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broke only into pieces, to represent the straw that they made use of in the making of their bricks. In another dish they have celery, lettuce, chervil, cresses, wild succory, and parsley. These are their bitter herbs. A cruet full of vinegar, and another of oil, are set on the table, near the salad.

The Jews make a great difference between the ancient and modern way of celebrating the Passover. Formerly they used to eat the lamb roasted whole; but ever since their sacrifices have been abolished, which could be offered nowhere but at Jerusalem, they roast one part of it, and boil another; nay, sometimes cut it in pieces, which is enough to prevent its being sacrificed. The want of their sacrifices, likewise, obliges them at present to suppress several hymns, which relate to the Paschal Lamb; and their dispersion obliges them, also, to beg of God to re-establish Jerusalem, the temple, and its sacrifices, and to deliver them at this day, as he formerly did their forefathers, from the tyranny of the Egyptians. The modern Jews conclude their meal with the unleavened bread, but in former times they ended it with the lamb; and they now omit girding their loins, taking a staff in their hands, and pulling off their shoes when they eat the lamb; all which was practised under the ancient law; but they take care, however, to preserve that humility and attention which are due to this religious ceremony. They decline their heads all the time they are eating; and such Jews as are eminent for their piety put nothing into their mouths without meditating on the several mysteries with the utmost respect and veneration.

From the day after the Passover to the thirty-third day following, they spend their time in a kind of mourning; they neither marry nor dress themselves in any new clothes, neither do they cut their hair, nor show any demonstrations of public joy; because at that time, that is, from the day after the Passover until the thirty-third day after, there was once a great mortality amongst the pupils of Rabbi HACHIBA, who was one of their most celebrated doctors. After the death of some thousands, the sickness ceased on the thirty-third day of the HOMER. This day is therefore kept with general rejoicings, and puts an end to all appearance of sorrow or



The Jews call the fifty days which intervene between the Passover and the feast of Pentecost, HOMER-DAYS. On the fiftieth day of the HOMER, which is the sixth of SIVAN, is celebrated the festival SHAVUOTH, or of Weeks; which is so named, because it is kept at the end of the seven weeks, which they compute from the PassAt present it is observed for two days together.


These two days are observed almost as strictly as the Passover holidays; for no work is allowed to be done upon them, neither can the Jews transact any business, nor, in short, do anything more than on the Sabbath excepting that they are allowed to kindle their fire, dress their victuals, and carry whatever they want from place to place.

At the feast of Pentecost five persons read the sacrifice of the day, and likewise the history of Ruth, because frequent mention is made there of the harvest. At this time they regale themselves with all sorts of dainties made of milk, which, in their opinion, is a symbol of the law, both on account of its sweetness and its whiteness; and as the Jews take

a pride in having, as far as possible, the most express and lively images of the most remarkable circumstances that occurred at the birth of their religion, they never forget to serve up at table on this day a cake made moderately thick, which they call the CAKE OF SINAI. This is to remind them of Mount Sinai, on which God gave them the law.

The Jews formerly called Pentecost the feast of the Harvest, and day of First Fruits, because the first of their corn and fruit was at that time offered in the temple, which was the close of this solemnity; but this can never be in Europe, harvest falling always much later than Whitsuntide. It might, however, bear this name in the land of Canaan, Arabia, and in the neighbourhood of the Red Sea.

Upon this day their tradition assures us that the law was given on Mount SINAI; for which reason they adorn their synagogues, the HECHAL, or Ark, the reading-desk-also their lamps and candlesticks, and even their houses, with roses and other gay and odoriferous flowers and herbs, beautifully wreathed in the form of crowns and festoons. Of these decorations they are very profuse.

Their prayers are adapted to the feast, and they read the account of the sacrifice made on that day out of the Pentateuch also the Aftara, out of the Prophets, and the benediction for their prince. In the afternoon there is a sermon preached, in commemoration of the law. When the second day of the feast is over, the ceremony of the HABDALLA is performed in the evening, as at the close of the Passover, to denote that the feast is concluded.


