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The family being assembled, the person appointed shall read from the Old or New Testament, after which the following litany shall be said in alternate paragraphs by the reader and the family.

Reader. Father Almighty, thou lovest those who love thee; and when they pray from the heart, thou givest what they need.

Answer. Thou art looking at us now in mercy, and hearing what we say.

R. Thou art great and wise and powerful. Ans. We would meditate on thy greatness and power.

R. The light of the sun was made by thee. Ans. And the light of the moon was made by thee.

R. The birds that fly in the air are thine. Ans. And the fishes that swim in the deep sea are thine.

R. Thou givest light and color to the beautiful flowers.

Ans. And thou dost ripen the fruits of the earth.

R. Thou givest food to all creatures.
Ans. Thou hast fed us every day.

R. To children thou givest parents and friends, teachers and books.

Ans. O Lord, we thank thee for all thy good


R. We ought to remember thee, and to love hee with all our hearts.

Ans. We pray that we may do so.

R. Thou hast given us thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, who has told children how to be good and happy, and has promised to take such to heaven when they die.

Ans. With all our hearts we desire to do what Jesus tells us, that we may live in his happy family forever.

R. He says that we must not think any wicked thoughts; must not say any wicked words; must not do any wicked actions.

Ans. O Lord, help us to remember these

things; and if we do wrong, may we be sorry, and do so no more.

R. Holy and merciful God, we wish thee to love each one of us, to bless us, and keep us from all evil.

Ans. And we wish thee to love and bless our parents, relations and teachers.

R. We also desire thee to bless all others, especially the sick, the ignorant and the poor.

Ans. O Heavenly Father, do thou feed poor children, and clothe them, and give them books and make them as happy as we are.

Then shall be said the prayer for the day, and also the Lord's Prayer.

Our Father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil; for thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.




ALMIGHTY and ever blessed God, source of all-being, and fountain of all good; we, thy children, come before thee this morning, to express our sense of thy goodness to us, to acknowledge our dependence upon thee, to adore thy greatness, and commend ourselves to thy care.

Glory be to thy name that thou hast made us capable of holding communion, with thee, the Father of our spirits, and of receiving the revelations of thy word and will. Glory be to thy name for the heavenly doctrines, precepts, and promises of the Gospel of thy Son. We make it our earnest prayer to thee, that our hearts may be touched by its holy influences, that our characters may be formed by its Spirit,

that our lives may be governed by its laws. O guide us, we beseech thee, in the ways of its truth to the everlasting home which it promises to the righteous.

Let our attendance this day on thy public worship, and the services and instructions of thy house, conduce to our spiritual improvement and our eternal good. Let us enter thy gates with thanksgiving, and thy courts with praise, and take with us our best affections and resolutions to the temple of the Lord. Let not our thoughts, which ought to be engaged in the holiest offices, be still returning to the cares, pleasures, and follies of a transitory world; neither let us take thy name upon our lips when our hearts are far from thee. But let our prayers and meditations exalt and purify us, and assist us to discharge our duties in this life, and contribute to prepare us for that eternal world to which we are rapidly hastening.

Bless all who call upon thy name this day. May they approach thee in sincerity, humility, and love. May all denominations of Christians, however divided in opinion, be joined together

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