١٠ external part of the edifice be thus endangered, there is still a people among us, who have "one "Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and "Father of all, who is above all, and through "all, and in them all." There are a few who cleave to Christ in faith, and to one another in love. But even among these there is a need of more grace. For as a severe frost injures the mortar, by which the stones of material buildings are united; so the disorganizing spirit of the present day has weakened the union which ought to subsist among real Christians, between ministers and their people, and the people themselves. Too little importance is attached by general opinion to unity and charity in the church of Christ. May God in His mercy look on the church of England, and unite her members more closely in sentiment, in affection, and in practice! The last thing to be considered is the use to which this building is appropriated, the end for which it is designed. Judging from the choice of its foundation, the character of its architect, the costly nature of its materials, the labour expended on its construction, and the time which its erection has already occupied, we may infer that its use is very important, its object grand and magnificent. And this inference will prove to be just. For the building thus gradually erected, "groweth unto an holy temple in the "Lord." The fabrick is reared for the purpose of becoming "an habitation of God through "the Spirit." "Thus saith the Lord, The hea"ven is my throne, and the earth is my foot" stool: where is the house, that ye build unto " me? and where is the place of my rest? For "all those things hath my hand made, and all "those things have been, saith the Lord: but "to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." (Is. lxvi. 1, 2. Comp. Acts vii. 48, 49.) True believers are "the temple of the "living God, as God hath said, I will dwell in "them and walk in them; and I will be their "God, and they shall be my people." (2 Cor. vi. 16.) Referring to this figurative view of the church's felicity, we pray "that we may be made a "holy temple, acceptable unto God through "Jesus Christ our Lord." We earnestly implore that, as the typical temple at Jerusalem was honoured with the Shekinah which abode in the holy of holies, so we may be indulged with the Divine presence among us, now in our present state, in proportion to our capacity of receiving it, and more fully hereafter when that capacity shall be enlarged. We pray that, as sweet incense continually ascended from the golden altar in the material sanctuary; so the incense of praise may evermore ascend from the temple of our hearts: and that, as the temple and its various services were acceptable to God through the typical sacrifices which were therein offered; so we and our services may be also "acceptable to Him through Jesus Christ our " Lord." O how transcendent is that honour to which believers are destined! How vast the felicity which is prepared for them, and of which they now enjoy the foretaste! Well may they exclaim with the antient church, in relation to their God, "How great is His goodness! how great " is His beauty!" Whatever be our present attainments, let us acknowledge that we are utterly unworthy of the inestimable favour which is conferred on us, of being "an habitation of " God through the Spirit;" and let us labour to acquire a greater meetness for this holy and happy relation to Him. Let us stand firm on our foundation; let us cleave to one another; let us prize the instituted means of grace; let us, in all humility, thankfully keep our stations in the church, whatever they be; let us beware of schism; let us cultivate unity; and let us adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Soon will the top-stone be placed on the Divinely erected edifice with shoutings, "Grace, Grace unto it." The temple will be complete. God will be eternally honoured in it, while the living stones that compose it, shall continually ascribe glory, honour and blessing to its Divine Founder and Architect throughout eternity. 452 "those t "to this “ poor a my wo: 48, 49.) "living ( "them a "God, vi. 16.) Referr felicity, "holy t "Jesus plore tha was hond in the ho with the present receiving capacity sweet in golden a incense temple and its through in offered "ассер " Lord." O hov believer: which is no increase of spiritual-mindedness, of deadness to the world, and of a heavenly conversation-if these things be objects of any importance, we may fully justify the celebration of this festival, for it is calculated to subserve them all. The Scriptures have introduced the saints who have preceded us to our notice for these important purposes. And surely we concur with the intention of Scripture, while we recite in our public assemblies those passages of the sacred pages which relate to this subject, and mingle prayer with them. Our collect for All Saints' Day contains-An introduction by which God is glorified in His saints;-And a prayer for grace that we may be enabled to imitate them "who through faith "and patience inherit the promises." Those of whom our collect is a memorial, are therein styled God's " elect." The term is Scriptural, and means chosen. It is used among other passages in Rom. viii. 33. Col. iii. 12. Tit. i. 1. 1 Pet. i. 2. 2 John 13. In defining this important term, which, in consequence of human pride and ignorance, has given rise to so much controversy in the church, it will be safest verbally to adopt the language of the Scriptures and of our Church. And these collateral testimonies are indeed so full and explicit, that it is needless to add any explanation of their meaning. St. Paul, addressing himself to the Ephesians, (Ch. i. 3-6) in a strain of grateful thanksgiving on their behalf, expresses himself thus: "Blessed be the God and Father of our "Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with "all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: according as He hath chosen us in "Him before the foundation of the world, that |