his Blood to be drank; or that, if he could, the Benefit of eating, and drinking them, could be fo great as he had promised; therefore they went away, and walked no more with him, Ver. 66. Chrift foreknew what corrupt Gloffes Men of latter Ages would put upon his Words, and how difficult it would be for private Chriftians to break through Prejudices, and Mistakes, made current by the Countenance and Traditions, of great Men. And perhaps there is no one Point in our Religion, that requires more Labour, and Study, to be rightly informed in, at this Day, than this of which I am now speaking; I mean the true difcerning of our Lord's Body in the Holy Sacrament, and the Benefits promised to them who receive it, in this fixth Chapter of St. John's Gofpel. Let me prevail with any fenfible Chriftian to read this Chapter with Serioufness and Attention, and especially from the 26th to the 36th Verfe, and again from the 50th to the 64th Verfe, and to permit his own Reafon to be judge of the Meaning and Intention of our Saviour in this Place; let him hear the Voice of his Bleffed Mafter speaking to him, and not be drawn afide by the artful Gloffes of Popih, or mistaken Proteftant Commentators; and I judge it impoffible for him to misunderstand fuch plain Declarations as Chrift there makes, concerning the Sacrament of his Flesh, and Blood. They are plain to us who know that our Lord did afterwards Sect. 42. ordain fuch a Sacrament. Though when our Saviour fpake them, the Apoftles themfelves were fhocked with them, because they were not yet acquainted with his In tention. Certainly it is a Matter of great Importance rightly to understand Christ's Words in this Place. It does not appear that he did ever, in the whole Courfe of his Ministry, preach with more Earneftness and Emotion: He never ufed fuch Repetitions, and Inculcations of the fame Thing, in Variety of Phrases to the fame Purpose, as he does upon this Occafion. These are no vain Repetitions, but evident Demonftrations, that he spake concerning a Point of the greatest Confequence, and in which a Miftake would prove very dangerous. He was fpeaking of the only Sacrifice, the peculiar Worship of his Church, the most fublime Ordinance that ever had been, or could be delivered to Men. And this was a juft Reason why he should infift on it with an unufual Warmth. Let others then labour for the Bread that perifheth, for the tranfitory fading Enjoyments of this Life: But let all honeft Chriftians exercise their Care, and Industry, to work in their Hearts a just Notion of this fublime Mystery, and a fincere Faith of what Chrift hath taught us concerning it; and then let them reform their Thoughts, and Words, and Actions, fo as to render them fuitable 3 fuitable to the End, and Defign, of the Chriftian Sacrifice. This will indeed be a Work, but it is a Work well befitting a Chriftian. It is a Labour that shall not be in vain. For be who eats Chrift's Flesh, and drinks his Blood, bath eternal Life. To him, with the Father, and the Holy Ghoft, be ascribed all Honour, Glory, &c. World without End. Amen. The End of the third Difcourfe. N 2 Devotions 180 Devotions for the Altar. I. Such Acts of Faith in Chrift, as are neceffary to make us good Communicants. I BOW my Heart and Knees to thee, O merciful God, and Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, acknowledging that I am not by Nature able or worthy to offer up any Devotions to thee, with Affurance of being accepted; and confeffing at the fame Time thy Grace and Goodness, by which thou haft granted us Access to thee, through thy beloved Son Chrift Jefus, and encouraged me to confide in him, as the only Mediator and Advocate. I earneftly defire fo to confider the Miracles of his Birth, Life, Death, Refurrection, and Afcenfion, that I may grow and abound in the Faith of him, as the great Prophet that was to come into the World; that by this Means I may be difpofed to make a proper Ufe of his Mediatorfhip, by being conftant and zealous in all the holy Duties and Services, which he demands of us, and to which he doth fo ftrongly invite us, and in which he doth fo powerfully affift us, and for for which at last he will fo plentifully reward us. Above all the publick Services which I owe to thee, I defire not to be defective in that which is the most perfect of all, the Ordinance of thy Son's own. Inftitution, the receiving the Bread, and Cup, which he himfelf first bleffed, and by which we are commanded to fhew forth his Death, till his fecond coming to judge the World. And to the end that I may be fit and worthy to eat that Bread, which endureth to everlasting Life, do thou enable me to perform that Work, and Labour of Faith, which is neceffary to this Purpose. May I every Day more and more firmly believe Jefus Chrift to be that Lamb of God, who was offered as a Sacrifice to thee, O Heavenly Father, for taking away the Sins of the World; that was offered in Mystery, under the Symbols of Bread and Wine. O may I, on all Occasions, so eat this Bread in the Kingdom of God here on Earth, that I may difcern and perceive it to be the Seal of my Pardon, and of my future Refurrection to eternal Life. May I relish and digeft it by Faith, as the Bread of God, as enriched and confecrated by the Divine Spirit, through whom our Saviour offered himfelf to God for us. Thou, O Jefus Chrift, haft the Words of eternal Life, and thou thyself haft faid, My Flesh is Meat indeed, my Blood is Drink indeed; N 3 |