The Numeral Letters refer to the Book, the Figures to the Line.
ARON and Moses, their mission to Egypt, xii. 170. Abdiel, (a seraph) opposes Satan promoting the angels re-
volt, &c. v. 803. Reply to his answer, v. 877. His fi- delity, &c. celebrated, v. 896. Retreat from Satan's party, vi. r. Soliloquy on view of him at their head, vi. 114. Speech to him thereon, vi. 130. Reply to his answer, vi. 171. Encounters him in the battle, vi. 189. Vanquishes Ariel, Arioch, and Ra- miel, (fallen angels) vi. 369.
Abel and Cain, their story related, ki, 429. Abraham's and the patriarchs, xii. 113. All nations his sons by faith, xii. 446. Acheron, a river of hell, ii. 570.
Adam and Eve described generally, iv. 288. Particularly, iv. 295. Their state of innocence, iv. 312, 492, 738. V. 211, 303. viii. 510. See Innocence. Night-orison, iv. 720. Morning-orifon, V. 153. Preparations to entertain the angel Raphael, v. 313. The table and entertainment defcribed, v. 391. Their nuptial bed, iv. 708. Nuptials celebrated, viii. 510. Parting preceding the temptation, ix. 385. Behaviour after their fall, ix. 1004. Find themselves naked, ix. 1051. Make themselves breeches of fig- leaves, ix. 1099. Recriminate on, and reproach each other, ix. 1187. Hide themselves from God (the Son), x 97. Appearance before him, x. 109. Repentance, x. 1098. Expulfion from Pa- radise, xii. 625. See Similes.
Adam, bis discourse with Eve on the prohibition of the tree of know- ledge, iv. 411. To her at night, iv. 610. Answer to her question about the nightly luminaries, iv. 650. Viewing her fleeping, v. 8. Answer to her relating her dream, (the subject of Satan's first il- lusive temptation), v. 94, To her weeping, v. 129. Invites the an- gel Raphael to his bower, &c. v. 361. Difcourse with him, v. 460. Continued on various subjects, viii. 651. See Raphael. His crea- tion and dominion, &c. over the creatures, ix. 524. Prohibited the tree of knowledge, vii. 542. viii. 332. Account of himself, and objects about him, &c. on his creation, viii. 253. Of his first view of the Divine Presence, installation in Paradise, &c. viii. 311. Speech to God thereon, and on his folitude there, viii, 357. Re- ply to God's answer, viii. 379. Sleep on the formation of Eve described, viii. 451. His first view of her, viii. 481. Passion for her, viii. sar. Valediction to Raphael, viii. 644. Difcourse with
Eve preceding the temptation (on Satan's fubtlety, and the means to refift it, &c.) ix. 285-38.4. Care and fears for her in abfence, ix. 838. Meets her returning with the forbidden fruit, ix. 847. Soliloquy lamenting her tranfgreffion, ix. 896. Resolves to die with her, ix. 907. Speech to her thereon, ix. 921. Eats the for bidden fruit, ix. 996. Incites her to carnal fruition (the first ef- fect of it), ix. 1011, 1816. The place, &c. defcribed, ix. 1037. After fpeech to her on their fall and nakedness, ix. 1067. Ano- ther, charging her as the aggreffor, ix. 1132. Reply to her answer, (recriminates her affected felf-fufficiency, &c.) ix. 1162. Aufwer to God (the Son) calling him to judgment, X. 115. Reply to him, (accules Eve), x. 114. The fentence pronounced on him, x. 197. Soliloquy thereon, X. 720. Continued, x. 854. Withes for kis diffolution, x. 746, 771. Reflections on the immortality of the foul, &c. x. 782. Repulsory fpeech to Eve attempting to confolate him, x. 866. Relents towards her, x. 937. Reply to her, (ac- cusing herself as the first in tranfgreffion), x. 947. Answer, (to her reply advising to die by their own hands), x 1013. Resolves the contrary, (fubmiffion to God's will, and repentance), x. 1028. Speech to Eve, (on the efficacy of prayer, &c.) xi. 140. Hails her the mother of mankind, xi. 158. Speech to her on the o- mens preceding their expulfion from Paradise, xi. 193. On the view of Michael approaching, xi. 226. Behaviour on receiving. the message, xi. 263. Specch to Michael thereon, xi. 295. Re fignation, xi. 370. Discourse with Michael, discovering to him. in vision what should happen in the world till the flood, xi. 455- 867. Difcourse with him, relating what should happen to the general refurrection, xii. 61-551. General reply to him, (refo- lutions of future obedience, dependence on God's providence, &c.) xii. 352. See Eve; Michael, Raphael, Similies.
Adonis, a river in Syria, i. 450.
Adramelech and Afmadai (fallen angels) wounded and put to flight, vi. 365.
Air first clouded on Adam's fall, i. 182. Allufions. See Similies.
Amarant, a flower transplanted from Paradife to Heaven, iii. 354, Ambition cenfured, ii. 482. A caufe of Satan's fall, iv. 86. Angels (celeftial) obey God of choice, not neceffity, v. 335. Im- battled againft Satan and the fallen angels, vi. 15. Their fignal, and march, v. 56. Signal to engage, and engagement, vi. 201. Prevail, vi. 386. Difpofition to re-engage, vi. 524. Retreat, vi. 597. Rally again, and renew the fight, vi. 634. Their song on the creation, vii. 180, 252-557, 602. On its diffolution and renovation, x. 641. Guardians of Paradife, their parade, watch- es, &c. iv. 778, 782, 851, 977. V. 287. Re-afcent to heaven on Adam's fall, x. 17. Appointed to expel Adam, &c. from Para dife, xi. 127. Defeent there, vii. 208. Post affigned, viii. 220. March, poffeffing it, and expelling him, &c. xii. 626. the Father and Son, Similies, Guardians of mankind, ix. 152.