Patriarchs, or Fathers of Families-Such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and his sons. Judges-Temporary Supreme Governors, immediately appointed by God over the children of Israel.

Kings-And they either of the whole nation, or, after the falling off of the ten tribes, of Judah or Israel.

Elders-Senators, the LXX., or Sanhedrin.

Judges-Inferior Rulers, such as determine controversies in particular cities.
Israelites-Hebrews, descendants from Jacob.

An Hebrew of Hebrews-An Israelite by original extraction.

A Proselyte of the Covenant-Who was circumcised, and submitted to the whole law. A Proselyte of the Gate-Or stranger, who worshipped one God, but remained uncircumcised.


Tirshatha-Or Governor appointed by the kings of Assyria or Persia.

Heads of the Captivity-The chief of each tribe or family, who exercised a precarious government during the Captivity.



Maccabees-The successors of Judas Maccabeus, high-priests, who presided with kingly power.


Presidents, or Governors-Sent from Rome with imperial power.
Tetrarche-Who had kingly power in four provinces.

Proconsuls-Or Deputies of Provinces.

Publicans-Or tax-gatherers.


Centurions-Captains of an hundred men.


High Priests-Who only might enter the Holy of Holies.

Second Priests, or Sagan, who supplied the high-priest's office, in case he were disabled High Priests for the War-Set apart for the occasion of an expedition.

Priests-Levites of the sons of Aaron, divided into twenty-four ranks, each rank serving weekly in the temple.

Levites Of the tribe of Levi, but not of Aaron's family: of these were three orders,Gershonites, Koharthites, Merarites, several sons of Levi.

Nethinims-Inferior servants to the priests and Levites, not of their tribe, to draw water and cleave wood, &c.

Prophets-Anciently called Seers, who foretold future events, and denounced God's judgments.

Children of the Prophets-Their disciples or scholars.

Wise Men-So called in imitation of the Eastern Magi, or Gentile Philosophers.
Scribes-Writers and expounders of the law.

Dispulers-That raised and determined questions out of the law.

Rabbins or Doctors-Teachers of Israel.

Libertines-Freedmen of Rome, who, being Jews or proselytes, had a synagogue or oratory for themselves.

Gaulonites, or Galileans-Who pretended it unlawful to obey a heathen magistrate. Herodians-Who shaped their religion to the times, and particularly flattered Herod. Epicureans-Who placed all happiness in pleasure.

Stoics-Who denied the liberty of the will, and pretended all events were determined by fatal necessity.

Simon Magnus-Author of the heresy of the Gnosticks, who taught that men, however vicious their practice was, should be saved by their knowledge.

Nicolaitans--The disciples of Nicolas, one of the first seven Deacons who taught the community of wives.

Nazariles-Who, under a vow, abstained from wine, &c.

Nazarenes-Jews professing Christianity.

Zelots, Sicarii, or murderers-Who, under pretence of the law, thought themselves authorised to commit any outrage.

Pharisees-Separatists, who, upon the opinion of their own godliness, despised all


Sadducees - Who denied the resurrection of the dead, angels, and spirits.

Samaritans-Mongrel professors, partly heathen, and partly Jews, the offspring of the Assyrians sent to Samaria.

Apostles-Missionaries, or persons sent; they who were sent by our Saviour from their number were called The Twelve.

Bishops-Successors of the Apostles in the government of the Church.

Deacons Officers chosen by the Apostles to take care of the poor.






It is an often-repeated, but just remark, that "Great effects frequently proceed from little causes." This is pre-eminently true when applied to Mahometanism; since there appears to be scarcely any Mahometanism. ground of comparison between its author and the changes

which his system has wrought in the world; changes by far greater than any others introduced into the civilized world by a single cause, if we except those wrought by Christianity.


