The Eclectic Medical Journal, Bind 46

Wm. Phillips and Company, 1886

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Side 152 - Syrup, with slight alkaline reaction. IT DIFFERS IN EFFECT FROM ALL OTHERS, being pleasant to taste, acceptable to the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use. IT HAS SUSTAINED A HIGH REPUTATION in America and England for efficiency in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs, and is employed also in various nervous and debilitating with success.
Side 104 - Prompt; stimulating the appetite and the digestion, it promotes assimilation, and enters directly into the circulation with the food products. The Prescribed Dose produces a feeling of buoyancy, removing depression or melancholy, and hence is of great value in the treatment of MENTAL AND NERVOUS AFFECTIONS.
Side 552 - England for efficiency in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs, and is employed also in various nervous and debilitating diseases with success. ITS CURATIVE PROPERTIES are largely attributable to Stimulant, Tonic, and Nutritive qualities, whereby the various organic functions are recruited.
Side 248 - PROMPT : stimulating the appetite and the digestion, it promotes assimilation, and enters directly into the circulation with the food products. THE PRESCRIBED DOSE produces a feeling of buoyancy, removing depression or melancholy, and hence is of great value in the treatment of mental and nervous affections.
Side 200 - AGENTS— Iron and Manganese ; The TONICS — Quinine and Strychnine; And the VITALIZING CONSTITUENT— Phosphorus, Combined in the form of a Syrup, with slight alkaline reaction. IT DIFFERS IN EFFECT FROM ALL OTHERS, being pleasant to taste, acceptable to the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.
Side 248 - Syrup, with slight alkaline reaction. It Differs in Effect from all Others, being pleasant to taste, acceptable to the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use. It has sustained a High Reputation in America and England for efficiency in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs, and is employed also in various nervous and debilitating diseases, with success.
Side 360 - From the fact, also, that it exerts a double tonic influence, and induces a healthy flow of the secretions, its use is indicated in a wide range of diseases. NOTICE-CAUTION. The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale.
Side 360 - Agents — Iron and Manganese ; The ToniCS — Quinine and Strychnine ; And the Vitalizing Constituent— Phosphorus, Combined in the form of a Syrup, with slight alkaline reaction. It Differs in Effect from all Others, being pleasant to taste, acceptable to the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use. It has...
Side 41 - Act to Regulate the Practice of Medicine in the State of Illinois, approved May 29, 1877, in force July i, 1877: — SECTION i.
Side 552 - Tubes, which are fastened to the front of the belt by simple loops, pass down and through the stem of the cup and up to the back of the belt. These soft rubber tubes being elastic adapt themselves to all the varying positions of the body and perform the service of the ligaments of the womb.

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