*Angels (fallen) their after-frate, i. 50, 339. Numbers, i. 331. v. Names. i. 374. Various pursuits, &c. ii. 528. Loss fup- plied by man's creation, iii. 677. Imbattled against the angels celestial, vi. 79. Engagement, vi. 202. Defcat, vi. 386. Dif- pofition to re-engage, vi. 507. Their artillery, cannon, &c. vi. 572. Prevail, vi. 599. Entire defeat and expulfion from heaven, vi. 831-877. Transformed to ferpents, x. 519. Farther pu- nished, with an illusion of the forbidden fruit, x. 564. Both an- nually continued, x. 575. See Satan, Similies.
Apostles, their mission, &c. xli. 439. Gift of the Holy Ghost, xii. 497. Successors (wolves, false teachers, &c.) described, xii. 508.
Argument of the poem, i. 1. ix. r.
Ariel, Arioch, and Ramiel, (fallen angels) vanquished, vi. 369. Ark, its building by Noah defcribed, xi. 728. Sce Noah. Ark of the covenant described, xii. 249.
Asntaroth and Baalim (fallen angels), i. 422. Aftoreth, or Aftarte, (a fallen angel), i. 438.
Author's hymn on conjugal love, iv. 750. To light, iii. r.
cations, i. 6. iii. 61. vii. 1. xi. 20. Reflection, in profpect of Adam's &c. fall, ii. 380 On Satan's premeditated attempt, iv. On Eve's parting with Adam preceding it, ix. 404. Ол their nakedness after the fall, ix. 1114. On his own blindners, &c. iii. 22.
Azazel, (a fallen angel) Satan's standard-bearer, i. 534.
Baalim and Afhtaroth (fallen angels), i. 422.
Babel, the city and tower, built by Nimrod, &c. xii. 38. The con-
fufion of languages there described, xii. 48.
Baptifm, what the fign of, xii. 442.
Baptized, the Holy Ghost given primitively to all fuch, xii. 497. Battle, &c. between the celestial and fallen angels (God the Son concluding it) described, vi. 202-871. See Angels celestial and fallen.
Beafts, part of the fixth day's creation, described, vii. 453. Beelzebub (a fallen angel), i. 79. Described, ii. 299. His anfwer to Satan's first speech after their full, i. 128. 'To his fecond, 1. 272. Speech in council, called by Satan thereon, ii. 310. Pro-A motes an attempt on the world, ii. 345.
Belial (a fallen angel), i. 290. Described, ii, 108. His speech in council, ii. 119. To Satan on their advantage gained, in the re- engagement with the celeftial angels, vi. 620.
Birds, part of the fifth day's creation, described, vii. 417. Blafts, an effect of Adam's fall, x. 692.
Bridge from hell-gates to the world over Chaos, the work, &c. de-
Cain and Abel, their story related, xi. 429.
Chance, the common notion of it exploded. ii. 909.
Chaos described, ii. 890. vii. 210. Its court, ii. 959. Answerte Satan's speech there, ii. 989. Bounds ince the angels fall, the creation, &c. ii. 998 State before it, v. 577. A bridge made over it from hell-gates to the world, at Adam's fall, x. 282. See Similies.
Charity, its praises, &c. xii. 576-587. Chemos, or Peor, (a fallen angel), i. 406, 442. Cherubim. See Angels celestial, &c. Similies.
Church, hirelings in it compared to the Devil in Paradise, iv. 192. Cocytus, a river of hell, ii. 579.
Comparisons. See Similies.
Conjugal love, the praises, &c. of it, iv. 750. Diftinguished from an amour, iv. 765. Consifts in reason, not paffion, viii. 586. Defined, viii. 589. Expressed (on the woman's part) in practice, viii. 50. In words, xii. 615. A reciprocal duty of it, ix. 357. Conjugal obedience, woman's happiness, &c. iv. 635. Conjugal union, the reasons and obligations of it, viii. 494. ix. 955,
Confcience, God's umpire in man, iii. 194. The terrors of it, iv. 23. x. 842. Laws to force it cenfured, xii. 515. No infallibi- lity againft it, xii. 529.
Conftellations, their appearances, motion, &c. iii. 577. Creation, the univerfal described, iii. 708. vii. 221. Creatures animal, in Paradise, described, iv. 340. Have degrees of knowledge and reason, viri. 369. Their difcord, an effect of A- dam's fall, x. 707. Entry of Noah's ark, xi. 733-
Dagon (a fallen angel), i. 457..
Damned, the viciffitudes of their torments described, ii. 596. David, his throne why eternal, xii. 320.
Day and night in heaven described, vi. 4.
Death and Sin, their station at hell-gates before Adam's fall, ii. 648. Their union, x. 249. Make a bridge from thence over Chaos to the world, after it, x. 282. Meet Satan in his return to hell from thence, x. 326. Their journey thither, and influences, de scribed, x. 410. Arrival at Paradife, x. 584. After conduct in the world, x. 610. See Similies.
Death defcribed, ii. 666. Answer to Satan at hell-gates, ii. 688. The fon of Satan and Sin, ii. 727. Its birth, ii. 777. Answer to Sin on Adam's fall, x. 265. To Sin's speech in Paradife, x. 596. See Similies.
Death natural, the causes and variety of it described, xi. 466-493. More terrible in view than reality, xi. 469. Of the faithful, a fleep to immortality, xii. 425-434. The gate of life, xii. 571.
Death eternal confidered, x. 808.
Deluge universal. See Noah.
Defpair, the degrees and colours of it, iv. 1o8.
Devils, why eternally excluded from grace, iii. 129.
Discord cenfured, ii. 496. Daughter of Sin, &c. x. 707.
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