Mahometanism has now existed for more than twelve hundred years. It has spread its delusions over some of the fairest portions of the globe. At the present time, it may be found holding an almost undisputed where it exists. sway throughout the Turkish dominions in Europe, Asia, and Africa; in the Barbary states, in the interior of Africa; the eastern coast of Africa, and the island of Madagascar; in Arabia ; the Persian states; the Russian states of Little Tartary, Astrachan, Kazan, Kirghis, Kazaks, &c.; amongst the independent Tartars; in a great part of Hindoostan; many of the Eastern islands, as Malay, Sumatra, Java, &c. &c.; and may be traced in different parts even of the vast empire of China. Its blinded and deluded votaries are estimated at from one hundred, to one hundred and twenty millions.


That Mahomet was a remarkable man in many respects must be admitted. He had doubtless native talents of a superior order, and an ambition for power and authority which scarcely knew any The success of bounds; but these are insufficient to account for the renot to be attri- ligious and political ascendency which he gained, or the buted entirely to wide diffusion and enduring permanence of that system of the genius of its imposture which he palmed upon the world. The means employed by him were entirely disproportioned to the success which crowned his efforts.


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How theu shall the problem of his success be resolved? The state of the Eastern world, where this imposture began, was indeed of the Christian favourable to its spread. For several centuries following world, although the apostolic age, the Christian religion subsisted in a that was favour great degree in its original purity and simplicity. But a gradual decline of the spirit of Christianity took place.


Ignorance, superstition, and corruption prevailed to an alarming extent; and by the commencement of the seventh century, the state of the Christian world had become gloomy and appalling. In the eastern parts of the Roman empire, especially Syria and the countries bordering upon Arabia, as well as in some parts of Arabia itself, these evils were aggravated by the numerous sects and heresies that prevailed, and by the incessant controversial wars which they waged with each other. The church was torn to pieces by the furious disputes of the Arians, Sabellians, Nestorians, Eutychians, and Collyridians, by whom the great doctrines of Christianity were so confounded with metaphysical subtleties and the jargon of schools, that they ceased, in great measure, to be regarded as a rule of life, or as pointing out the only way of salvation. The religion of the Gospel, the blessed source of peace, love, and unity among men, became, by the perverseness of sectaries, a firebrand of burning contention. Council after council was called-canon after canon was enacted-prelates were traversing the country in every direction in the prosecution of party purposes, resorting to every base art, to obtain the authoritative establishment of their own peculiar tenets, and the condemnation and suppression of those of their adversaries. The contests also for the episcopal office ran so high, particularly in the West, that the opposing parties repeatedly had recourse to violence, and, in one memorable instance, the interior of a Christian church was stained by the blood of a number of the adherents of the rival bishops, who fell victims to their fierce contentions. Yet it is little to be wondered at, that these places of preferment should have been so greedily sought after by men of corrupt minds, when we learn that they opened the direct road to wealth, luxury, and priestly power. Ancient historians represent the bishops of that day as enriched by the presents of the opulent, as riding abroad in pompous state in chariots and sedans, and surpassing in the extravagance of their feasts the sumptuousness of princes; while, at the same time, the most barbarous ignorance was fast overspreading the nations of Christendom, the ecclesiastical orders themselves not excepted. Among the bishops, the legitimate instructors and defenders of the church, numbers were to be found incapable of composing the poor discourses which their office required them to deliver to the people, or of subscribing the decrees which they passed in their councils. The little learning in vogue was chiefly confined to the monks. But they, instead of cultivating science, or diffusing any kind of useful knowledge, squandered their time in the study of the fabulous legends of pretended saints and martyrs, or in composing histories equally fabulous.

This woful corruption of doctrine and morals in the clergy was followed, as might be expected, by a very general depravity of the common people; and though we cannot suppose that God left himself altogether without witnesses in this dark period, yet the number of the truly faithful had dwindled down to a mere remnant, and the wide-spreading defection seemed to call aloud for the judgments of heaven.*

Although the state of the Christian world was thus favourable to the spread of the Mahometan imposture, this is by no means sufficient to account

Bush's Life of Mahomet.

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