bla/phemy, we read; that the Son... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 sider
...fpare, neither fhalt thou conceal him. 9 But thou f])alt furely kill him; thine Hand fhall be firft upon him* to put him to Death, and afterwards the Hand of all the People. 10 And thou fhalt ftone him with Stones, that he die : becaufe he hath fought to thruft thee away from... | |
| Thomas Watson - 1741 - 718 sider
...unto him, neither ßall thy Eye pity, him. Sut thou ßalt furely kail him ; thine Hand ßall be ßrß upon him to put him to ¿Death, and afterwards the Hand of all the 4People. Queft. Sut what is it to have other gods beßdes the true God ? I fear, upon Search, we have... | |
| Stephen Weston (bp. of Exeter.) - 1747 - 540 sider
...fpare, neither jhalt thou conceal . him : But thou jhalt furely kill him ; thine Hand jhall be ~firft upon him to put him to Death, and afterwards the Hand of all the People. And thou jhalt jlone him with Stones, 298 Of taking Scandal. .SfcRM. .Stows, tbafbe»die ; facaufe be hatb fought... | |
| John Dove - 1750 - 162 sider
...fpare him, neither fhalt thou conceal him. But thou fhalt furely kill him; thine Hand (hall be firft upon him, to put him to Death, and afterwards the Hand of all the People. And thou (halt ftone him with Stones, that he die, becaufe he hath fought to thruft thee away from J-ehovah... | |
| Josiah Tucker - 1751 - 166 sider
...be fpared, neither to be concealed : But thou fhalt furely kill him ; and thine Hand lhall be firft upon him, to put him to Death, and afterwards the Hand of all the People : And thou fhalt ftone him with Stones, that he die ; becaufe he fought to thruft thee away from the Lord thy... | |
| Samuel Ogden - 1780 - 398 sider
...faying, let W go and fervt- other Gods — thou jjialt furely kill him: thine hand jhill 'lit frft upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. It feems, as if the witnefles gave the firft blow to the criminal -, and that this was at the fame... | |
| Joseph Priestley - 1782 - 478 sider
...thou fpare, neither malt thou "conceal him; but thou malt fureiy kill " him; thine hand mall be firft upon him " to put him to death, and afterwards the " hand of all the people. And thou fhalt " ftone him with ftones, that he die; be" caufehehath fought to thruft thee away " from the Lord... | |
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